Olen seurannut jonkin aikaa sormi suussa tätä väittelyä. Ottamatta kantaa muuhun kuin siihen, että mielestäni 'foo' on ollut selvästi objektiivisin riitapukari, kirjoitan suoran lainauksen Arnold Schwarzeneggerin kirjasta (1998) koskien hauisten treenaamista:
"Again, the major mistake I see in biceps training is lack of full movement. There is probably no body part in which training for a full range of motion is so important... Some bodybuilders don't want to lower the weight to full extension, with theirs arms locked out, because they can't lift as much weight that way. But they forget that it is this lower area of the range of motion that creates the real thickness in the lower biceps and makes the muscle appear to come right out of the forearm."
"Doing Cheat Curls, you can use a weight that feels very heavy in the "easy" part of the movement... Handling this amount of weight does not help create great biceps shape or give the muscle high peak, but it certainly is effective as a mass builder. However, Cheat Curls should be no more than 10 percent of your biceps program. You also need a variety of strict movements to develop the complete quality of the muscle."