Originally posted by Pig
Vaikka paljon olen nähnyt ja kokenut, niin vieläkään en tiedä miten nätisti osaisin tulla tangon alta jos veisin sarjan ihan loppuun
Kun kyykkää kyykkyhäkissä, missä on jämerät varmistusraudat, niin voi kyykätä ilman ihmisvarmistajia iiihan loppuun asti turvallisesti. Jos ei tuommosta ole saatavilla, niin ei kai auta kuin jättää hieman vajaaksi ainakin viimeinen sarja ja viimeistellä jalkalihakset jollain muulla liikkeellä.
Mistress Kristalla on hyvä perustelu sille, miksi smitti on pahasta:
http://www.stumptuous.com/weights.html -> training -> the basics of a home gym (en osannut suoraa linkkiä laittaa). Teksti on humoristinen, mutta täyttä asiaa. Eli:
AUDIENCE MEMBER #2: I've heard of Smith machines. How is a power rack better?
MISTRESS: An excellent question! Quite simply, the Smith machine is a tool of the Devil. You probably don't need any more convincing! But since this is an infomercial and we have 30 minutes to fill, I'll expand on that. You see, the Smith machine has a bar that moves along a fixed track, in a straight line. This forces your body to move in a single plane of motion. Humans, being squishy and lumpy, do not move in straight lines. When you squat with a bar, the bar will move in a curve as you shift your centre of gravity. When you squat in a Smith machine, the bar does not move, which means your body is forced to compensate. And do we know what that means?
AUDIENCE: Knee injuries! Spine injuries!
MISTRESS: Very good!! I'm going to toss 5 free T-shirts into the audience! They have the name and number of my chiropractor on them! Another problem with the Smith machine is that it does not allow you to develop the balance and stability that carries over into real-world activities. Bending, squatting, moving under a load are common daily activities for which we need balance and stability. Trying to stand upright with a load on our backs trains us to adapt easily to this challenge. After years of squatting, I can now stand on one leg in a moving subway train while pouring tea.
INFOMERCIAL FLUNKY: So, Mistress, why is it that personal trainers and gym staff like to push the Smith machine?
MISTRESS: Because, my plastic personality pal, many personal trainers wouldn't know basic biomechanics if it was on fire and rollerblading naked past them. Sad to say, many so-called personal training certifications aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Thus, many gym staff are deluded into thinking that the Smith machine is "safer", or at least "easier" because they don't have to bother teaching their clients how to squat properly. I guess if you call shearing force on delicate joints safer, you probably also use your head to stop fan blades too.
Miksei smitillä voisi vaihtelun vuoksi joskus kyykkäillä, mutta kyllä vapaasti liikkuvalla tangolla kyykkääminen on järkevää olla isommassa roolissa jalkareenissä kuin smithkyykky.
Tonspa ja Kraftwerk n: kaikki eivät ole yhtä onnekkaita punttireenin aloittamisen suhteen kuin te :( Uskon kyllä, että painonnostoharjoittelu olisi erinomainen ellei jopa paras mahdollinen tapa aloittaa punttireenit.