Kiertäjäkalvosin kuntoon
Kiinnitin asiaan / threadiin vasta nyt huomiota kun eräässä punttiohjelmassa (muscle magazine 2000) kehoitettiin tekemään Rotator Cuff Excercise. Salillakaan kukaan ei tiennyt mikä tämä on, joten nettin ja sen seitsemän hakusanaa kehiin.
Allaolevien liikkeiden väitetään a. Parantavan penkkitulosta joka on jumittunut b. Korjaavan kiertäjäkalvosimen vaivat ja tuskat.
Kaikki kehoittavat pieniin painoihin. Mutta koska penkkini on 100 + kiloa, otin tietysti miespainon: 5 kg. Ja pahus. oli liikaa. Kun sitten tein liikkeet 2,5 kg limpulla, tunne oli OK. Ja tuo Bradford press tehtynä hiukan isommalla painolla tuntui juuri oikealta liikkeeltä minulle.
Näitä kun veivaan seuraavan kuukauden olen valmis 150 kg penkkiyritykseen.
Pahoittelut englanninkielisestä jatkosta, mutta en jaksa kääntää. Jos noita osia leikkaa ja liimaa niin törmää saitteihin joista ne nyysin, niistä oli kuvat mukana kieltä ymmärtämättömille.
HUOM: kyseessä on kolmen tai neljän eri siten ohjelmia, käytä järkeä kun olet lukenut.
Rotator Cuff Exercise Routine
The most effective is the side-lying external rotation.
dumbbell 3 kilograms
dumbbell raised up 45 degree angle, arm still flexed close to the body, at a pace of two seconds up and four seconds down.
propped external rotator
sit perpendicular to the barbell, arm flexed at 90 degrees at the elbow
raise the dumbbell up until the forearm points up.
lateral raise with internal rotation (LRIR). Grasping a dumbbell in each hand,internally rotate arm thumbs point towards the floor - as if the lifter is emptying a drink into a bin. raise his arms sideways, with the thumbs still pointing downwards, until the dumbbells are just below the shoulders.
Standing Rotator Cuff Rotations:
Hold your arms out to the sides at shoulder level with your elbow bent to 90°. Keeping your elbows bent, rotate your arms until your hands are above your head. Then rotate your arms back down to the starting position.
Bradford Press:
Grip the bar just a bit wider then shoulder width. Press the bar up and lower the bar behind the head. Press the bar back up and lower the bar to the front of the head. Keep alternating pressing to the front and back of the head. Do not lock out the elbows, keep your elbows slightly bent throughout the entire exercise.
Standing Dumbbell Flyes:
This movement is similar to how you would do chest flyes if you were lying down on a bench. Hold a pair of dumbbells out in front of your body. Keep your elbows bent at all times. Open your arms as wide as you comfortably can and then return your arms to the starting position.
Lying "L" Flyes The book "The 7-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution" recommends this exercise be performed with very light weight. If you are rehabbing an injury, they recommend you use 1 to 5 lbs. at most. If you are conditioning to prevent injury, they recommend using 5 to 15 lbs. and never exceed 20 lbs. The external rotators are small muscles and can be easily injured if you try to move a lot of weight with them.
Lying on your side on a flat bench, begin with your arm bent at 90 degrees at the elbow, your upper arm along your side and your forearm down across your chest.
Hold a very light dumbell in your hand and while maintaining the 90 degree angle bend in your
elbow, slowly lift the weight. If you are rehabbing an injury, lift only until your forearm is just above
parallel to the ground. If you are not rehabbing an injury, lift your arm as high as is comfortable. If
you experience any discomfort in your shoulder during the exercise, try putting a small pillow under your elbow. It is important while doing this exercise to not raise your upper arm off your body or let it slip forward and down. You should keep your arm at your side at all times. Rolling back while doing the exercise is also a no, no. Keep your body in the same plane throughout the movement.