- Liittynyt
- 18.4.2002
- Viestejä
- 7 425
Et nyt ole tainnut oikein ymmärtää Doggcrappin perusperiaatteita, sillä missään vaiheessa ei ole väitetty, että sarjapainoja voisi muka kasvattaa loputtomiin. Jossain vaiheessa kehitys alkaa hidastua entistäkin enemmän, kun omia geneettisiä rajoja lähestytään. Doggcrappissa ei ole kyse mistään muusta kuin noiden rajojen mahdollisimman tehokkaasta saavuttamisesta (sekä lihasmassan että sarjapainojen suhteen).neutraali sanoi:myönsit sinäkin lopulta että raja jossain on;)
http://members.tiscali.fi/hulkki/dctraining.htmDante sanoi:The absolutely most important thing of any of this is I write down all weights and reps done from the working set on a notepad. So every time I go into the gym I have to continually look back and beat the previous times reps/weight or both. If I can't or I don't beat it, no matter if I love doing the exercise or not, I have to change to a new exercise. Believe me this adds a grave seriousness, a clutch performance or imperativeness to a workout! I have exercises I love to do and knowing I will lose them if I don't beat the previous stats sucks! But there is a method to this madness because when you get to that sticking point of strength (AND YOU WILL, THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN HACK SQUAT UP TO 50 PLATES A SIDE) that is when your muscle=strength gains will stop. At that point you must turn to a different exercise and then get brutally strong on that one. Then someday you will peak out on that one too. You can always come back to that loved exercise in the future and you'll start somewhat lower and build up to a peak again--and trust me that peak will be far more than the previous one. Some exercises you'll stay with and gain strength at for almost up to a year and some exercises you'll be at the limit in 4 weeks and lose them but its all in the plan.