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endurance training testosterone
Twelve weeks of moderate-intensity and low frequency training had no effect on resting serum testosterone, but were sufficient to increase aerobic fitness among sedentary young men. The type of exercise training may encourage sedentary individuals to participate regularly in the program on physical activity.
Sohvaperunoilla 12 viikossa 1 treenikerta per viikko kohtuullisen tehokasta aerobista harjoittelua ei vaikuttanut seerumin testoihin levossa, mutta oli tarpeeksi kunnon kehittämiseksi.
Both groups replaced part of their usual training with 8 30-minute sessions consisting of sets of explosive single-leg jumps alternating with sets of high-intensity cycling sprints performed at either low cadence (60-70 min(-1)) or high cadence (110-120 min(-1)) on a training ergometer. Testosterone concentration was assayed in saliva samples collected before and after each session. Cycle ergometry before and after the intervention provided measures of performance (mean power in a 60-s time trial, incremental peak power, 4-mM lactate power) and physiologic indices of endurance performance (maximum oxygen uptake, exercise economy, fractional utilization of maximum oxygen uptake). Testosterone concentration in each session increased by 97% +/- 39% (mean +/- between-subject SD) in the low-cadence group but by only 62% +/- 23% in the high-cadence group. Performance in the low-cadence group improved more than in the high-cadence group, with mean differences of 2.5% (90% confidence limits, +/-4.8%) for 60-second mean power, 3.6% (+/-3.7%) for peak power, and 7.0% (+/-5.9%) for 4-mM lactate power. Maximum oxygen uptake showed a corresponding mean difference of 3.2% (+/-4.2%), but differences for other physiologic indices were unclear. Correlations between changes in performance and physiology were also unclear. Low-cadence interval training is probably more effective than high-cadence training in improving performance of well-trained competitive cyclists. The effects on performance may be related to training-associated effects on testosterone and to effects on maximum oxygen uptake.
Kilpapyöräilijöillä 60-70 min pyöräily nosti testotasoja enemmän kuin 110-120 min pyöräily.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of short-term, moderate intensity and low volume endurance training on gonadal hormone profile in untrained men. Fifteen young, healthy men performed an endurance training of 5-week duration on a cycle ergometer. Before and after the exercise program all participants completed a maximal incremental test. Concentration of testosterone (T), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and cortisol (C) as well as blood morphology were determined in venous blood samples at rest both before and after the training. The training program resulted in 3.7% improvement of maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) and 8.2% improvement of power output reached at VO(2max) (PO (max)). This was accompanied by significant increase in T (from 18.84+/-5.73 nmol.l(-1) to 22.03+/-6.61 nmol.l(-1), p = 0.0004) and calculated fT concentration (from 374+/-116 pmol.l(-1) to 470+/-153 pmol.l(-1), p = 0.00005). Moreover, the training caused a significant decrease in SHBG concentration (from 34.45+/-11.26 nmol.l(-1) to 31.95+/-10.40 nmol.l(-1), p = 0.01), whereas no significant changes were found in the cortisol concentration (334+/-138 nmol.l(-1) vs. 367+/-135 nmol.l(-1) for pre- and post-training measures, respectively, p = 0.50) and T/C and fT/C ratios. We have concluded that short-term, moderate intensity and low volume endurance training can significantly increase testosterone concentration in previously untrained men.
Reenaamattomilla miehillä lyhytaikainen, keskikovalla intensiteetillä ja matalalla volyymillä tehty kestävyysharjoittelu voi nostaa merkittävästi testotasoja.
Exercise is known to be a powerful stimulus for the endocrine system. The hormonal response to exercise is dependent on several factors including the intensity, duration, mode of exercise (endurance versus resistance), and training status of the subject. The aim of the present study was to determine the steroid hormonal response (immediately after a race and 1 week later) to endurance exercise under the real conditions of the classic Athens marathon in a group of well-trained, middle-aged, non-elite athletes.
Blood samples were drawn 1 week before the race, directly after completion of the race, and 1 week later.
Serum cortisol and prolactin showed distinct rises 1 h after the race and returned to baseline 1 week later. Androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate did not show any changes. Total testosterone as well as free testosterone dropped significantly 1 h after the race but returned to baseline 1 week later.
In this particular group of non-elite, middle-aged marathon runners, the race resulted in an acute increase in serum cortisol and prolactin levels and in a concomitant decline in testosterone level. The aforementioned changes returned to baseline 1 week later.
Tässä ryhmässä keski-ikäisillä maratonjuoksijoilla kilpailu aiheutti akuutin nousun kortisolissa ja prolaktiinissa ja laskun testoissa. Nämä muutokset palautuivat aiemmalle tasolle viikon kuluttua.
The purpose of this study was to systematically evaluate the effect of endurance exercise duration on hormone concentrations in male subjects while controlling for exercise intensity and training status. Eight endurance-trained males (19-49 years) completed a resting control session and three treadmill runs of 40, 80, and 120 min at 55% of VO2max . Blood samples were drawn before the session and then 1, 2, 3 and 4 h after the start of the run. Plasma was analyzed for luteinizing hormone (LH), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), cortisol, and free and total testosterone. LH was significantly greater at rest compared to the running sessions. Both free and total testosterone generally increased in the first hour of the 80 and 120 min runs and then showed a trend for a steady decline for the next 3 h of recovery. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate increased in a dose-response manner with the greatest increases observed during the 120-min run, followed by the 80-min run. Cortisol only increased in response to the 120-min run and showed a decline across time in all other sessions. The ratios of anabolic hormones (testosterone and DHEAS) to cortisol were greater during the resting session and the 40-min run compared to the longer runs. The results indicate that exercise duration has independent effects on the hormonal response to endurance exercise. At a low intensity, longer duration runs are necessary to stimulate increased levels of testosterone, DHEAS and cortisol and beyond 80 min of running there is a shift to a more catabolic hormonal environment.
Matalalla intensiteetillä, pidempikestoiset juoksut ovat välttämättömiä testotasojen, kortisolin ja DHEA:n nousun stimuloimiseksi. 80 minuutin juoksun jälkeen notkahtaa katabolisemmalle puolelle.
Hakusanoina interval training testosterone
We evaluated the effect of different types of sprint interval sessions on the balance between anabolic and catabolic hormones and circulating inflammatory cytokines. Twelve healthy elite junior handball players (17-25 years) participated in the study. Exercise consisted of increasing distance (100 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m) and decreasing distance (400 m, 300 m, 200 m, 100 m) sprint interval runs on a treadmill (at random order), at a constant work rate of 80% of the personal maximal speed (calculated from the maximal speed of a 100 m run). The total rest period between the runs in the different interval sessions were similar. Blood samples were collected before, after each run, and after 1-hour recovery. Both types of sprint interval trainings led to a significant (p < 0.05) increase in lactate and the anabolic factors growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), and testosterone levels. Both types of sprint interval sessions led to a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the circulating pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators IL-1, IL-6, and IL1ra. IL-6 remained elevated in both sessions after 1-hour recovery. Area under the curve was significantly greater (p < 0.05) for lactate and growth hormone (GH) in the decreasing distance session. In contrast, rate of perceived exertion was higher in the increasing distance session, but this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.07). Changes in anabolic-catabolic hormones and inflammatory mediators can be used to gauge the training intensity of anaerobic-type exercise. Changes in the GH-IGF-I axis and testosterone level suggest exercise-related anabolic adaptations. Increases in inflammatory mediators may indicate their important role in muscle tissue repair after anaerobic exercise. The decreasing distance interval was associated with a greater metabolic (lactate) and anabolic (GH) response but not with a higher rate of perceived exertion. Coaches and athletes should be aware of these differences, and as a result, of a need for specific recovery adaptations after different interval training protocols.
Eri mittaiset sprintit (100-400m) aiheuttivat merkittävän nousun laktaatissa, kasvuhormonissa, IGF-1:ssä, IGFBP-3:ssa ja testoissa. Molemmat sprinttityylit aiheuttivat myös merkittävän nousun pro- and anti-inflammatory (en osannu suomentaa) välittäjissä. Nuo nousut tulehdusvälittäjissä (?) voivat osoittaa niiden tärkeää roolia lihaskudoksen korjaamisessa anaerobisen harjoituksen jälkeen.
The aim of this study was to examine the acute responses of serum growth hormone, testosterone, and cortisol to three training protocols in rowing. Six young rowers, members of the national team, carried out three frequently used protocols in rowing, i.e., an endurance, a moderate interval, and a resistance protocol, on separate days in a counterbalanced design. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, and 4 h after exercise for the determination of growth hormone, testosterone, cortisol, and creatine kinase. All three protocols caused marked increases in growth hormone, the most spectacular being that immediately after the endurance protocol. The change in testosterone concentration immediately after the endurance protocol was significantly higher than the changes after the other two protocols. Cortisol concentration was significantly higher immediately after the endurance protocol than after the other two protocols, but remained relatively low in all cases, suggesting that these protocols did not considerably promote catabolism in muscle tissue. Based on these data, endurance training caused greater responses of the three hormones studied compared to interval or resistance training. In fact, resistance training (at intensities above 85% of 1RM) did not cause any significant changes in the three hormones. We therefore propose that evaluation of training programmes designed for elite athletes should include measurements of hormonal changes in order to ascertain that the programmes do cause the expected adaptations.
Kuusi kansallisen joukkueen soutajaa teki kolme eri harjoitusta soutamalla: kestävyys, keskikova intervalli ja vastusharjoitus. Kaikissa harjoitusmuodoissa kasvuhormonitasot nousivat. Testojen muutos oli kestävyysharjoituksessa merkittävästi suurempi kuin kahdessa muussa. Kortisolit olivat merkittävästi korkeammalla kestävyysharjoituksen jälkeen kuin muissa, mutta kaikissa kortisolit pysyivät suhteellisen alhaalla, mikä antaa viitteitä siitä, että nämä harjoitteet eivät merkittävästi aiheuttaneet kataboliaa. Näiden tietojen perusteella kestävyysharjoittelu aiheutta suuremman vasteen kolmessa tutkitussa hormonissa verrattuna intervalliharjoitukseen tai vastusharjoitukseen.
This investigation provides an insight into the physiological changes produced, and processes operating, during and after a typical interval exercise training regime. The role of interval exercise in the modulation of the plasma concentration of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and the hormones beta-oestradiol, testosterone, prolactin and growth hormone was assessed. Eight trained male athletes [mean maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) 64.3 (SD 3.8) ml.kg-1 x min-1, mean age 31.5 (SD 4.5) years] undertook an intense interval exercise (treadmill running) protocol to exhaustion. Subjects completed an average of 15.6 x 1-min runs. This interval protocol produced significant increase in the plasma concentration of SHBG and all four hormones (all P < 0.01) in the immediate post-test period. The plasma concentration of the hormones increased as indicated: beta-oestradiol (45%), testosterone (38%), prolactin (230%), growth hormone (2000%). These hormones have an established capacity to interact with components of many physiological systems and, as such, may provide a mechanism for the changes induced by intense exercise in many of these systems.
Kahdeksan urheilijaa tekivät intensiivisen intervalliharjoituksen juosten juoksumatolla uupumukseen asti. Mm. testot (38%), prolaktiini (230%) ja kasvuhormoni (2000%) kasvoivat merkittävästi.
Tuossa mun taidoilla jotain katsottuna liittyen lähinnä vain testoihin. En ota kantaa tutkimusten laadukkuuteen tai siihen, miten luotettavia nuo tutkimukset ovat.
Nämähän eivät kerro siitä intervalli vs aerobinen asetelmasta muuta kuin, että tee alle 80 min lenkkejä, niin ei tuu kataboliaa, tai intervalleja, jos haluaa hetkellisiä boosteja hormonitasoihin. Kulutukseltaan nuo saattavat olla hieman erit tietenkin.
Uutta ei ole mielestäni mitenkään se, että maratoonaritason lenkkimäärillä katabolia nakertaa.
Edit. Mutta katabolisia ovat myös sellaiset harjoitukset, joissa treenimäärät ylittävät kehon kyvyn sopeutua, jolloin ensimmäisiä merkkejä on mm. testojen lasku.