Voiko joku vähä tiivistää tuota mitä se oli siellä Tampesterissa riehunut? Ei taho oikee nuo kielet taipua meikäläiseltä... :D
Arguments advocating Mr Khudayarov's 2 years ban from the federation:
- Mr. Khudayarov insulted the organizing country and it's athletes and the whole competition by shouting Fuck Finland at the warm up area on Finland's independence day
- Mr. Khudayarov inhibited athletes from taking rackheights from the only monolift in the warm up area with the same rackheights as the monolift from the platform (His wife Anna Karrila included in this action)
- Mr. Khudayarov neglected head referees orders not to throw magnesium on the competition bench (he was warned once but second time he did it again, it was very obvious that this was intentional because after this one of the referees mentioned about this and Mr. Khudayarov then looked at the referee very angry and asked can he eat it. Referee (Arto Männistö 64 years of age) told him it was ok to eat it, Then Mr. Khudayarov asked if the referee wants to eat it in a very agressive manner).
- Mr Khudayarov took a powerlifting bar from one of the female athletes hands (Jenni Erola) who were warming up for the competition therefor making it harder for Ms. Erola to do the proper warming up.
- Mr Khudayarov Took one of the benches for himself and maybe 250kg of plates reserved for athletes to show his strength and to mock the athletes and the competition. He did the same in Deadlift with 300+kg of plates. This made the competing athletes warming up much harder.
- Mr. Khudayarov tried to force his wife Anna Karrila from lifting at the GPA Worlds 2013 by frightening Mrs. Karrila by saying if Mrs Karrila is to lift at the Worlds 2013 he would leave Finland and never come back
-Huuteli kisoissa Fuck Finland porukalle Suomen itsenäisyyspäivänä kisan lämppäystiloissa
-Hankaloitti muiden lämmittelyjä omimalla yhen monoliftin
-Ei noudattanu päätuomarin käskyjä mankunkäytöstä. Myös käyttäyty uhkaavasti päätuomaria(64v) kohtaan.
-Otti tangon erään naisnostajan käsistä hankaloittaen nostajan lämppäilyjä
-Omi lämppätiloissa yhden penkin ja 250kg painolevyjä ympärillään leijuen ja vittuillakseen muille nostajille. Teki saman homman 300+ maven osalta lämppätiloissa.
-Koitti estää vaimonsa nostamisen kisoissa uhaten poistua Suomesta (Oispa poistunu!!!)
Lopussa on sitte se mun lainaama tiivistelmä ylempää. Linkistä tosiaan saa vähän tarkempaa infoa jutusta.