Nahkahanska, on muuten suurin osa tosta painosta nestettä/rasvaa. Lihasta muodostuu enintään noin 2kg lihasta kuukaudessa. Tosin voi johtua siitä, että alotit vasta bulkkauksen?
Ja niin, tuosta kyykystä. Tossa on jotain tietoa siitä mistä puhuin. En löytänyt sitä t-nationin artikkelia.
Edit: "This same study was used as an example in t-nation. In the t-nation article though, they had pictures. The pictures showed that the experiment was conducted using a narrow, deep squat. In a narrow, olympic style squat it is impossible (for some) to not have the knees travel over the toes. By trying to keep the knees behind the toes, it puts you in a very awkward position. I think this awkward position is the cause of the HUGE increase in stress to the hips and back.
I think the reason you guys are generally rejecting this article is because you're all thinking of the squat in the experiment as a wide stance, parallel, powerlifting squat (this IS a powerlifting forum). Powerlifting squats and olympic squats IMO are two COMPLETELY different exercises. In a powerlifting squat, keeping your knees behind your toes is more natural and consequently safe.
So for all you wide stance powerlifting squatters, keep your knees behind your toes and disregard this experiment."
Elikkä itse teen kapealla seisonnalla joten polvet yli, jos teette leveellä niin pitäkää polvet vaan takana.