Ei siinä lihasmassan palamisessa/säilymisessä ole ollut mitään eroa, kun vertaa esim. aiemmilla dieeteillä tehtyyn pelkkään lyhyiden sarjojen salitreeniin 2x päivässä. Natikkana todelliseen kisakireyteen dieetatessa lihasta yksinkertaisesti vain palaa, vaikka kuinka yrittäisi tehdä asiat viimeisen päälle.
Ei siis Hulkinkaan mielestä ole eroa käyttääkö dietillä ihan pelkästään peruskehonrakennustreenejä vapailla painoilla dietin aikana + esim. intervalleja/aerobista, tai nuo lukemattomat hifistelymetodit, miksi sitten pitäisi keksiä pyörä uudestaan tai vetää jonkun hörhön Charles Poliquin utopioilla tms., kun homma onnistuu ihan perus kehonrakennusmenetelmillä.
Alla oleva kaveri on jenkkien kolminkertainen National natural bodybuilder mestari ja IFBB PRO.
Lyhyt jässikkä, mutta kovassa kunnossa 20-vuoden treenitaustalla.
Vetelee raskaita suoria sarjoja vapailla painoilla ja ilman kikkailuja.
Dietti treenit ei juuri muuten eroa off-kaudesta, mutta mukaan tulee paljon kovatehoista anaerobista.
I Believe in the Max-OT (Maximum Overload Training) principles that I learned from Paul Delia, owner of AST Sports Science. Max-OT is a low volume, high intensity approach to stimulate muscle growth. I use basic free weight movements with heavy weight and low reps. I stay in a 4 to 6 rep range on my movements. If I can get more than 6 reps, the weight is too light. I also believe in a low number of total sets per body part and that each body part should be worked only once per week.
Mondays – Shoulders and Triceps
Seated or Standing Barbell Press (4 warm-up sets) 2 x 4-6
Seated Dumbbell Press 2 x 4-6
Side Lateral Raise (1 acclimation set) 2 x 5-8
Closegrip Bench Press (2-3 warm-up sets) 2 x 4-6
Decline Lying Extensions (1 acclimation set) 2 x 5-8
Pushdowns 2 x 5-8
Tuesdays - Legs
Leg Press (4 warm-up sets) 2 x 4-6
Front Squat (1-2 acclimation sets) 2 x 4-6
Leg Extensions (1 acclimation set if needed) 2 x 5-8Leg Curls (1 acclimation set, if needed) 2 x 5-8
Stiffleg/Romanian Deadlift (1 acclimation set, if needed) 2 x 5-8
Standing Leg Curls 2 x 5-8
Thursdays – Back & Rear Delts
T-bar Row (4 warm-ups) 2 x 4-6
Pulldowns 2 x 4-6
Pullovers (1 acclimation set) 2 x 5-8
Rear Delt Machine 2 x 5-8
One Arm Dumbbell Row 2 x 4-6
Incline (face down) Bent Laterals 2 x 5-8
Fridays – Chest and Biceps
Incline Press (4 warm-up sets) 2 x 4-6
Flat Dumbbell Press 2 x 4-6
Cable Crossovers 2 x 5-8
E-Z Bar Curls (1-2 acclimation set) 2 x 5-8
Hammer Curls 2 x 5-8
Reverse Curls 2 x 5-8
Fat Loss Cardio Tips...
Let's clear up some FAQ about cardio!
1. DO NOT perform cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach! This is a great way to encourage muscle wasting. As soon as you wake up you should have whey protein isolate and a carbohydrate source (my favorite combo is VP2 Whey Isolate by AST Sports Science with breakfast cereal as you can see in my "Lost Logs" e-book. After you have supplied the critical nutrition upon waking you can then attack Max-OT cardio and achieve great results!
2. Keep cardio short and intense. 16 to 20 minutes of high intensity cardio will have a greater effect on elevating your metabolism and will keep your metabolism elevated longer after exercise than long duration moderate intensity cardio.
3. Work out of your comfort zone the entire session. You should be "huffing and puffing" throughout.
4. Set distance goals and try to beat them every session. Working to beat your distance goals will give you a tangible marker of intensity to strive for rather than simply putting in your time.
5. Frequency. If fat loss is a high priority I recommend cardio 5-7 days a week. Remember every cardio session you do will give your metabolism a jolt and fire up the fat burning process!
Believe. Achieve.