Olisikohan sileitten vatsalihasten nimitys lontooksi "Transversus Abdominis". Suoraan sanottuna noi suomenkieliset nimitykset enemmän hakusessa kuin englannin kieliset.
Jos kyseessä sama lihas, niin tehokkaampi tapa treenata sitä olisi erinlaiset hengitysharjoitukset.
Matt Furey: Magnificent seven
1. "Farmer" Burns Stomach Flattener- Stand with arms at sides relaxed. Inhale through nose without letting stomach expand (just gently tense to avoid this). Now force air down & outward WITHOUT letting it out for 2-5 seconds. The book says to repeat this for AT Least 5 minutes, but I only do two.
2. Vacuums- Bend forward expelling ALL air out of lungs. Now without inhaling stand up pulling diaphagn/stomach under rib cage hold for 8 seconds. When you release let air draw in through nose. Do this for 10 reps
3. Tai Chi Waist Turner- stand with arms hanging loosely at sides rotate torso letting arms bend at elbows until they slap kidney area. This is done for 50 reps.
4. Back arch with forward bend & squeeze- With hands on hips inhale as you arch back as far as you can. Then exhale as you bend forward squeezing abs. 10 reps
5. Dynamic side bend w/isometric squeeze- Hold one arm overhead inhale as you bend as far to one side as you can, then move in & out just one half inch for 50 reps finishing with a 8 second squeeze of sides. Repeat on opposite side. {note: once doing movement you are breathing}
6. Hands overhead side bend- Lace fingers palms up overhead inhale bend to one side flex as hard as you can while holding 8 seconds. Do this 6 times then switch sides.
7. Trunk rotators- With hands on hips inhale hold breath as you circle around then exhale each time you reach start point. This is done for 10 then repeat in other direction.
Note: Breath in through nose exhale through mouth on everything. Do this a fully as you can. If you get light-headed this is not unusual, but should pass with time. At first these took me twenty + minutes, but not that I know then it only takes 11- minutes if I don't waste time.
Pavel tsatsouline: Power breathing
Esim täysiä hengityksiä väksin ulos. Letkun läpi vesitynnyriin että saa vastusta. 5x5 mahdollisesti päivittäin.
Sitten löytyy vielä vehke joka otetaan suuhun ja imetään ja puhalletaan......
Supertraining palstalla ollut kova väittely tuosta aiheesta, mutta kohtuullisen kovat nimet (yessis,siff) tuntuvat olevan sitä mieltä että harjoittamalla tätä lihasta saa todellakin vyötäröä kapeammaksi.