röhnis sanoi:
Näkisin syttymistaajuuteen liittyvät adaptaatiot sen verran yleisinä, että ne siirtyvät myös muihin suorituksiin.
Tjaa-a. Motorisen oppimisen asiantuntijat, kuten Faccioni, sanoisivat teille syttymistaajuuskoulukuntalaisille näin:
"Your perspective concentrates on individual mechanisms (ie motor units) involved in local muscular systems and gives little attention to the complex interrelated aspects of movement (motor skills and motor programs).
1. Power is composed of strength and speed.
2. Neurological processes coordinate physiological processes.
3. Physiological processes can be enhanced through conventional strength training regimens.
4. Neurological processes are governed by the motor cortex.
5. The motor Cortex employs motor programs to control predetermined explosive movements.
6. Motor Programs are structurally reinforced through learned motor skills.
7. Motor skills are specific to the intended movement and constructed of abilities.
8. Abilities are non-transferable and subject to specific movement patterns for their selected use.
9. Training with non-specific activities will not elicit the same neural responses in another specific activity.
10. When athletes become advanced in specific motor skills there is little transfer with even similar skills.
11. Olympic Lifts do not simulate any sporting movement accurately.
12. Therefore, Olympic Lifts do not enhance general power.
13. Power training must be very specific to the movement involved.
14. Power training must load the athlete sufficiently but minimally effect the actual sporting movement."