Keskustelua otevoimailusta

Suomen kovanäppisimmät naiset ja miehet ottivat mittaa toisistaan Luumäellä Otevoiman SM-kisoissa. Viime vuonna lähes suvereenisti suomalaisia otevoimakarkeloita hallinnut Jouni Mähönen piti tälläkin kertaa pintansa, Arto Jorosen kiriessä toiseksi ja kolmanteen tilaan ylsi vahvamieskarkeloissa mainetta niittänyt Niko Laine.
Pikkusarjassa Jounin suojatti Niko Junnilainen vei voiton, crossfit taustainen Tuomas Maunola toinen ja Fenne Muhonen kolmas
Naisten sarjan voitti suvereeniin tyyliin Anu Rytkönen ottaen voiton joka ikisessä lajissa, Siinä oli tekemisen meininki Jaana Tannerin ollessa toinen ja Leena Nurmisen kolmas.
Pikku juttua näkyi pojista olevan Iisalmen sanomissa .

Pikku koosteen kisoista vääntelin kun nykyisellään harvinaista herkkua päästä otevoima kisoja kuvaamaan kun tuppaavat olemaan usein yksityistilaisuuksia, joihin ei juuri muilla kuin harvoilla ja valituilla ole asiaa. No toivotaan ihan otevoimailun takia ettei nyt ihan tällä linjalla tule jatkumaan että pikku piireissä salaa....... muuten uusia naamoja tuskin tulee näkymään kilpailuissa. (tämä nyt vain oma mielipiteeni , josta kenenkään nyt ei tartte ottaa hernettä nekkuhun vaan ihan noin niinku parannusehdotuksena)

Sadepäivän ratoksi pikku haastattelu jota voi lueskella kaikessa rauhassa. Laatija hyvä ystäväni Nathaniel Brous. Sarja on "Spotlight"



Today's Grip Profile features Juha Harju.

Juha's grip accomplishments are impressively numerous. So numerous, in fact, that my hand needed a contrast bath after attempting to write them all down.
Thankfully, the majority of his feats are listed (many with video links) on his bio page here. While watching these videos, your brain says, "he can't lift that"…and yet he does.

If I may sum up…Juha's a beast. One might even call him a "Grip Monster."
He has incredible all-around grip strength, is near the apex of the mashmonster ladder, and has plate-pinching skill matched by only a handful of men in the history of strength. He is responsible for the fire-like spread of Gripsport in Finland and Scandinavia. His enthusiasm and videos have inspired many gripsters worldwide.

If that's not enough, he's a genuinely nice person. Whether on The Gripboard or social media, he has availed himself to gripsters from all parts of the world, all the while pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible. I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting this man in person…but his visage hangs on my gym wall. A while back, I had contacted Juha and he was kind enough to email some photos of him doing crazy elite feats. As an added bonus, he had somehow autographed them for me. Sweet! Sometimes just seeing someone do something…makes it that much easier for the next person attempting it. Juha is one of the many gripsters that I have drawn inspiration from. I'm very pleased he decided to participate in this profile. Without further ado

7 questions to get to know Juha.

1. What are your stats? Gripboard Name, Age, Height (inches/meters), Weight (lbs/kgs), R/L dominant hand size (cm/in), Country/City (or region … whatever you are comfortable with), Relationship Status, Kids?, Occupation ("international spy" is acceptable)

Gripboard Name: Juha Harju

Age: 42

Height: 177cm (5' 9 5/8")

Weight 121kg (267lbs)

Dominant hand size: Right: 20.5cm (8") (Left: also 8")

My right hand´s power and technique is built especially for closing heavy MM-Set grippers and lifting all pinch things around 48mm-60mm.

I like to do wide pinch 60mm and over, INCH lifts, all thick bar lifts, grip-topz etc with my left hand.

Country: Finland

Relationship Status: My girlfriend is Yvonne Häkkinen

Kids: I have two children, Julia Harju (18yo) and Pyry Harju (16yo). My kids have also trained grip and they competed in year 2011 at World´s Strongest Hands contest. I taught them how to close grippers. Both Julia and Pyry closed the Ironmind Trainer gripper many years ago. I hope they will do come back and will follow in their father´s footsteps.

Occupation: I´m a licensed Fitness Academy Finland Personal Trainer. I graduated in 2004. (The F.A.F. is a prestigious personal training school.)

My main job is to help powerlifters and strongmen with their grip problems. I also coach many other people with their grip, from grip rookies to ordinary exercisers. In addition, each year I organize all of the biggest grip contests in Finland, including The Finnish Grip Strength Nationals.

2. Why did you start training grip (and how long is it now)?

In 2007, I was with my friends at Finland´s biggest Power Fitness Expo. It was in Lahti, Finland. There I witnessed TeemuIlvesniemi's Coc#3 certification on the stage. It made a strong impression on me and I thought, "I want to do that". At that time I didn't know anythingof grip sport.

I then met Teemu, Matti Heiskanen, Niko Eerola and Tomi Kujala. They advised me on how to start training grip sport. I acquired thenecessary tools and I started practicing. So in retrospect…I think I'm not particularly talented in grip but that I'm all-around strong. I've always like to train hard and with determination.

In 2008, I certified on Ironmind's Captian of Crush #3. I then won Finland's first official Finnish Grip Championships and Rolling Thunder FinnishChampionship. After that, I was invited to Finland's best athlete team, Team Voimaharjoittelu (Team Strength training). Soon, I got the dietary supplement sponsorship and other needed backing. Thanks goes out to Sakari Selkäinaho. I continued my training and competing.

At the same time, I wanted to create grip contests and events…to take Finland's grip sport to international level. I got help fromGrip Legend David Horne and other international contest organizers. This is how Grip Monsters sprang to life. We bought all the grip tools needed and started to arrange international competitions in Finland. These were the first steps.

With official weight classes and rules, official (NAGS) World record results and official lifters ranking system, Finland's competition level has risen a lot. Over the years, we have gained a lot of new competitors and ball is still rolling.

I have competed and trained grip sport now about 9 years. I´m luckily…because of my successes in competitions, I have received invitations overseas where I got to compete also.

3. Before you die, what is your ULTIMATE grip goal/goals?

Hard to say. Guys like (Bob Sundin, Kody Burns, Jedd Johnson) seems to be completely unstoppable. If you do something great today, tomorrow they are coming after you! Haha. Let´s hope that this year, I still have something special to offer.

4. How do you currently structure your overall training/how do you incorporate your grip training?

I don´t want to analyze just exactly how I train but here is something.

I train 5-6 days at week. It´s good to do rolling handles, thick bars, axle and their assistance exercises at the same day when you do yoursquat, deadlift or good mornings. Grippers, pinch, sledge movements etc works good with your upper body training day. Training with stronger dudes than yourself can be helpful. Negative people and their supporters… thankfully have their own clubs.

5. What hobbies (other than grip/bending/lifting) do you enjoy?

I enjoy horror movies and different T.V. series ( like The Sopranos).

6. Do you have a personal anecdote, topic or thoughts you'd like to include in your profile?

I want to tell you that grip is very popular here in Finland.

Almost every day people stops me at the street, shops, gym etc and ask how to train grip or "is itok to shake your hand". When I was in Russia (competing and judging), local people said, "The GripMonster is here!" They took lot of photos and asked my autograph. It was cool!

People like my Youtube channel and give me ideas on what to film. For example…they want to see how to crush potatoes and apples with a bare hand or how to lift huge concrete slabs. Just for fun!

7. Who's Grip profile would you like to see next?

Nat, as you know…I like all-around strong dudes. Chad Woodall is definitely one of them. A long time ago, when I was starting my grip career, I saw Chad´s grip stuff on Youtube. His 3x15kg one hand pinch, thick bar pulls and aggressive attitude to lifting was amazing! Chad´s Mash Monster 6 cert (2009) video was epic! He totally killed MM6 gripper and shouts out, "that´s twice…how many more!?" Watching that video made me realize I really want to do this with that same attitude.

Thanks Juha. Chad will be profiled in two weeks. This series will return next Wednesday with Jared Goguen.

(If you want to know more about Juha and his training, it can be found here. )


3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


Spotlight osiossa mun jälkeen mies jota todella arvostan ja toiminut esikuvana mun omalle uralle alusta lähtien.

Today's profile features Chad Woodall.

I'm not really sure where to begin. When you try to introduce someone that Richard Sorin says "is like a son to me," you better not screw up. Because he's not very active on the Gripboard, there are probably a number of new gripsters that don't even know of him. Which is plain nuts.

Chad's grip is world class. You don't get invited to the prestigious Mighty Mitts Grip Contest year after year without the ability to compete with the best. He is the only person I have even heard of nearly locking out 2 PAIRS of Old Yorks Pinch at the same time. I pretty much don't have to say anymore…but I will.

He was the second person (next to #4 closer Dave Morton) to reach the top of the Mashmonster Ladder (at the time) and successfully close the MM #6. Red Nail Roster, Captain of Crush, Benchpress and Strongman competitor, he has held National, European and World records in events like Grippers, Dynamometer, 1" V-bar and Farmer's Walk. I was pleased as punch he decided to participate in a Profile. Simply put, the man is a grip goliath.

7 questions to get to know Chad.

1. What are your stats? Gripboard Name, Age, height (in/cm), weight (lbs/kgs), R/L dominant hand size (in/cm), country, city (or region…whatever you are comfortable with), married/single, kids, occupation ("international spy" is acceptable)

Gripboard Name: "Too Tall"

Age: 42

Height: 6'6" (198cm)

Weight: 300lbs (136kg)

Hand: Right hand dominant 9" (22.86cm)

Location: USA/Georgia

Relationship Status: Married

Kids: 1 daughter, 3 step sons

Occupation: Gym Owner

2. Why did you start training grip (and how long is it now)?

I started training grip as part of my regular workout routine in 2003. I got interested in grip after I competed in Tennessee’s Strongest Man in 2003. I met a man by the name of Dave Morton there and he was destroying the CoC grippers! I tried the grippers and I could close the #1 and I was about a 1/8” from closing the #2. I was a little frustrated that I could not close the #2…so I got to work immediately and I bought the Trainer through the #4 set. I started my journey from that point.

3. Before you die, what is your ULTIMATE grip goal/goals?

Before I die I would like to 2HP 285#’s in a sanctioned contest format. I have done this in training…but the other is yet to be proven. Hopefully one day soon. Also I would like to get back on the MM ladder and see if I can close the 7 and 8 and possibly bend the Gold nail under the IM rules.

4. How do you currently structure your overall training/how do you incorporate your grip training?

I train grip once a week. I dedicate at least 90 minutes to that grip session…which includes working the crush, pinch and thick bar. I train total body the rest of the week on a split routine. Chest/Back, Legs/Shoulders, Arms, Grip, and Strongman event training (I still actively compete in strongman at the Masters level).

5. What hobbies (other than grip/bending/lifting) do you enjoy?

I enjoy playing basketball, watching the Walking Dead series and spending time with family and friends.

6. Do you have a personal anecdote, topic or thoughts you'd like to include in your profile?

Hard work will pay off for you! And when setting training goals for grip or whatever…make sure you set the goals that you can see in your sights first! Then you can make your progression to the ultimate grip goal. I use to make the mistake to go after the ultimate grip goal too early. I would fail, get discouraged and over train. Now I realize that those baby steps are important along the way and that your retention of the grip feats is better by taking the baby steps route.

7. Who's Grip profile would you like to see next?

Jedd Johnson

Thanks Chad. Jedd will be profiled in two weeks. This series will return next Wednesday with Bob Sundin.
Lisää todellisia tekijämiehiä spotlight osiossa, enjoy!


Today's profile features Jedd Johnson.

A former Baseball player turned Strongman, this CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) co-founded in 1999. In 2003, he started turning an interest in Grip Strength into a passion…one that has carried on to the present. While a comprehensive list of his grip accomplishments would be impractical…this multiple Mighty Mitts Invitee, placed 1st (overall) at NAGSC (North American Gripsport Championship) in 2015. He also took top honors in 2005, 2010, and 2014. Additionally he placed 1st (overall) at Gripmas 2007, 2008, 2014, and 2015.

While Jedd's feats are numerous, I think his greatest accomplishment is the proliferation and direction of Gripsport itself. Out of the first 14 Gripsters I've profiled, 11 of them sport either a Diesel Crew shirt, or made personal mention of Jedd himself.

His impact on Gripsport can not be overstated. Whether from Diesel Crew, The Grip Authority ( ) or his Youtube channel, no person on "this side of the pond," has introduced more people to Grip. Speaking of his Youtube channel, he recently hit the milestone of 7000 subscribers.

In 2012, still very much the grip newbie, I debated attended the WSH leg in Wyalusing, PA. I still remember Jedd's response to me. "Come and get the experience…Brotherrrrrr!" That was the exact nudge I needed to attend and start me on my own grip journey. My experience was not unique, as Jedd is responsible for a great many introductions to Grip.

While his personality may be "bigger than life," he's quite down to earth, easily approachable and extremely helpful to gripsters everywhere.

Let's find out a little more about the man they call "Napalm!"

7 questions to get to know Jedd.

1. What are your stats? Gripboard Name, Age, height (inches/meters), weight (lbs/kgs), R/L dominant hand size (cm/in), country, city (or region…whatever you are comfortable with), married/single, kids, occupation ("international spy" is acceptable)

Gripboard Name: "Jedd Johnson"

Age: 37

Height: 6'2.5” (189cm)

Weight: 245-250lbs (and dropping) (111-113kg)

Hand: Right 8.5" (21.6cm)

Location: USA/Wyalusing, Pennsylvania

Relationship Status: Married (Delraine)

Kids: JayCee (5), Alyssa (16), and Todd (20)

Occupation: Owner of Diesel Crew LLC, brotherrrrr.

2. Why did you start training grip (and how long is it now)?

I first started training grip when I learned about John Brookfield. I saw a picture of him tearing a deck of cards, which I always assumed was just a "trick." I got obsessed with that feat and wanted to get strong enough to do it. This was probably the tail end of 2002. I really just wanted to be able to rip decks of cards whenever I wanted to as a party or bar trick, and that was the extent of my plan.

I ended up finding Rick Walker on the old forum, talking about grip and training to reach the #3 certification. He announced a Grip Contest in August of 2003. Once I found out there were feats to train for like 5x10's pinch, challenge items like the Inch Dumbbell, and actual Grip Contests, I was even more intrigued. Once I figured out I was actually pretty good at this stuff (I farmer's walked the Blob in the parking lot of the Olive Garden, real wholesome Italian Food, the first day I encountered it), I was HOOKED, brotherrrrr.

3. Before you die, what is your ULTIMATE grip goal/goals?

Snatch the Inch Dumbbell is probably my ultimate goal. I would rather do that than certify on a #4, brotherrrr.

4. How do you currently structure your overall training/how do you incorporate your grip training?

This is always changing. It depends on what feats I am working on and what contests I am training for, but here is what I am doing right now (for the most part)…

I generally train 4 days per week. 3 of those days are Body + Grip. The 4th day is primarily just Grip. I combine Grip right into my Body Training. You might think of them as complexes or supersets. Pretty much every workout is a Thick Bar day. I have a heavier and higher volume Gripper Day and a lighter and lower volume Gripper Day, as I outline in CBT. I'm training Pinch twice per week as well.

I am not currently bending right now, unless someone orders a Diesel Designs sculpture or something like that. I'm also not doing much tearing, unless it's part of a demo or appearance, brotherrrrr.

5. What hobbies (other than grip/bending/lifting) do you enjoy?

Professional Wrestling is a big hobby of mine. I don't like the current state of the Internet Wrestling Community, so I don't do much discussion regarding the current product. I like to watch it with JayCee and use it as a stress reliever during the week. I like to approach it like it's a real sporting event. (Note: Although the endings are without a doubt pre-determined, I laugh when I hear people say it is fake.)

I considered joining a wrestling school last year. I had to put off joining because I got my sinuses scraped and couldn't risk getting hit in the nose or I might die. Now that I am cleared to do it, we will just have to see. I'm torn because it would mean a lot of time away from the family (getting trained and qualified). There is so much involved in it that you have to learn, technically and choreographically speaking, it isn't even funny.

Aside from that, my only real hobby is ice fishing. I get out a couple times a year on ponds. I usually go out with my dad, brotherrrrr.

6. Do you have a personal anecdote, topic or thoughts you'd like to include in your profile?

Anecdotes: I have so many, it's crazy. I'll include a few, and hopefully they don't bore you.

I drove to Rick Walker's house one time with my business partner at the time, Smitty. We had like a 4 hour workout. On the way back, my truck broke down, and while we waited for a wrecker to come pick us up, we trained for another couple of hours in the parking lot of a big truck stop. We did mainly Strongman at Rick's and mainly Block Weights along the side of the road, but it really showed me how much volume my body could handle.

In the past, I would travel to a lot of competitions in Ohio, Illinois, and New England with John Eaton. Well, this one time (I think we were on the way back from Gripmas), he thought it would be wise to drive like 100mph on snowy roads. He began to pass a tractor trailer and just as we came even with the nose of the truck, a deer ran across the road. We were blinded by the truck so there was no chance to even hit the brakes. It was merely luck that we didn't smash that deer and have who knows what happen to us physically. That might have been our last trip together.

I used to train with a group of 4 or 5 guys (the original Team Diesel) for Grip and Strongman. These were some of the best workouts of my life. I miss those days. I quit driving up there because I was cheap - gas hit $1.50 a gallon, and so I started gathering up my own equipment and starting my own gym. In a way, it was stupid to stop going up there when gas hit that price, because it would more than double that price eventually. At the same time, it helped me get to where I am now with one of the most unbelievable collections of grip-specific equipment in the world.

Topics: One thing I'd like to discuss is the growth of Grip Sport. I'm one of the guys who's been in it the longest and I'd like to see it grow. I'm doing as much as I can (planning to hold several grip contests and challenges all over the country this year), but being a family man, I can't travel as much as I used to when I was younger, single, and didn't have my daughter. My suggestion or "Call to Action," if you will, would be to help get Grip Sport out in front of as many people as you can. Take some of your grip stuff out of your house/basement/garage and volunteer to take it to the gym for a couple hours and have people try stuff, or set up a booth at a local fair or bizarre. You never know who you might engage with Grip.

Thoughts: The board just got a big upgrade, which costs money. I encourage members to donate to the board if they can to help support Wannagrip. I also encourage people to support the small companies that sponsor Grip Contests, brotherrrrrr.

Acknowledgements: I want to thank Nate for spearheading this effort. This is awesome. Thank you for the time and effort you're putting into it. I am truly hoping your health stays strong and we continue to see you at Grip Comps.

I also want to acknowledge Gil Goodman and Maria Bascetta for their efforts. It wasn't long ago that Gil emailed me to find out more about Grip Sport, having just learned about it. Shortly thereafter, he ends up kicking major butt at Nationals, which is where I met Maria and his entourage - how cool is that? - Gil had his own entourage! Now he and Maria have become successful contest promoters and have a company. Talk about taking the bull by the horns, brotherrrrrrr!

7. Who's Grip profile would you like to see next?

I want to learn more about our faithful leader here at the Gripboard, Wannagrip/Bill Piche, brotherrrrr!

Thanks Jedd. Bill will be profiled in two weeks. This series will return next Wednesday with Bob Sundin.
tasokas kisa tänään suomessa pasi mehtälä wr hub lift ja jouni mähönen wr reippaalla parannuksella hornetop lift.
Finnish Spring Grip 5.3.2016


petri rantalainen 81,95k 29years iisalmi
jouni mähönen 96,70k 37years iisalmi
raimo myllynen 58,95k 51years iisalmi
marko kakkinen 92,45k 35years iisalmi
tero houtsonen 92,35k 40years iisalmi
niko junnilainen 82,65k 29years iisalmi
henri sonninen 138,50k 29years iisalmi
niko martikainen 99,35k 25years iisalmi
anu rytkönen 87,15k 33years iisalmi
henry remes 72,60k 25years iisalmi
sami saari 90,15k 38years iisalmi
petri partanen 91,80k 38years helsinki
arto joronen 153,90k 50years helsinki
matti harju 103,90k 36years helsinki
pasi mehtälä 127,70k 42years helsinki
juha lehtimäki 95,40k 27years helsinki

hornetop lift
jouni mähönen 98,10k
henri sonninen 93,10k
matti harju 85,05k
niko junnilainen 83,10k
arto joronen 77,61k
juha lehtimäki 70,12k
petri partanen 70,12k
sami saari 68,05k
pasi mehtälä 67,62k
petri rantalainen 63,00k
henry remes 63,00k
niko martikainen 63,00k
marko kakkinen 60,50k
tero houtsonen 58.00k
anu rytkönen 53,05k
raimo myllynen 53,05k

jouni mähönen 138,75k
arto joronen 134,01k
henri sonninen 133,75k
matti harju 125,62k
pasi mehtälä 125,62k
niko junnilainen 123,75k
petri rantalainen 113,75k
sami saari 113,75k
marko kakkinen 108,75k
petri partanen 108,12k
niko martikainen 98,65k
anu rytkönen 93,65k
henry remes 93,65k
tero houtsonen 88,65k
raimo myllynen 88,65k
juha lehtimäki no lift

stub lift
jouni mähönen 25,45k
matti harju 23,77k
niko junnilainen 23,00k
henri sonninen 23,00k
pasi mehtälä 22,52k
arto joronen 20,01k
henry remes 19,95k
petri partanen 19,01k
petri rantalainen 18,95k
sami saari 16,95k
raimo myllynen 14,00k
tero houtsonen 14,00k
marko kakkinen 14,00k
niko martikainen 14,00k
anu rytkönen 11,80k
juha lehtimäki no lift

shallow hub lift
pasi mehtälä 30,54k
henri sonninen 27,35k
niko junnilainen 26,10k
jouni mähönen 26,10k
petri partanen 25,11k
juha lehtimäki 25,11k
petri rantalainen 25,10k
arto joronen 22,12k
matti harju 22,12k
sami saari 21,10k
henry remes 20,05k
marko kakkinen 17,10k
niko martikainen 17,10k
anu rytkönen 16,10k
tero houtsonen 16,10k
raimo myllynen 15,10k

arto joronen 107,32k
henri sonninen 105,10k
pasi mehtälä 101,06k
jouni mähönen 100,00k
sami saari 95.00k
matti harju 87,32k
petri rantalainen 82,50k
niko junnilainen 82,50k
petri partanen 75,79k
marko kakkinen 72,50k
niko martikainen 72,50k
henry remes 70.00k
anu rytkönen 62,50k
raimo myllynen 62,50k
tero houtsonen 62,50kg
juha lehtimäki no lift

1. jouni mähönen 10,5 points
2. henri sonninen 12,5 points
3. pasi mehtälä 22,5 points
arto joronen 22,5 points
5. matti harju 24 points
6. niko junnilainen 24,5 points
7. petri partanen 39 points
8. sami saari 40,5 points
9. petri rantalainen 42 points
10. henry remes 53,5 points
11. marko kakkinen 57,5 points
niko martikainen 57,5 points
13. juha lehtimäki 60 points
14. tero houtsonen 69,5 points
15. anu rytkönen 71,5 points
16. raimo myllynen 72,5 points

results men under 93k
1. niko junnilainen 6,5 points
2. sami saari 16 points
petri rantalainen 16 points
petri partanen 16 points
5. henry remes 23,5 points
6. marko kakkinen 28 points
7. tero houtsonen 36 points
8. raimo myllynen 38 points

anu rytkönen 5 points

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