En malta lopettaa. Trollin voima on liian vahva.
Näin veli ähläm pystyi hienosti kääntämään koneensa 270 astetta tiukalla säteellä tähdätäkseen huikean korkean Pentagonin seinään vahingoittamatta nurmikkoa sen edustalla. Tämän hän toki teki lentäen satoja metrejä vaakatasossa vain hieman nurmikon pintaa ylempänä. Voi sitä veli ählämiä, aina se halusi kerskailla taidoillaan! Harmi ettei yhtäkään kymmenistä valvontakameroista tallentanut tätä huikeaa näytöstä, vaan nettiin julkaistiin taidonnäytteen täysin latistava vuoden 2001 kännykameratasoinen mjpeg pätkä VGA resoluutiolla jostain saatanan kaukaa.
Hyvin lennetty kieltämättä. Mutta muuten menee metsään.
Tuosta aiemmasta (erinomaisesta) pentagon-linkistä:
"The approach maneuver was, in several ways, extreme and unusual for a jetliner. According to reports the plane descended seven thousand feet and turned over 270 degrees in the last three minutes and then approached the west side of the Pentagon at a very low altitude, clipping some obstacles and narrowly avoiding others on its low-angle approach that ended with its careening primarily into the Pentagon's first floor.
Many people have pointed out that the alleged pilot of Flight 77 -- Hani Hanjour -- did not have the requisite skills to perform the maneuvers. Others have alleged that a Boeing 757 could not have flown the maneuvers.
The Pentagon attack plane performed an impressive spiral dive before making its low-altitude final approach into the Pentagon's west side. CBS News described the maneuver as follows:
Radar shows that Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes.
Air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien told ABC News:
The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air-traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. ... You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe.
Such a maneuver is not normal for jetliners, but is it within the capabilities of a 757? I will calculate the G force that the turning component of the described maneuver would have imparted on the aircraft. The G force produced by travel along a circular arc can be calculated using the following formula:
RCF = 0.001118 * r * N^2
RCF = Relative Centrifugal Force (gravities)
r = rotation radius (meters)
N = rotation speed (revolutions per minute)
If the plane were traveling at 400 miles per hour it would travel 16.666 miles, or 26,821 meters, in 2.5 minutes. Assuming it was traveling in a circular arc, it would trace out 3/4ths of a circle with a 35,761-meter circumference, giving a rotation radius of 5,691 meters and rotation speed of 0.3 rotations per minute. Plugging those values into the above equation, I obtain a centrifugal force of 0.5726 Gs.
Jetliners such as 757s are rated for accelerations of around two Gs, but they may be able to survive much greater accelerations. An IcelandAir 757-200 logged an incident in which it experienced pitch accelerations of +3.95 Gs. "
Tuossa ylemmässä arvioitiin koneen kulkeneen 400mph = 640km/h = 177m/s. Ei siitä saa kovin hyvää turvakamerakuvaa. En tiedä miksei ole enemmän kamerakuvaa, ehkä muissa kameroissa kuin noissa julkaistuissa ei näy mitään. Tai sitten salataan jotain, kerro ihmeessä mitä.
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