- Liittynyt
- 25.1.2007
- Viestejä
- 3 122
Tänään jouset täysillä :
Grippers Maximum Effort
Right hand
1x2 #2.5 (2.31) No Set Close
1x1 #3 (3.05) No Set Close
1x1 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 #3.5 (3.56) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 BBSE_3 (3.82) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 #4 (4.05) Force Close + Negative Hold
2x1 #4 (4.18 ) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 JBG (4.82)(257lbs) Force Setting + Hold / My God!!! :lol:
2x2 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close
2x5 Dynamic Thumbs with cement clamp
2x30 Green IM Expander with Extensors
Left Hand
1x2 #2.5 (2.31) No Set Close
1x1 #3 (3.05) No Set Close
1x1 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 #3.5 (3.47) Parallel Stopped Close Attempt -1mm open / Force Close
1x1 #3.5 (3.47) Parallel Close
1x1 BBSE_2 (3.64) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 BBSE_3 (3.82) Force Close + Negative Hold
3x1 #4 (4.05) Force Settings + Hold
2x1 #3 (3.17) Parallel Close
2x5 Dynamic Thumbs with cement clamp
2x30 Green IM Expander with Extensors
Grippers Maximum Effort
Right hand
1x2 #2.5 (2.31) No Set Close
1x1 #3 (3.05) No Set Close
1x1 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 #3.5 (3.56) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 BBSE_3 (3.82) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 #4 (4.05) Force Close + Negative Hold
2x1 #4 (4.18 ) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 JBG (4.82)(257lbs) Force Setting + Hold / My God!!! :lol:
2x2 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close
2x5 Dynamic Thumbs with cement clamp
2x30 Green IM Expander with Extensors
Left Hand
1x2 #2.5 (2.31) No Set Close
1x1 #3 (3.05) No Set Close
1x1 BBMM1 (3.34) Parallel Stopped Close + 5 s Static Hold
1x1 #3.5 (3.47) Parallel Stopped Close Attempt -1mm open / Force Close
1x1 #3.5 (3.47) Parallel Close
1x1 BBSE_2 (3.64) Force Close + Negative Hold
1x1 BBSE_3 (3.82) Force Close + Negative Hold
3x1 #4 (4.05) Force Settings + Hold
2x1 #3 (3.17) Parallel Close
2x5 Dynamic Thumbs with cement clamp
2x30 Green IM Expander with Extensors