- Liittynyt
- 2.10.2005
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Christian Thibaudeau loistava artikkeli sarja Beast Building. Kyseessä on 3 kuukauden treeniohjelma. Kaksi ensimmäistä kuukautta mätetään lihasta suurella ja keski suurella frekvenssillä jolloin keskitytään enemmän voimaan. Viimeinen kuukausi onkin sitten pienemmällä frekvenssillä, mutta suurempaa volyymia treeneissä. Ihan kokeilemisen arvoinan ohjelma. Kestokaan ei kovin pitkä ole 12 viikkoa ja kevyet viikot päälle. Aika paljon perus mättöä, mutta myös joitain kikka vitosia.
Beast Building, Part 1
The goal of this first phase is to prime your body for the subsequent training phases. Basically, we want to jack up your nervous system efficiency so that you'll be much better at recruiting the all-important high-threshold motor units (HTMU's), sometimes known as the fast-twitch fibers.
Monday: Motor skill acquisition (one workout)
Tuesday: Isometric/explosive contrast
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Motor skill acquisition
Friday: Off
Saturday: Overload
Sunday: Off
Beast Building, Part 2
Because that's what this second phase of the Beast Building program is all about; it's a bridge to big, cut, and strong...well, mostly to the big and strong part.
Monday: Lower body/neuromuscular emphasis
Tuesday: Upper body/neuromuscular emphasis
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Lower body/muscle growth and strength
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Upper body/muscle growth and strength
Sunday: OFF
Beast Building, Part 3
So Phase III of the Beast Building program will be the mirror phase in more ways than one. First, it'll be a mirror image of what we've been doing up until now: the training program we'll use will be the opposite of the other phases (less frequency, more volume per body part, higher reps, more intensive techniques, less rest). It'll also be the mirror phase because this is where we train to look good!
Day 1: Torso (chest and back)
Day 2: Lower body
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: Arms (biceps and triceps)
Day 5: OFF
Day 6: Shoulders (front/lateral deltoids and rear delt/traps)
Day 7: OFF
Beast Building, Part 1
The goal of this first phase is to prime your body for the subsequent training phases. Basically, we want to jack up your nervous system efficiency so that you'll be much better at recruiting the all-important high-threshold motor units (HTMU's), sometimes known as the fast-twitch fibers.
Monday: Motor skill acquisition (one workout)
Tuesday: Isometric/explosive contrast
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Motor skill acquisition
Friday: Off
Saturday: Overload
Sunday: Off
Beast Building, Part 2
Because that's what this second phase of the Beast Building program is all about; it's a bridge to big, cut, and strong...well, mostly to the big and strong part.
Monday: Lower body/neuromuscular emphasis
Tuesday: Upper body/neuromuscular emphasis
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Lower body/muscle growth and strength
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Upper body/muscle growth and strength
Sunday: OFF
Beast Building, Part 3
So Phase III of the Beast Building program will be the mirror phase in more ways than one. First, it'll be a mirror image of what we've been doing up until now: the training program we'll use will be the opposite of the other phases (less frequency, more volume per body part, higher reps, more intensive techniques, less rest). It'll also be the mirror phase because this is where we train to look good!
Day 1: Torso (chest and back)
Day 2: Lower body
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: Arms (biceps and triceps)
Day 5: OFF
Day 6: Shoulders (front/lateral deltoids and rear delt/traps)
Day 7: OFF