Monella aminolla on erilaisia hyötyjä terveydelle yksittäin otettuna. Mutta jos on valmiiksi tuomitseva ja anti-jauhoasenne, niin eihän silloin mikään toimi tietenkään ja kaikki on vain rahan haaskausta. Eli kannattaa unohtaa kaikki lisäravinteet jos omaa semmoisen asenteen, turhaa sitä itseensä ressamaan mitä muut ottaa.
L-carnitine may benefit brain function.
Some animal studies suggest that the acetyl form, acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), may help prevent age-related mental decline and improve markers of learning (
30Trusted Source,
Human studies indicate that taking acetyl-L-carnitine daily helps reverse the decline in brain function associated with Alzheimer's and other brain diseases (
32Trusted Source,
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34Trusted Source).
This form exhibited similar benefits for
general brain function in older adults who did not have Alzheimer's or other brain conditions (
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In specific cases, this form may even protect your brain from cell damage.
In a 90-day study, people with alcohol addictions who took 2 grams of acetyl-L-carnitine per day experienced significant improvements in all measures of brain function (
38Trusted Source).
More research is needed on long-term benefits for healthy individuals