- Liittynyt
- 18.2.2015
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Uutistoimittajan haastattelussa: Risikon mukaan pitää paljon tehdä tekoja että Suomi (Hölmölä) pysyy turvallisena.
Näitä tekoja ootellessa saamme nauttia MaTuista
Paitövei, Hölmölä ja Turku noteerattu CNN:ssä
Kent Svensson, 44, from Sweden who was in Turku said he witnessed a man with "a huge white knife" running and stabbing people in his path.
"It was really horrible. We were sitting on a terrace just next to the square and this woman just screamed like hell and this guy was standing in front of her with a huge knife just stabbing people," he said.
"There was blood everywhere," he said, adding that he saw a victim lying on the ground.
CNN's Lindsay Isaac, Schams Elwazer, Essi Virtanen and Natalie Gallon contributed to this report.
Näitä tekoja ootellessa saamme nauttia MaTuista

Paitövei, Hölmölä ja Turku noteerattu CNN:ssä

Kent Svensson, 44, from Sweden who was in Turku said he witnessed a man with "a huge white knife" running and stabbing people in his path.
"It was really horrible. We were sitting on a terrace just next to the square and this woman just screamed like hell and this guy was standing in front of her with a huge knife just stabbing people," he said.
"There was blood everywhere," he said, adding that he saw a victim lying on the ground.
CNN's Lindsay Isaac, Schams Elwazer, Essi Virtanen and Natalie Gallon contributed to this report.