Pointti kuitenkin oli se, että ydinvoimalan rakennus Suomeen on kohtuullisen arveluttavaa. Edellinenkään ei ole valmis, muut maat ei pidä sitä ollenkaan järkevänä jne. Ja ne muut mitä mainitsin jo.
Mitä arveluttavaa siinä on? Ydinvoima on tunnettu ja vakaa muoto tuottaa suuria määriä energiaa kohtuullisen pienin kustannuksin. Voimalan rakentaminen on toki kallista, mutta käyttöikä ja teho tasoittaa tuota oikein mukavasti. Edellinen ei ole valmis, koska siinä on pettänyt pahemman kerran koko rakennusprojektin hoitaminen. Se taas ei liity mitenkään itse ydinvoimaan että idiootit sählää.
Mitä taas tulee tuohon väitteeseen "muut maat" niin se käsittää lähinnä vihervasemmistolaiset poliitikot ja maat, jotka korvaavat HIILIVOIMALLA ydinvoimaa vihreän liikkeen idioottimaisen lobbauksen johdosta. Maailmalla on tällä hetkellä yli 160 reaktoria rakenteilla(67 IAEA)/suunnitteluvaiheessa ja yli 300 lisää on ehdotettu. Yksi reaktori Suomeen ei tunnu missään. Meillä sentään on kylmä ilmasto ja vakaa kallioperä, ihanteellinen rakennuspaikka siis.
"Most reactors currently planned are in the Asian region, with fast-growing economies and rapidly-rising electricity demand.
Many countries with existing nuclear power programs (Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Czech Rep., India, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Korea, South Africa, UAE, Ukraine, UK, USA) have plans to build new power reactors (beyond those now under construction).
In all, over 160 power reactors with a total net capacity of some 186,000 MWe are planned and over 300 more are proposed. Energy security concerns and greenhouse constraints on coal have combined with basic economics to put nuclear power back on the agenda for projected new capacity in many countries.
In the
USA there are plans for five new reactors, beyond the five under construction now. It is expected that some of the new reactors will be on line by 2020.
Finland, construction is now under way on a fifth, very large reactor which is expected to come on line in 2017, and plans are firming for another large one to follow it.
France is building a similar 1600 MWe unit at Flamanville, for operation from 2016, and a second may follow it at Penly.
In the
UK, four similar 1600 MWe units are planned, and a further 6000 MWe is proposed.
Romania's second power reactor istarted up in 2007, and plans are being implemented for two further Canadian units to be built.
Slovakia is completing two 470 MWe units at Mochovce, to operate from 2017.
Bulgaria is planning to build a large new reactor at Kozloduy.
Belarus is building two large new Russian reactors at Ostrovets.
Russia, six reactors and two small ones are under active construction, one large one being a large fast neutron reactor. About 30 further reactors are then planned, some to to replace existing plants. This will increase the country's present nuclear power capacity by 50% by 2030. In addition about 5 GW of nuclear thermal capacity is planned. A small floating power plant is expected to be completed by 2016 and others are planned to follow.
Poland is planning two 3000 MWe nuclear power plants.
South Korea plans to bring a further further four reactors into operation by 2018, and another eight by about 2030, giving total new capacity of 17,200 MWe. All of these are the Advanced PWRs of 1400 MWe. These APR-1400 designs have evolved from a US design which has US NRC design certification, and four been sold to the UAE (see below).
Japan has two reactors under construction but another three which were likely to start building by mid 2011 have been deferred.
China, now with 26 operating reactors on the mainland, the country is well into the next phase of its nuclear power program. Some 24 reactors are under construction, including the world's first Westinghouse AP1000 units, and a demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor plant. Many more units are planned, including two largely indigenous designs – the Hualong One and CAP1400. China aims to more than double its nuclear capacity by 2020.
India has 21 reactors in operation, and six under construction. This includes two large Russian reactors and a large prototype fast breeder reactor as part of its strategy to develop a fuel cycle which can utilise thorium. Over 20 further units are planned. 18 further units are planned, and proposals for more - including western and Russian designs - are taking shape following the lifting of trade restrictions.
Pakistan has third and fourth 300 MWe reactors under construction at Chashma, financed by China. Two larger Chinese power reactors are planned.
Kazakhstan, a joint venture with Russia's Atomstroyexport envisages development and marketing of innovative small and medium-sized reactors, starting with a 300 MWe Russian design as baseline for Kazakh units.
Iran a 1000 MWe PWR at Bushehr came on line in 2011, and further units are planned.
United Arab Emirates awarded a $20.4 billion contract to a South Korean consortium to build four 1400 MWe reactors by 2020. The first three are under construction.
Jordan has committed plans for its first reactor, and is developing its legal and regulatory infrastructure.
Turkey has contracts signed for four 1200 MWe Russian nuclear reactors at one site and four European ones at another. Its legal and regulatory infrastructure is well-developed.
Vietnam has committed plans for its first reactors at two sites (2x2000 MWe), and is developing its legal and regulatory infrastructure. The first plant will be a turnkey project built by Atomstroyexport. The second will be Japanese."