old school vs. new school

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Korjataanpa nyt hieman tässäkin threadissa valloilleen päässyttä käsitystä, että koko kropan treenaaminen olisi jokin new skool -hifivillitys. Asia on niin, että koko kropan perustreeniä on tehty pitkään ennen näitä roinamonstereiden ultrajakotumputteluja, ja 1-2 jakoisten väittäminen joksikin new school -jutuksi on sama kuin sanoisi että punaisen lihan syönti on vasta rantautunut podauskuvioihin.

Pari sitaattia artikkelista osoitteessa http://www.dragondoor.com/articler/mode3/310/

The heavy, flat-footed, high-rep squat would eventually become the cornerstone of most lifter’s routines, thanks in large part to the efforts of Joseph Curtis Hise and Peary Rader. Along with the squat, you would find many other heavy, multi-joint lifts being suggested by the top physical culturists of the time. This trend -- whole-body routines with an emphasis on heavy leg and back work -- would continue into the 1960s, but only barely.

You will notice that none of these programs are split routines; more often than not, it was expected that the routine would be performed on three non-consecutive days per week. [..] Thus, they found it possible to develop whole-body size and strength without having to train each individual muscle with its own exercise. All of these programs -- both the longer ones and, especially, the shorter ones -- resulted in considerable increases in size and strength for anyone who tried them.

Split routines first began to rear their ugly little heads sometime in the late 50s or early 60s, around the time that steroid use was really becoming widespread in the bodybuilding and lifting communities. A coincidence? I think not! Heavy, often high-rep, leg and back work is absolutely essential for making size and strength gains drug-free, but let’s face it: heavy leg and back work, properly performed, is positively brutal. Thus, it may not be a complete surprise that when lifters found they could achieve significant increases in muscular size and strength without subjecting themselves to the brutally heavy lifting, they did so.

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