Sivulla oli hyvä testi jolla selvittää hieman tuota omaa hitaiden ja nopeiden lihassolujen suhdettaan. Siis periaatteessa lahjakas painonnostoon olisi ihminen jolla paljon nopeita lihassoluja. Tuossa alla lainaus naturalstrengthin sivuilta. Testi on jalkojen ojennusliikkeeseen mutta sitä voi varmasti soveltaa esim. pystypunnerrukseenkin. Siinä myös ehdotettu sopivia sarjojen toistomääriä kehonrakennusmielessä harjoitteleville riippuen hitaiden ja nopeiden solujen suhteesta. (Artikkelissa tyypin 2 lihassolut tarkoittavat nopeita voimaa parhaiten tuottavia soluja ja tyypin yksi lihassolut hitaita eli enemmän kestovoimaa omaavia soluja).
Depending on the type of activity you undertake, you may want to adjust your training accordingly. To determine the optimum number of repetitions for a particular muscle group, such as the quadriceps, follow this procedure:
1. Perform 10 leg extensions with a relatively light weight.
2. After a two-minute rest, perform one leg extension with a relatively heavy weight.
Continue in this manner until you determine the heaviest weight load you can perform once with proper technique. This is your maximum weight load.
After a five-minute rest, perform as many leg extensions as possible with 75 percent of your maximum weight load. This represents the approximate number of repetitions you should perform in this exercise.
If you complete 6 repetitions, for example, you most likely have a higher percentage of Type 2 muscle fibers and should probably train with about 5 to 8 repetitions per set. At the other extreme, if you complete 13 repetitions, you most likely have a higher percentage of Type 1 muscle fibers and should probably train with about 12 to 15 repetitions per set.
Overall, it would appear that best strength results are attained when you match your training repetitions to your muscle fiber type. Although muscle fiber type may vary somewhat among muscle groups, we have found this factor to be relatively consistent in most people.
Regardless of your muscle fiber type, the key to strength development is high-effort, anaerobic exercise. The resistance should be sufficient to fatigue the target muscle group within 30 to 90 seconds of exercise. For most of us, this is best accomplished with a double progressive training system using a protocol of 8 to 12 repetitions. First, select a resistance that fatigues the target muscle within 8 to 10 repetitions. Second, train with this resistance regularly until you can complete 12 repetitions. Next, add 2.5 to 5 pounds and progress in the same manner until you can perform 12 repetitions with the new resistance. By matching the optimum repetition range with your muscle type and by systematically increasing the repetitions and resistance, you will make safe, steady and solid progress toward your ultimate strength potential.