So, to sum it all up:
1. Creatine improves anaerobic work capacity by serving as a readily available store of phosphate groups.
2. By increasing anaerobic work capacity, creatine allows you to lift more weight for more reps. This increases the total anabolic stimulus to your muscles.
3. A daily maintenance dose of 3 grams or less of simple creatine monohydrate is more than enough for almost any healthy individual.
4. You can estimate your creatine requirement by multiplying your body weight (in pounds) by 0.02. So if you weigh 200 pounds, your body can use 4 grams per day. If you get 2 grams through food and your natural ability to make some from amino acids, that means 2 grams a day from supplements should be all you need.
5. Loading phases aren't necessary, but if you choose to do one, 10 grams a day for three to five days is more than enough. Anything more will be wasted and increase the potential for side effects.
6. To limit side effects, make sure you mix your creatine with enough water to fully dissolve it.
7. The best time to take creatine is in the post-workout window, along with protein and carbs.