Ja seuraavaksi saat perustella miksi on merkitystä sillä, onko kreatiini suuhun laitettaessa lämpimässä vedessä, vai lämpiääkö se vasta muutamia sekunteja myöhemmin vatsassa? Aika legendaa kyllä tunnut heittävän, ni en usko tähänkään sekuntiakaan.
On sillä, sillä täysin veteen sekoittunut kreatiini ei aiheuta niin kovia vatsvaivoja, ihan samalla tavalla kuin hiilareihin sekoittettuna se ei aiheuta niin kovia vatsavaivoja, ja kreatiinin vaikutus tehostuu.
Miksi se kannattaa ottaa hiilarien kanssa.
"Taking your creatine dosage with a juice (or other fast-acting carb source) has been shown to be more effective than just taking it with water. The reason for this is that as the carbs break down and release glucose into the blood the body reacts by releasing insulin. Insulin is a hormone that has the job of helping the glucose find its way into the cells where it is stored as glycogen. Not only does insulin offer transport to glucose, it does the same for other substances including creatine. Therefore, the insulin spike created by the fast-acting carbs will allow for greater uptake of creatine within the muscle cells."
Miksi kreatiini pitäisi yrittää saada mahdollisimman hyvin sekoittumaan veteen tai nesteeseen.
"Exceptions to just going with the basic monohydrate powder include cases where there is gastrointestinal distress. If creatine does not get fully dissolved into free creatine in the stomach it can lead to problems of diarrhea and stomach upset in some people. In this case, try creatine citrate, micronized creatine (creatine more finely milled to increase solubility), or altering how you take it, such as dissolving it fully."
Joo ei näköjään tiedä. Mihin jäi ATP? Fosfaatin palautumisaika? Kestävyysurheilijat käyttää turhaan?
Nyt vähän jarrua noihin ehdottomuuksiin.
"Kreatiini auttaa vain pienen hetken noston yhteydessä"???? Mitä vittua. Eli jos kyykyssä jäät puoliväliin, niin teet ens kerralla nopeemman toiston, ni kerkeet kreatiinin avulla ylös. Nyt vähän tolkkua noihin juttuihin.
En tainnut mainita mitään kestävyysurheilusta mutta hyvä on vastataan quoteilla.
"Fast-twitch (FT or Type II) fibers are characterized by quick contraction times and a low resistance to fatigue. The activity of the enzyme (myosin-ATPase) that breaks down ATP inside the myosin head of the contractile proteins of these fibers enable these fibers to contract quicker than Type 1 fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are high in creatine phosphate and glycogen and medium in triglyceride stores. They have both a high glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activity. Functionally, they are used for prolonged anaerobic activities with a relatively high force output.
"Fast-twitch fibers are further divided into fast-twitch A (FT -A or Type IIA) and fast- twitch B (FT -B or Type lIB) fibers. FT -A fibers have a moderate resistance to fatigue and represent a transition between the two extremes of the ST and FT -B fibers. Structurally, FT -A fibers have a large motor neuron and fiber diameter, a high mitochondrial density, a medium capillary density, and a medium myoglobin content. They are high in creatine phosphate and glycogen and medium in triglyceride stores. They have both a high glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activity. Functionally, they are used for prolonged anaerobic activities with a relatively high force output, such as racing 400 meters."
Sit vielä yksi:
The Strength Enzyme System
When muscle strength is required, ATP is created quickly form the following chemical reaction. The enzyme creatine kinase mediates ATP production from the high energy molecule creatine phosphate by an anaerobic reaction: CP + ADP ATP + Creatine.
The CP (Creatine Phosphate) is depleted in just a few seconds. This is the reason your maximum power can be maintained for only a few seconds. To continue producing high strength power, the speed enzyme system kicks in.
The Burst Power Enzyme System
The enzymes required for this reaction are depleted in less than two minutes. This reaction is called Anaerobic Glycolysis because it uses glucose without oxygen. Glucose 2ATP + 2 Lactate.
To continue muscle usage requires the aerobic system to kick in. The aerobic system uses oxygen and sugar for fuel. Your ability to perform well after about two minutes of maximum exertion depends on the aerobic conditioning of your body.
The Endurance Enzyme System
There are three sources of ATP for aerobic muscle to use: carbohydrates, fats, and amino acid proteins. Carbohydrates metabolize the most efficiently and are therefore used first. If carbohydrates are not available, your body metabolizes fat and amino acid proteins. All three of these reactions are called Aerobic Glycolysis because they use glucose and oxygen:
1. Carbohydrate Metabolism: Glucose + 02 36ATP + C02 + H20
2. Fat Metabolism: Fatty Acid + 02 130 ATP + C02 + H20
3. Amino Acid Protein Metabolism: Amino Acids + 02 15 ATP + C02 + H20
Your body stores glucose and fatty acids for these reactions. Your cardiovascular system provides a continuous supply of oxygen. Glycogen is stored in the muscles and liver in sufficient quantities for about two hours of strenuous exercise. You can extend this time by aerobic physical conditioning and high carbohydrate diet. After your glycogen stores are used up your body obtains its energy from fatty acid metabolism and amino acid protein metabolism. These reactions are not efficient, which consequently cause your strength and endurance to drop drastically.
Sit se summary:
Researchers first investigated the ergogenic effects of short-term creatine loading. In a typical study, a creatine dose of 5 g is given four times a day for five to seven days to ensure that muscle creatine increases. A control group is given a placebo (glucose or some other relatively inert substance) in a double-blind manner (neither the athletes nor the researchers doing the testing know who gets what until after the tests are performed). Most studies have shown that speed or power output in sprints--all-out bursts of activity lasting a few seconds to several minutes--is enhanced, typically by 5-8%. Repetitive sprint performance is also enhanced when the rests between sprints don't allow full recovery. In this case, total work output can be increased by 5-15%. There is also evidence that work performed during sets of multiple repetition strength tests may be enhanced by creatine supplementation, typically by 5-15%. In addition, one-repetition maximum strength and vertical-jump performance may also be increased with creatine supplementation, typically by 5-10%. The improvement in exercise performance has been correlated with the degree in which creatine is stored in the muscle following creatine supplementation, particularly in Type II (Fast twitch) muscle fibers.
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