BB PRO Kevin Levrone

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Kunnioutus on Keviniä kohtaan kova, mutta itse mietin kanssa, että WTF!? =D nyt menee, jo hieman oudoksi. epäkkäitä öö käsipainoilla jotka painaa 10kg?! :D tämmönen kynis, ku minä veivaan 30-40kg kässäreillä epäkkäitä ja sarjat on 12-16 :D

Sä varmaan myös kyykkäät sen 500lbs eli n.225kg ;)
Lukikohan pojat tuota tekstiä ollentaan? Siitä selviää aika hyvin miksi tuo pulska musta mies siellä pumppailee.

Vaikka kaveri olisi kuinka mukava mies, kova postailija, runoilija ja vieläpä suurin pudottaja, ei se silti lisää tuon videon informaatioarvoa pätkääkään.
NFL Combine Transformation • 225 Lbs Bench Reps Test
Okay, here we go. Welcome to Transformation #6. This transformation will include the battery of seven tests used at the NFL Scouting Combine. (Bench press 225lb for reps, 40-yard dash, vertical jump, broad jump, 20 yard shuttle, 3 cone drill and 60-yard shuttle.)

Over the next few days we’ll take all seven tests. Then we’ll start a specialized training program to improve all seven scores.

At the end of this summer, we’ll be BEASTS – strong, explosive, agile. We’ll have size, definition and new athletic prowess. We’ll finish by taking all seven tests again and smashing our previous records.

First up, 225 lbs flat bench reps. Bang out as many as you can. This tests strength AND endurance. My attempt is below.

Now it’s your turn. Try to work with the official 225 lbs. If you have to go lower, go ahead. Ultimately it’s not about the weight. It’s about the journey.

Coach Dan is back, bringing first-hand training experience from actual Combines. Thanks Coach for your help in getting this transformation started.

My goal is to get to NFL level for as many events as possible, but I need your help. We’re in this together and it’s going to be the ride of a lifetime.

This isn’t just mere entertainment. It’s 100% real, it’s my life. I don’t set goals lightly and failure is never an option with me. I need your help, we’re in this together, so let’s get serious and get to work.

Do your flat bench test and post your # of reps below. Make sure to warm up and always use an experienced spotter. Let’s see what you got

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Levrone NFL Combine Transformation • Broad Jump Test
Next challenge is the broad jump. It’s time to get out the tape measure and put in your best effort. Remember, this is just a starting point. See my broad jump in the video below.

Thanks to a suggestion by LR leader Raul Cruz we have opened up an NFL Combine Transformation section on the forum. There are three sections: Testing, Training and Final Results. Post your test videos and discussions starting now.

LR leader Gert asks: “How do you mentally reload after having 5 previous intense transformations?” Great question, Gert.

My answer is: I don’t see five transformations. I see my life as ONE transformation – an endless one that continues to challenge me and keep me growing.

I’m not interested in babying myself or being “realistic,” about limits. Neither are you. Let’s dive into this transformation and improve ourselves beyond all reasonable expectations. That is the way of the champion.

Pollila is doing battle with 135 lbs. Defibrillator put up 175 lbs for a big seven reps. That’s what’s up. AlexKid considered 185 lbs – but then banged out 1 rep of 225 lbs. Pick a weight and stick with it, doesn’t matter what it is. This is about the journey.

Spacemarine, 16 reps, 225. UKstef, 18 reps, 225. Marco, 15 reps, 225. Demorak, 15 reps of 225. Marty gets 22 reps at 225. Damond Nolan bangs out 12, 225. Stugots, 8 reps, 225. Sam4Ever, 15 reps in a row, 225.

Get your test results in and start the journey. Once the tests are complete we’ll get into the real details about how we’re going to become MOVING BEASTS by the end of this summer.

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NFL Combine Challenge • 40-yard Dash Test
Next up, 40 yard dash. I haven’t done this since I raced world-class sprinter Dwain Chambers in 2003 with a body weight 238lb.

But this time I’m racing an even stronger opponent: myself. I have to beat MYSELF if I want to come out of this challenge victorious.

Today I ran a preliminary 40 yard dash, to establish the time I’ll need to beat when I run it again at the end of the summer – after all the Combine training we’ll be going through together.

Thanks to those of you who posted videos in our NFL Combine Challenge section in the forum. You have stepped up as leaders. There is no turning back now. I’m taking notice of your courage and attitude, so keep it going. Get ready to post your 40 dash tomorrow.

Check out this link to get a sense of what top Combine performers are getting in the 40-yard-dash. Compare yourself to different positions, running backs, linemen, etc.

I got a solid running back score, and this is just the beginning. That’s what’s up. Let me know what you get. Post the times below.

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Remembering Patrick Cassidy • 1990-2010
A tremendous loss has been brought to my attention. A young athlete named Patrick Cassidy has passed away. My sympathies go out to his family and friends.

Patrick was a role model who lived as a champion both in and out of the gym. As a son, brother and friend, he will be deeply missed. There is a facebook group honoring Patrick. Please visit and show your support.

Peace & strength,

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Levrone NFL Combine Challenge • Vertical Jump Test
I’m psyched to see so many of you stepping up and getting your videos up on the NFL Combine Testing page in the forum. We are all in this together, and your involvement is what keeps me going. Knowing we’re ALL going to get better together is a great source of inspiration.

I am going to tear myself up this summer with some of the hardest workouts yet. This right now is the calm before the storm. It’s going to be interesting to see who will be able to keep up with me. Will it be you?

Taking these tests affects people in your life. It gets them thinking about their own dreams. If you have kids, friends, parents or significant others, get them involved. Share your journey. Let them in. You are making memories and providing influence, intrigue and laughter. THAT is the way of the champion.

Today I took the vertical jump test. I gave it everything I got and surprised myself with a high score for a bodybuilder at any age. But it’s not the distance that counts, but the improvement to come. Soon we will dissect the science behind vertical jump (and the other 6 tests) and turn all of us into moving athletes of astonishing ability.

Take a look below, and remember, it’s never too late to join the battle. Get your scores up so that when we launch into the training phase it will be ten times more meaningful for you. We are brothers of iron. Let’s DO this.

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Strength & Weakness
Strength and weakness are two sides of a coin. Often, to build extraordinary strength, we must first come to define our weaknesses. In a sense, weakness is the father of strength.

The strength/weakness dichotomy is something I have been meditating on for over a decade, and I have been meaning to share this with you. As the NFL Combine challenge uncovers dormant muscles and pushes us to become moving athletes, the message seems fitting.

Like any other form of visualization, it’s not enough for us to know our weaknesses from a distance. We must practice knowing, practice seeing, practice defining and visualizing our weaknesses.

“Defining” is a big part of it. It’s not for others to tell you what constitutes a weakness. A weakness is often subjective, it’s something you define for yourself. A weakness can be physical, mental – even spiritual.

There’s a difference between assessing and wallowing. A champion learns early on that you can define your weaknesses without defining yourself as weak.

To live as a champion is to master the endless art of becoming. We ALL have weaknesses to overcome. Without having weaknesses to tend to, life would be very boring.

I hope this video sparks something in you. Please participate in this exercise at the new forum section Strength & Weakness.

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M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

-33% • Greatest Hits Series
There is nothing more I want to do than finish the drills, get back into the gym and start cranking out reps. But sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I’m going to leave it at that. Because you’ve been there, too, I’m guessing. Thank you for your respect and trust. Thank you for getting my back.

Don’t lose the fire and I’ll be back with a vengeance in a day or two. Meanwhile, here’s a clip I handpicked – supersets from Levrone Report, ’09, just at the end of Transformation #2. This video gets me mentally prepared for the crazy-tough NFL Training ahead. Check it out.

Do try this at home, and let me know if you can handle it. 20 x 20 x 20 / 3 full rotations. These kinds of high rep burn, high-power hardcore workouts are just around the corner…along with a lot more. • NFL Combine Challenge: 3 Cone Drill
Here it is. Three cone drill. 8.9 seconds. Keep in mind, the turf was wet and it was hot, I wasn’t wearing cleats – so I had to keep on my toes to keep from falling and I think this lowered my score.

Nonetheless, that’s my score and that’s what I have to beat, in similar conditions, at the end of all this come late August / early September. One more drill to go, the 20-yard shuttle, and one step closer to training camp, baby. All you from the USA, have a great 4th of July and keep in touch below. INDEPENDENCE!

NFL Combine Challenge • Final Test: 20-yard Shuttle
If you’re going to join the NFL Combine Challenge you have until 12 midnight Tuesday to get your scores posted. This is mainly so you can gauge your progress after our training camp this summer.

It’s also so your friends on LR, including me, can follow along and see your progress. At the end we’ll compare before and after scores and videos and see what’s up.

This video below is the last test. Wet astroturf and no cleats, I am finding out, is just not ideal for quick cuts. But that’s okay, because I know you guys are also improvising these test with whatever means you have at your disposal. That’s okay – the whole point of this is improvement.

This video was a good chance to get everything out there on the table – where we stand, and where this is all heading. Thanks for doing the tests and get ready to get back in the gym to start banging out some full blown workouts.

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Ihmejuttuja toi tekee nykyään. Mikä onkaan se punainen lanka näissä kaikissa jutuissa? Keskittyykö se yhteenkään asiaan kunnolla, vai koittaako löytää ties mitä eri keinoja kuntoilla?
Sen jälkeen kun Letukka alko tekemään mitä ihmeellisempiä juttuja tuolla blogissa niin mielenkiinto lopahti itellä. Kerran bodari aina bodari, ei oikein muut kikkailut jaksa innostaa vanhojen saavutusten jälkeen.
Minusta tuntuu, että Kevin hakee yhteyttä kehonrakennuksen - tai voimaharjoittelun - ja yleisen urheilullisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden välillä. Monille se voi olla suurikin juttu. Joillekin taas ei.

Ja jos tavoitteena on yrittää näyttelijänuraa, ei niistä liian suurista lihaksista ainakaan mitään hyötyä ole. Sen sijaan terveen näköisestä urheilullisesta vartalosta voi olla.
NFL Combine Training • 225 Lbs Bench For Reps
Welcome to Day One of the NFL Combine Training program. First thing I want to tear into is bench. The goal is to be able to bench 225 lbs for as many reps as possible.

This combines a lot of strength with endurance. Not everyone can rep out 225 lbs, so our training approaches will be slightly different depending on your goals.

For me, I want to be able to hit 30 reps by the end. Whether you’re working with 225 lbs or 135 lbs, consider trying to attack a similar goal in terms of total rep goal. That way we can all train the same way.

If you want to go 225 lbs and be a purist (like Raul Cruz) even if it only means a few reps, so be it. Either way, this training will help.

The key, at the beginning, will be to go back to the 4×4 heavy training – you might remember it from the 405 Bench Quest. Add 50 lbs to your high rep weight, and train heavy. See the video for clarification.

In the video I was trying to calculate a 20% increase but wound up rounding up to 50 lbs. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted EVERYONE to add 50 lbs, no matter where you’re at for your reps.

So if you’re repping 135 lbs, go up to 185 lbs; if you’re repping 185 lbs, go up to 235 lbs. Start there. Simple. That’s what I want you to do at this point. Trust me. Try this and let me know what’s up.

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Life is about being moving athlete. Ymmärtäähän noi levronen touhut, kun tietää ettei pääse enää siihen kondikseen missä oli aikoinaan ja jotain uutta on varmasti mukava kokeilla.
Juuri noin, jos tekisi paluun bodaukseen, muuttuisi treenit samalla lääkkeiden kera. Nyt miehen on duunattava jotain ihan muuta motivaationkin kannalta.
Ihmeesti on voimatasot tippunut taas vaikka kokoajan jonkinlaista liikuntaa on harrastanut. Ei kyllä lihastakaan niin paljon näytä olevan enään jossei silmät vallan petä.
NFL Combine Training • Bench Shock Week
Yep, bench again. We’re doing this every other day to shock the muscle. Don’t worry about over-training, we’re in this together and you’re in good hands, this is a one-week shock treatment. Give it a shot.

The best way to follow along with this is to find a weight where you can rep out about 23 reps with the goal of increasing to 30 reps. I want you to add 50 lbs to whatever your 23 rep weight is and try to get 4 sets of 4, every other day, for one week.

The 4×4 approach is a simple, bold, effective way to improve strength on bench, and strength is a huge part of repping out 225. Most of us remember training 4×4 to quickly bring up the one rep max to 405 lbs last year.

1 rep max is an important marker for 225 rep #’s for Combine, but it’s not the ONLY marker – there are other components that need to be trained and we will get to that soon.

There’s an endurance component which will require some different training. But for this week, I want to shock the muscle into brute strength with the good old 4×4 strength booster. Those who follow along to the letter will see a surprising level of improvement.

NFL Combine • Touching Base
Shock week for bench is almost over. I have one more workout I want to post tomorrow. Then going forward we’ll spread the bench workouts out a little more, maybe two per week.

We’ll need to include high rep squats, standing calf exercises, lunges, clean & jerks, and a whole lot of other techniques to stimulate the athletic muscles and agility to improve on all six tests – not just the bench.

Every week we’ll attempt our total bench reps at 225lbs (or whatever your rep weight is), with the goal of improving 1 rep each week. This week I’m visualizing banging out 24 reps. With you watching, I can’t fail.

We’re going to be talking about nutrition. If you haven’t already done so, sign up for the Levrone Insider email newsletter – I’d like to put out a few of my meal plans this summer.

Just to review, here were my base scores before launching the Combine Training Camp.

• 225 Lbs Flat Bench: 23 reps

• Standing Broad Jump: 8′ 9″

• 40-Yard Dash: 4.52

• Vertical Jump: 31.5

• 20-Yard Shuttle: 5.2

• 3-Cone Drill: 9.4

The goal is to improve on ALL SIX tests significantly by the end of the summer. This means bringing up our strength AND agility at the same time.

The shuttle and cone drills conditions weren’t ideal for quick cuts, but I did what I had to do. My only goal is to beat myself, not to compare myself with the pros.

Although when it came to bench, I held my own And by the end of this, my scores will be at home at any Combine, and I bet at least one or two of yours will, too. Dig in, let’s do this.

A big late shout out to Spain for their World Cup Victory! We’re looking to get the Formula out to you guys real soon.

Within days, Levrone Formula will be on the ground in New Zealand (Shotgun Supplements), Australia (Supplement Warehouse) and Bulgaria (Double Biceps), and it’s already selling well in Singapore, at

These retailers are standouts in their countries in terms of customer service and quality of operations. I’m honored to award them the right to be the sole and exclusive Levrone Formula carriers in their countries. Congratulations, and thanks for joining the LR “extended family.”

FYI – New vendors are in the process of being selected in Spain, Malaysia, UK, Canada, Russia and Italy. If your country is not listed (or even if it is) please contact me with your recommendation for a trusted, reputable supplement retailer in your country. Send contact info to

See you tomorrow with a new bench video. 24 reps baby, here we come
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