Lunges, 30-Rep Challenge
Doing an hour of lunges without stopping will change you. You might not be able to move the next day. Nonetheless I’m going to ask you to try to get 30 reps. Watch the video, see how I do it, and give it your best shot. You might want to give up at three reps, but I know you won’t.
Lunges are a great aerobic workout combined with strength training. That’s what I need right now. Working core strength, getting the heart rate up, burning fat, building in layers of solidity and balance.
You don’t see lunges like these every day. Even more rare is a lunge properly performed. Like pro bodybuilding itself, it’s a combination of strength and grace.
When all the cameras are off, you’ll find me in the gym doing an hour of lunges like this. Plus, an hour of cardio in the morning…and an hour of cardio at night…and weight training, too.
And the diet. No cheating. When was the last time you went a month, a week, a day without cheating? Try it, and know the life a champion before battle. Protein, vegetables, water. Fork down. Repeat.
This is BATTLE, plain and simple. Reminds me of the good old days. Back when failure was not an option – back when the stage loomed ahead and all that mattered was victory. As hard as it is, I MISS this feeling, I’m relishing every minute of it.
What about you? Can you understand the mindset I’m talking about? Join me. Let’s do this.
We’re a few weeks away from LEVROLYMPIA, baby. There will be a thread on the forum, and you’re all invited to the stage for a posedown against Kevin Levrone at a lean, mean 220 lbs. TSSSSH-BAM!