BB PRO Kevin Levrone

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Hour Cardio • Over 100 Ab Crunches • 12-Minute Sauna
UPDATE: Banged out 105 pushups, check the 100 Pushups Challenge thread in the forum. Hollander and Rishi complete 100. Thanks to everyone who participated so far. Who’s going to stay on top?

Another day, another demolition. Tearing my body down, burning fat, taxing my muscles. Plain and simple.

This isn’t the glamorous side of training, but it is what must take place. I know you feel me on this.

Just like you, I work alone. For my OWN sense of accomplishment. To be what I envision. To take what’s mine – not for the stage necessarily, but for the stage of life.

Many unsung champions toil in anonymity. You are one of them. Moments alone, grinding out reps in an indifferent world.

Until, one day, you rise up with new power and new stature. You become something more, something inspiring.

We are soldiers here. At, our mission is to take up the challenge. To do whatever it takes to be effective. To be more than talk.

To follow our hearts, instead of meeting someone else’s expectation of who we are supposed to be in this life. That is the battle of champions everywhere. The battle to define our own paths.

No soldier will be left behind. Stay focused. Visualize. To be defined is to be re-defined. To come into clarity and focus. This is my journey, I’m sharing it with you, and I thank you for your support.

I thank you for fighting, driving me forward, watching my back, and taking your journey alongside me.


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Chest Workout + Shoulders & Triceps Supersets
Getting to the home stretch guys. Getting ready to take the shirt off and post some pics or videos after May 1st.

I’ll be sending an email shortly explaining the rules for Levrolympia and I’m counting on you to participate no matter what level you’re at. I’m putting myself out there and I know you’ll join me, cause we’re in this together.

Here’s another high-rep, high-intensity workout. Newcomers keep in mind that we’ve done it all through the past 12 months. Low rep heavy weight, high rep light weight, and everything in between.

Right now my goal is primarily to get more defined and conditioned. Higher reps DOES support gaining definition to a degree, we’ve gone over that in the past and you can see my explanation here.

Thanks again for your awesome support and friendship on the forum. Thanks to those who have been touching base on my Facebook page and sending shout outs on Twitter.

Make sure to check out the new MD Interview with Shawn Ray. It’s a must see, Shawn and the team at Muscular Development did an outstanding job helping me tell the story of my bodybuilding career.

I’m looking forward to more interviews in the next few weeks, with MD, as well as Off Topic Radio, where I get to talk about what’s really on my mind: YOU. The family and what our overall goals are in the present and future.

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It was an honor to catch up with Rishi in person and go over his training. After a year of striving with you guys online, it’s nice to finally make an in-person connection.

True mastery comes from teaching others, so it’s a privilege to help someone else out and share knowledge – that’s why I started this blog and that’s what it will always be about – a mutually beneficial exchange of wisdom.

I want to thank Rishi for carrying himself like a champion during the workout. Like so many members of the LR community, Rishi showed tremendous heart and the desire to learn.

Watch the video, see if you can apply some of the lessons. Continue to follow Rishi’s progress on the forum, along with our other ROC winners, Alexis and Andrew.

ALWAYS speak up. Your input is what keeps this place humming. There is room here for your voice. Your quest fuels everyone else’s fire, so be sure to share it no matter what.

Become immune to negativity. When haters refuse to listen to reason, the next line of attack is silence. That’s part of carrying yourself like a professional. As a pro on the world stage, I’ve had to filter out thousands of negative voices, choosing instead to focus on the millions of positive ones. Make peace with the voices that come and go, and you will be following in the footsteps of champions.

Get ready to post your pictures and videos for Levrolympia starting May 1st. If you didn’t get the newsletter, sign up now, I’ll send it again to new signups in a day or two.



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Näyttää Levronella ainakin kädet olevan kovassa kunnossa.


M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Get Ready For The Next Transformation
May 23rd, 2010
I’m happy with the size and definition I achieved in this past transformation, and you can really see the cuts in these videos below.

I’m getting a good stretch. It’s always good to stretch between sets because it helps maximize blood flow to the muscles.

Speaking of getting warmed up, it’s time for you to start gearing up for the next transformation, which I’ll be announcing this week. It’s going to push all of us to our athletic limits.

Don’t expect just bodybuilding in this next transformation. If you survive it, by the end of this summer, you won’t just LOOK like a complete warrior, you will also be able to move like one.

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Kevin Levrone Finnish Grand Prix 1997 Winner Posing

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Athletic Transformation: Details Coming Up
Thanks for stepping up and giving Levrone Formula a try. I look forward to you getting your hands on it.

Next up is an athletic transformation. We’re going to MOVE and achieve some new athletic heights, and continue to refine our physiques as well. I’ll have more details about that tomorrow. Looking forward to getting back in the gym with you to continue the endless transformation.

The support and friendship has been overwhelming. Your interest in the formula has not gone unnoticed. Thanks for stepping up on day one and selling out Full Blown Berry in two days time.

I’m simply trying to put something uncommonly clean and powerful out there that gives you a superior option. I’m just trying to get your back, and your willingness to step up and try it first shows that you got my back, too. If you ordered the Formula, trust me, you will not be disappointed, just wait.

Okay, now let’s move on…back to

Get Ready For The Next Transformation
I’m happy with the size and definition I achieved in this past transformation, and you can really see the cuts in these videos below.

I’m getting a good stretch. It’s always good to stretch between sets because it helps maximize blood flow to the muscles.

Speaking of getting warmed up, it’s time for you to start gearing up for the next transformation, which I’ll be announcing this week. It’s going to push all of us to our athletic limits.

Don’t expect just bodybuilding in this next transformation. If you survive it, by the end of this summer, you won’t just LOOK like a complete warrior, you will also be able to move like one.

Transformation #6 • NFL Combine Challenge
Introducing the NFL Combine Challenge. We’ll be training for a series of tests that cover strength, speed and agility. It’s a challenge consistent with bodybuilding and fitness goals at any level.

It’s a new challenge that adds variety to our endless transformation. It will give us new knowledge about our bodies and our athletic limits.

It will provide a solid base for all sports. We’ll have vastly improved cores, speed, explosive power and agility, and we can use these abilities in the gym in new ways. Many of us will emerge with more chiseled and powerful whole-body physiques.

We’ll have guests, players and coaches on for insider perspectives. We’ll set baselines and smash our own records. I will be going through some crazy training to move like an animal.

My hope is you’ll join in this transformation and give it 100%. We’re in this together. Let’s emerge better athletes. Some of us will get some pro-level scores – I would not be surprised. Maybe it will be you. Get some rest, we start soon.

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
kevin näyttäisi nyt hieman junnahtaneen paikalleen kuntonsa kanssa. rasvat on toki alhaalla ja massaakin on todella hienosti natikaksi, mutta alun kehittymisen jälkeen ei ole tullut enää mitään suurempaa wow -efektiä. jos vertaa vaikka savomakeen, niin maken klipeistä taas saa sen wow -efektin. kevinin projektia tuli toki seurattua tarkemmin, ja maken klippejä on katsellut enemmänkin silloin tällöin, ja se saattaa tietenkin vaikuttaa tuohon asiaan.

ainahan se kehitys säväyttää enemmän kun kehityksen tuloksia harvakseltaan katselee - vähän sama asia kuin jos itse dieettaisi, ja näkisi joka päivä oman kehonsa ja dieetin tulokset: ihmiset jotka näkevät sinut harvemmin, hämmästelevät tuloksia kun taas itsensä silmiin kehitys ei näytä niinkään ihmeelliseltä.

en ole kyllä niin tarkasti enää seurannutkaan tätä projektia, joten voi myös olla että kevinin tavoite onkin nykyään olla enemmän tuo "moving athlete", kuin varsinaisesti mahdollisimman massiivinen kisakireä bodari.
Cabcutta Guest Host: 5 Star Ultimate Delt Workout
Introducing our guest host for June: CABCUTTA.

From day one Cabcutta brought a unique and unstoppable presence to our forum.

He set the tone early and often with poetry, intensity, truth, and generosity when it came to welcoming and supporting every one of us. He has given us 1263 posts to date – the most of anyone on the forum.

His videos, which combine humor, music and intensity, are legendary, and there is no doubt in my mind that his training results will become equally legendary.

Cabcutta lost his job a few years ago and got into mindless eating as a stay-at-home dad. Since joining our community, Cabcutta rallied and dropped some 30 lbs so far, while adding noticeable mass and definition. He’s sharing his journey and inspiring us every step of the way.

In my IFBB opinion, the Five-Star Ultimate delt workout in Cab’s segment is awesome. Cab does a great job demonstrating, and I’ll be trying this on my own to see what’s up. Do the same and let Cab know what’s up, below.

Cabcutta’s just one of many great contributors. Each of you has something unique to offer the community, and the world, and you’re always invited to share it here. Perhaps you’ll be the next host. You never know.

Thanks again to everyone for making our community great, and special thanks to Cabcutta for hosting. Tomorrow we prepare to bang out 225lb reps on the flat bench for the NFL Combine Challenge. For those of you getting restless, don’t you worry…pain is on the way.

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Kunnioutus on Keviniä kohtaan kova, mutta itse mietin kanssa, että WTF!? =D nyt menee, jo hieman oudoksi. epäkkäitä öö käsipainoilla jotka painaa 10kg?! :D tämmönen kynis, ku minä veivaan 30-40kg kässäreillä epäkkäitä ja sarjat on 12-16 :D
Minä kyllä luulen, että tässä on tarkoituksena tuoda hieman sellaista tavallisen tallustajan näkökulmaa asiaan. Jos joku on kokeillut esim. noita 4 x (10x12kg + 10x10kg + 10x8kg yhteen pötköön) vipunostosarjoja, joita Kevin tuossa taannoin teki, tiettä, ettei niillä ole tavalliselle kuntoilijan kanssa paljon tekemistä.
toi cabcutta on yks levronen foorumin aktiivisimmista postailijoista.

levrone on jo rishin kanssa reenannu ja tällä kertaa cabcuttan ihan sen takia ku ne on jauhanu paskaa täs yhes jo monta kuukautta, että siinä syy


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