BB PRO Kevin Levrone

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Kevinhän tekee juuri niin kuin kaikki vanhemmat sukupolvet aina neuvoo. Eli monipuolista liikuntaa mahdollisimman paljon. Mitä järkeä Kevinin olisi tuota pelkkää pumppailua enää jatkaa varsinkaan jos tekee tuota hommaa nyt ilman lääkkeitä. Tuotahan ei kukaan voi varmaksi sanoa.

Saa kuitenkin pidettyä itseään hieman "julkisuudessa" josta voi lopulta kääriä mukavat hillotkin kun käyttää mahdollisuudet hyväksi.

Tuo mitä tekee juuri nyt on sitä tervettä "hullua treenaamista" :)
Q&A • Triceps Horseshoe/Morning Meals
Hey guys, this question came in a few weeks ago. Best way to get questions answered is always by asking with a video. It really shows your commitment togetting an answer. Throw is up on Youtube and send me a link, it’s that easy.

In the gym doing jump squats with a barbell on my shoulders. Getting that vertical jump and sprints going. I’ll have that up soon.

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Levrone NFL Combine • Jump Squats
Last week we did a lot of chest training for the 225 lbs reps, in preparation for the Combine test at the end of the summer.

Now it’s time to focus on the vertical jump, broad jump and 40-yard dash, and how we’re going to up those scores dramatically. We will still be training 4×4 bench, too. And, the 45 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach every morning is a given.

The day will soon come when we are in front of the camera once again, testing ourselves on the same tests we did at the beginning. There will be no hiding.

We will have to beat our scores. If we don’t, it will be proof that our training was not successful. That is a thought I can not stand.

This is a new kind of goal and I am enjoying the fight. When we reach our goal, another new goal will be waiting. There is no telling what that might be, but we’ll meet it together.

Today it’s about jump squats with a barbell. Go with 60% of your body weight OR 25%-30% of your 1 rep max. Body composition varies, so feel it out, we’re going for 4 sets of 12 reps. Pick a weight you can handle. Be careful and controlled. If you are a beginner, go with lighter weight or no weight. Don’t risk injury!

Burn it out with me. Talk is cheap. Get your jump squats in and send a message to your body that you want to become something more than you’ve ever imagined.

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405 lbs shoulder press and some bench pressing

Kevin competes with sprinter

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Jukolaut ku pysy hyvin peesissä!

Mun mielestä taas häviin aivan törkeen paljon :D 2 metrin tappio 20m kohdalla on aika törkeen paljon.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Tossa alkuperänen.. Ei sitä nyt nopeaksi kyllä voi sanoa, vaikka toki massaa helvetisti olikin.

Levrone Claims 4.1-second 40-yarder
By Team FLEX
Kevin Levrone's not content being one of the top bodybuilders of all time, holding more IFBB titles than any other competitor. Now, the Maryland Muscle Machine who moonlights as a rock singer in his band Fulblown, claims to be the fastest man alive. "I'm the fastest man in the world," crowed Levrone, who we think wasn't kidding. "I'll take on [official world's fastest man] Maurice Greene. I'm fast, man."
Levrone said a high school football coach in suburban Baltimore recently clocked him running a 40-yard dash at a time of 4.13 seconds. If true, that does put the muscular rock singer in elite athletic company. "It's true," he insisted. "I'm fast, I tell you. Real fast."

Okay, Kev, you're fast. By the way, FLEX remembers a race between Levrone and fellow IFBB star Chris Cormier, and both impressed with their surprising speed. The two went head-to-head in a sprint on the streets of Zurich, Switzerland, after a Grand Prix show in 1997. While Levrone won the race, though barely, Cormier has always contended that Kevin had jumped out to a false start. "That's not true," Levrone told us this week. "I'm so fast, it just looks like I got a jump. The naked eye can't possibly pick up my explosive starts."

Got it, Kev. When asked if he would be willing to take on Cormier again, Levrone replied: "Hell no. He's too slow. I want to take on the real thing. Bring on Maurice Greene."
Kevin Levrone, a body builder decided one day that he was the fastest man on the planet. All based on a 40 yard dash time of 4.1 seconds, timed (HAND TIMED) by a high school track coach.

Levrone time and time said he "wanted the real thing", a race with the former world record holder Maurice Greene.

THe challenge was ultimately answered by Dwain Chambers, whom at the time was the second fastest sprinter in the world (ranked number 2 behind tim montgomery in 2002) and had a personal best in the 100m at 9.87 seconds, which was a European record a the time.

Not only does Keven Levron lose in this 60m race, he gets blown out. Chambers runs an easy 6.64 seconds without track spikes, during the off season (when he is at his worse shape). Levrone ran 7.8 seconds, a time which most high school males and some high school females can easily beat."
Kädet ja rinta kovat, mutta selkä suorastaan surkea. Eikä tarvi itkeä, että "mitä väliä kun mies ei ole kilpakehonrakentaja enää". Ei olekaan väliä, mutta outoa, että nuo osa-alueet ottaa lihasmassaa noin hyvin vastaan ja selkä taas pysynyt ohuena kuin aloittelevalla classic bodybuilderilla. Muistelisin kuitenkin että ei Kevinin selkäpuolellakaan hirveästi ollut moitittavaa kilpailuaikoina. No, kai tässä on kyseessä joko a) valikoiva lihasmuisti, tai b) RHP-syndrooma ;)
Kädet ja rinta kovat, mutta selkä suorastaan surkea. Eikä tarvi itkeä, että "mitä väliä kun mies ei ole kilpakehonrakentaja enää". Ei olekaan väliä, mutta outoa, että nuo osa-alueet ottaa lihasmassaa noin hyvin vastaan ja selkä taas pysynyt ohuena kuin aloittelevalla classic bodybuilderilla. Muistelisin kuitenkin että ei Kevinin selkäpuolellakaan hirveästi ollut moitittavaa kilpailuaikoina. No, kai tässä on kyseessä joko a) valikoiva lihasmuisti, tai b) RHP-syndrooma ;)

a) Veikkaisin ainakin. Kevinillä selkä oli heikkous aina bodyuran loppuaikoihin saakka. Loppukisavuosinaan Levrone sai selkää kehitettyä paremmaksi, mutta kovin tiukkuus jäi silloin puuttumaan. Olkapää-ojentaja-akseli Levronella olikin sitten ehkä jopa kaikkien aikojen paras.

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