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s. 208,209 Zatsiorskyn SAPOST:sta:
"The main objective of such training routine is the maximal activation of protein catabolism (breakdown of muscle proteins), which in turn stimulates the synthesis of contractile proteins during rest periods. Since the total amount of degraded protein is maximal when loads ranging between 5 to 7 and 10 to 12 RM are lifted, this spesific training intensity(repeated or submaximal effort methods) is recommended. Training protocols are designed with the same primary objective, to activate the breakdown of proteins in the chosen muscle groups. In particular:
- Rest intervals between sets are short - 1 to 2 min compared to 3 to 5 min in weight lifting training when the aim is to emphasize neuronal output.
- In one workout or even in one day, no more than two to three muscle groups or body parts are exercised. Then, on the following day, exercises for other muscle groups are included. This is called
split training. (Seuraavaksi viitataan taulukkoon, jossa on esitetty seuraavanlainen jako
Day 1. Arms and shoulders, abdominal muscles.
Day 2. Legs.
Day 3. Chest and back.
Day 4. Rest.)
With the split system, a muscle group is fully exhausted during a workout and then given time to recover (in this example, about 72 hr.) The muscle group is exercised twice a week. The split system is never used for perfecting the neural mechanisms of strength development.
- Several exercises (usually from two to five) for the same muscle group are employed during a single training unit. Exercises may vary within the sequence; for instance, a curl with a dumbbell can be performed with the hand alternately in the supinated and pronated position. However, this is not done to alternate the muscle groups; that is, initially all exercises of one muscle group should be executed. For instance, all back exercises are performed first, and then chest exercises are performed. The idea is the same, to activate and exhaust the muscle group, slightly changed from each other, are performed consecutively. This method, called
flushing , was initially based on the assumption that increased blood circulation stimulates muscle growth. Up to 20 to 25 sets per muscle group may be executed in one workout."