Tietysti itse voisit vasta myös siihen, mitä ja kuiinka suurta hyötyä BCAA:n nauttimisesta tarkalleen on ja miksi se ei katkaisisi paastoa?
"...research regarding BCAA supplementation there is enough positive scientific evidence to warrant its usage in high performance athletes. From numerous studies it is clear that BCAA's have a significant role in increasing overall conditioning factors such as aerobic and anaerobic capacities, by improving physiological markers such as: red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum albumin, fasting glucose levels, a decrease in creatine phophokinase, increased glycogenesis, and even rapid alleviation of muscle inflammation. Other positive attributes associated with BCAA's as shown by current scientific literature includes: increased muscle recovery especially after intense eccentric exercise, alleviation of short term decrements in performance commonly associated with overreaching, improvements in plasma levels of BCAA's (often linked with fatigue), and may aid in the healing of injuries, sickness, and trauma. There may also be strength and muscle mass increases accompanied by BCAA supplementation. However, further research is needed to determine whether this is a direct or indirect effect of BCAA supplementation."
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