Miten ihmeessä homovanhempien lapset ovat aina näissä keskusteluissa superonnellisia, avarakatseisia ja totaalisen tyytyväisiä, kun yksinhuoltajavanhempien ja heteroperheiden lapset kykenevät näkemään perheissään jopa huonoja puolia? Kuulostaa aika pinnalliselta ja päällelliimatun yksioikoiselta oletukselta. Ovatko homot tässäkin asiassa niin paljon edellä meitä muita, vai onko tämäkin sitä aivotonta homokliseepropagandaa? Ehkäpä kritiikin puute johtuu (onneksi) myös siitä, että homoperheissä kasvatettuja lapsia on vielä varsin vähän, emmekä siksi kuule heidän kantaansa.
Viittasin tuolla lainaamallasi kohdalla siihen, että kyseisellä kirjoittajalla jolle tuo oli vastine, ei ole tästä aiheesta muuta kuin ulkopuolinen näkemys, ja suhtautuminen voisi olla toinen jos asiasta taas olisi omakohtaista kokemusta. Oliko tarpeeksi rautalangasta?
Tutkimuksista: :
"Having a gay or lesbian parent doesn't affect a child's social adjustment, school success or sexual orientation, say researchers."
""There were very few group differences between the kids who had been brought up by same- or opposite-sex parents," says Patterson, who conducted the research with students Jennifer Wainright and Stephen Russell, PhD, now an associate professor of sociology at the University of Arizona. One group difference that Patterson was surprised to find: Children of gay and lesbian parents reported closer ties with their schools and classmates. However, says Patterson, the difference was small and needs to be studied further."
"Patterson's and others' findings that good parenting, not a parent's sexual orientation, leads to mentally healthy children may not surprise many psychologists. What may be more surprising is the finding that children of same-sex couples seem to be thriving, though they live in a world that is often unaccepting of their parents." :
"A few studies suggest that children with two lesbian mothers may have marginally better social competence than children in traditional nuclear families, even fewer studies show the opposite, and most studies fail to find any differences," says the 74-page study." :
"The combined data presented by Perrin showed that children whose parents are lesbian have no more problems than the rest of the children and actually may be more tolerant of differences, she says. There was suggestive evidence that there were more stresses due to the gender of same-sex parents, but the children also reported greater well-being, more nurturing, and a greater tolerance for differences.
What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," Perrin says. " :
"Children do well in loving families, regardless of whether there are two moms or a mom and a dad involved," Robert-Jay Green, director of the Rockway Institute, said in a statement." Tuolta linkkejä..