AKV sanoi:
WTC-iskut tutki aivan muu taho kuin hallitus tai Pentagon.
Eipä tuota tahoa voi ainakaan riippumattomaksi missään nimessä sanoa. Tästä syystä Max Clelland erosi komissiosta.
"The failure of the 9/11 Commission to investigate diligently and tell the truth was pathetically predictable.
Rather than being impartial and independent, the key players were "mobbed up," as a prosecutor might say.
Thomas Kean, appointed chairman of the Commission by Bush, is a "moderate" Republican politician and member of the board of directors and shareholder of Amerada Hess, which is involved in the Hess-Delta joint venture with Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia, reportedly owned by the [Khalid] Bin Mahfouz and Al-Amoudi clans. This company participated in planning a Trans-Afghan oil pipeline just before 9/11, and 9/11 provided the basis to invade Afghanistan, install a puppet government headed by a former Unocal employee and place military bases along the proposed route. Khalid Bin Mahfouz is Saudi Arabia’s largest banker and former senior executive with the legendary organized crime bank BCCI. Clients include the Saudi Royal family and the Saudi Bin Ladin group of companies. Mahfouz was linked to George W. Bush when he was in the oil business and in the BCCI scandal, as well as to Bush’s father and the American investment firm, Carlyle Group.
Lee Hamilton, vice chair (not co-chair), is a Democratic politician who has always sought "bipartisanship." He chaired the House committee to investigate (cover up) the Iran/Contra affair in 1987 and performed a similar service on the House Committee to investigate the "October surprise" in which the Reagan-Bush campaign team had secretly negotiated with the Iranian revolutionary government to release the American hostages after the November presidential election in exchange for future weapons shipments to the Iranian government. The always-reliable Hamilton couldn’t find any wrong-doing in either investigation.
Philip Zelikow, appointed by Bush as executive director, served in Bush I with Condoleezza Rice, co-authored a 1997 book with the current national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, was on the transition team to advise the incoming Bush II administration on terror-related intelligence, and served on the Bush II foreign intelligence advisory board after 9/11 until appointment to the Commission. Zelikow admitted multiple contacts with Karl Rove, top political adviser in the White House, prior to appointment. Victims’ families repeatedly called for his resignation and limitations on his responsibilities."
AKV sanoi:
Olen osittain samaa mieltä siinä, että siitä ei käy ilmi kyllin hyvin se että WTC-iskujen onnistumista edesauttoi USAn hallinnon epäpätevä ja ylimielinen toiminta.
Se jättää lähes kokonaan huomioimatta nuo NORADin toimintaa haitanneet sotaharjoitukset. Toisaalta myös 9/11 edeltänyt insider traiding pörssissä. Näiden molempien asioiden tutkiminen olisi johtanut jäljet ihan muualle kuin al-qaidaan, siksi niiden annettiin olla.
Se minkä sinä näet pelkkänä ylimielisyytenä ja epäpätevyytenä, voi olla tahallista passiivisuutta iskujen estämisessä.
Kannattaa lukea se raportti kokonaan, jotta varmasti tajuaa kuinka huonosti se on tehty.