VW 2008 1.6 vaparista laukesi sylinterin kansi ja rikkoi koko moottorin. Ikää 2½ kilsoja joku 60tkm. Maahantuoja hyvitti reilusti mutta jäi siitä itselle maksettavaa 1400.
Juuri päättyneessä autoprojektissa tuli merkkikohtaisia foorumeita luettuja. Noista saa mielestäni varsin rehellisen kuvan luotettavuudesta. VW / Audi on voinut parantaa luotettavuuttaan, mutta kyllä vanhat muistot vähentää merkin haluttavuutta useita vuosia. Lisäksi kyseisen putiikin huolto oli täynnä mulkkuja. Kun hommasin Toyotan ihmettelin, että mitä helvettiä, huollon työntekijät on oikeasti mukavia ja mun ongelmat kiinnostaa niitä... ei VW:llä ikinä tullut tuollainen olo.
Ajattelin käydä vaihtamassa Audi A4 -> Skoda SuperB... Niin tuli vähän tutkittua taas noita VAG TDI koneita.
Ilmeisesti SuperB:n osalta kannattaa katsella 2010 eteenpäin.
Nuo PD (pumppusuutin) moottoriset on ilmeisesti aika susia, kun mm. öljypumpun akseli kuluu mikä on tyyppivika.. Ym. mukavaa...
Rekkarin perusteella saa vakuutusyhtiöiden sivuilta autovakuutuksen hintaa tarkistettaessa oikean vm. ja valmistenumeronkin esille. Samoin BILTEMA:n varaosa sivuilta suoraan moottorin koodin rekisterinumeron perusteella:
All you need to know about the VAG 2.0 TDi
The VAG group 2.0 Diesel engines are very popular and have had many revisions and updates over the years. We shall try to map out the differences between the engines and identify potential faults and issues with them. All modern engines have weak spots, by pointing these out we hope to prepare the buyer to spot potential issues early on. We are not trying to make out that these engines are particularly unreliable or full of issues - I recently bought one after doing my research carefully. You should note that generally newer engines have had the faults engineered out completely.
Engine codes and specs for the 2.0 TDI (140 & 170 bhp version) Pre 2008 engines are PD (Pumpe Düse) based and given a BKD, BKP (Mainly in the Passat) or BMM, BMN, BMR and BRD engine code.
Audi A6 was fitted with the BVG BNA BRF BLB BRE & A4 BVF(120) BVG (121) BNA(136) BRF (136) BLB BRE (all Bosch 140 without DPF).
BKD 140 bhp without DPF filter Bosch
AZV 134 bhp without DPF filter Bosch
BKP 140 bhp without DPF filter Siemens VDO Piezo injectors
BMA 136ps without DPF Siemens VDO Piezo injectors
BVE 122ps without DPF Siemens VDO Piezo injectors
BWV 120ps without DPF Siemens VDO Piezo injectors
BMM 140 bhp without a DPF filter Bosch injectors.
BMN 170 bhp - bigger turbo and Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines with DPF
BUZ 163ps - bigger turbo and Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines with DPF
BVA 163ps - bigger turbo and Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines with DPF
BMR 170 bhp - bigger turbo and Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines with DPF
BRD 170 bhp - bigger turbo and Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines with DPF
After 2008 CR (common rail) engines came in and had CBAB and CBBB engine codes. The common rail engines are superior to the PD engines although there were a few minor teething problems on early engines. All were Euro 5 rated so came with DPF.
These 2008 engines were also implicated in the 2015 VAG group emissions scandal where the software would detect test conditions and reduce the emissions.
CAGA 141 bhp
CRBC 148 bhp
CBBB 168bhp - bigger turbo and different injectors to the 140bhp engines
CAYB 90 Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines
CAYC 105 Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines
CLCA 110 Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines
CLNA 105 Siemens VDO Piezo Injector engines
CAAA 84 ,CAAB 102, CAAE 136, CCHB 136, CCHA 140, CDCA 163, CDBA 122 - Bosch ECU & Injectors with DPF
From 2010 engine codes included CBDB, CFHB, CHFC, CFGB
Faults and problems on these engines.
The early Siemens piezo injectors on the 170 had a fault, and would just fail causing the engine to cut out. Most of these have been recalled or replaced now so it shouldn't be an issue anymore. There are plenty of reports of DPF issues requiring a dealer regen. If you drive it hot, go on long journeys and use high quality fuel you should have no problem at all. However if you do lots of short journeys then you are best advised to remove the DPF* or choose a non DPF model. (*removal of the DPF is not legal in some countries.) There are also reports of a faulty fan controller where fan doesn't switch off, eventually draining the battery and potentially burning out the fan. The 2.0 engines have a lumpy idle which is something you generally have to live with. However a faulty DMF, Injector failures or issues with the EGR flow rate can also cause a very lumpy idle or misfire. BKP engines in particular have an issue with the oil pump drive gears which were subject to a recall and there are reports of turbo failures on these engines. Most longitudinal PD engines have the balance shaft module. Those engines suffer from two problems, the chain tensioner that breaks and causing the balance shaft module to stop working including the oil pump. The second problem is in the module itself, how it drives the oil pump, this is done by a small hexagon that also breaks because of the wear. VAG has tried to solve both issues, by replacing the chain by gears, that seems to be a working solution. They also upgraded the size of the hexagon so it should be stronger and it is, it’s now failing after more mileage. Still a very problematic issue that needs to be addressed. When failing the oil pressure drops immediately and the engine breaks beyond repair. The last issue, the hexagon, is still present in newer CR engines, but this time not just in the Passat, A4/A6 and SuperB. The only engine we are aware of that doesn’t use the balance shaft module is the 110HP 2.0 TDI(CBDC). Luckily enough there is a solution, for the PD and CR engines. It is replacing the balance shaft module for a chain driven oil pump as seen in other TDI engines. The 140hp 2.0 8v PD TDI (BMM) for example has that oil pump and it has been flawless.
Cylinder head cracking.
There is a reference number to the right of the cylinder head underneath the fuel lines 03G 103 351 B or 03G 103 308 B. Look carefully at the letter at the end of this. If you have A you are virtually guaranteed to suffer a cracked cylinder head. The B is a little stronger but a few of these have still cracked. C is the one to go for and there are very few if any reports of cylinder heads cracking. Keep a close eye on engines with the A or B codes, particularly if there are any faults or issues arising. DMFs are fairly weak and will frequently fail. If yours should go we would suggest getting a high torque flywheel from Sachs as the price is similar and they are substantially stronger.