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3 kpl M-Nutrition MANIA!


3 vuotta menty excelillä, enkä edes harkitse mitään vihkoa. Voi tosin olla joillekki vaikeaa muistaa treenin jälkeen kaikki sarjat milläkin painolla, jos ei treenaa kuten allekirjottanut, 3x8, 2x10 jne...
Mikäli haluat android puhelimeesi saliohjelman niin JEFIT. Sovelluksesta löytyy sekä ilmainen että hurjat 3,46€ maksava pro versio.

Kuvaus ilmaisversiosta:

Professional Weight Training/Bodybuilding App designed by serious bodybuilders.
The JEFIT Android Bodybuilding App designed by serious bodybuilders to improve an individuals workout in the gym, ease of tracking body statistics, create custom routines, detailed exercise database, and two-way synchronization with online server to store information and keep logs of progress.
JEFIT Free Android Workout Application is essential for bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts alike and the best way to keep track of your workout data without the use of a paper and pad.
Why JEFIT is the BEST Workout App :
- Largest exercise and routine database on the web and application
- Full Two - Way Synchronization with online JEFIT Profile.
- Easiest way to track your workouts, create routines, body statistics and lifting progress, saves all progress to keep you motivated for further exercising, fitness and workouts.
- Completely customizable routines and exercises to create a weekly workout routine all your own.
Workout Routine Planner :
- User friendly workout routine manager.
- Easily create own workout routines base on built-in exercises or custom exercises.
- Adjustable sets for each exercise.
- Support multiple routines. Easily switch among Bulking,Cutting,General and Sport Specific routines.
Smart Logging System :
- Automatic input weight and reps when you doing exercises.
- Automatic record your 1RM (1 rep maximum) for each set.
- Automatic save your best lifting record for each exercise.
Two-Way Synchronization :
- Synchronize your iPhone Workout Data with your Online Profile.
- Store information and data on the JEFIT Server and recover info in an instant
- No need to log into website to record workout data.
- Synchronize to download workout routines onto your phone
Progress Tracking System :
- Graphic chart for tracking both body stats and lifting stats
- Tracking weight,body fat, height, chest, waist, arms, shoulders, forearms,neck,hip,thighs and calves
- Auto-calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Detailed Exercise Database :
- Built-in hundreds of weight training exercises categorized by body parts
- Search Function allows for ease of finding and searching exercises for workouts and routines
- Contain 500+ exercise instruction, animations and tips
- Track Cardio, Weight Lifting, Fitness and Strength Training Exercises.
- Instant Workout Function allows for users to perform an exercise without having to edit routine
Resting Timer :
- Adjustable resting timer between sets during a workout.
- Reminder for what exercise need to do next for their workout.
- Show previous training logs of the incoming exercise while taking break.
User Reviews:
- “Best bodybuilding app ever! Can't believe it's free! Thank you so much JEFIT!”
- “Best fitness program out! By Far best fitness app!”
- “Best bodybuilding app I have found so far! Especially for FREE! I Was prepared to pay for it! Still would have been worth it. Well worth the download, Thank you JEFIT!”
- “Very nifty bodybuilding app! Everything you need to lift weights”
- “JEFIT is the BEST Workout App EVER! The combination of downloadble routines to mix up your workout with the ability to graph and track your bodybuilding progress online”
- “JEFIT is the best bodybuilding application on the market, never go to the gym without it”
*Note: To utilize the synchronization feature, a Account is required to back up your data and keep track of your fitness statistics with the JEFIT Website. You can create a FREE JEFIT Account at
For more questions and answers, go to our FAQ and Support page on the JEFIT Website. For more information about the JEFIT Android Workout/Bodybuilding Application, view our Features page or download the Android User Manual.
The JEFIT Android Application is brought to you by JEFIT Inc, one of the fastest growing workout and bodybuilding application and website today. Give JEFIT a try and see why millions of users have chosen the JEFIT Workout Application to benefit their workouts and exercises.

Lataus vaikkapa täältä


Professional bodybuilding, weight training and workout app. Sync result with PC.
This is the Pro ads-free version of the JEFIT Workout Application, it includes all the functions from JEFIT Free plus some extra features for paying users:
Why JEFIT is the BEST Workout App :
- Largest exercise and routine database on the web and application
- Full Two - Way Synchronization with online JEFIT Profile.
- Easiest way to track your workouts, create routines, body statistics and lifting progress, saves all progress to keep you motivated for further exercising, fitness and workouts.
- Completely customizable routines and exercises to create a weekly workout routine all your own.
Workout Routine Planner :
- User friendly workout routine manager.
- Easily create own workout routines base on built-in exercises or custom exercises.
- Adjustable sets for each exercise.
- Support multiple routines. Easily switch among Bulking,Cutting,General and Sport Specific routines.
Smart Logging System :
- Automatic input weight and reps when you doing exercises.
- Automatic record your 1RM (1 rep maximum) for each set.
- Automatic save your best lifting record for each exercise.
Two-Way Synchronization :
- Synchronize your iPhone Workout Data with your Online Profile.
- Store information and data on the JEFIT Server and recover info in an instant
- No need to log into website to record workout data.
- Synchronize to download workout routines onto your phone
Progress Tracking System :
- Graphic chart for tracking both body stats and lifting stats
- Tracking weight,body fat, height, chest, waist, arms, shoulders, forearms,neck,hip,thighs and calves
- Auto-calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Detailed Exercise Database :
- Built-in hundreds of weight training exercises categorized by body parts
- Search Function allows for ease of finding and searching exercises for workouts and routines
- Contain 500+ exercise instruction, animations and tips
- Track Cardio, Weight Lifting, Fitness and Strength Training Exercises.
- Instant Workout Function allows for users to perform an exercise without having to edit routine
Resting Timer :
- Adjustable resting timer between sets during a workout.
- Reminder for what exercise need to do next for their workout.
- Show previous training logs of the incoming exercise while taking break.
* Progress Photos
- Ability to take Progress/Profile Photos with Phone's Built In Camera
- Upload Images to your JEFIT Profile without having to turn on a computer with one-click uploads
- Create Photo Albums dedicated to your Progress Photos on the JEFIT Website
- Share your images and progress with other JEFIT users
User Reviews:
- “Best fitness program out! By Far best fitness app!”
- “Very nifty bodybuilding app! Everything you need to lift weights”
- “JEFIT is the BEST Workout App EVER! The combination of downloadble routines to mix up your workout with the ability to graph and track your bodybuilding progress online”
- “JEFIT is the best bodybuilding application on the market, never go to the gym without it”
- “This bodybuilding app is perfect”
- “I have used previous bodybuilding apps but this one takes the cake, workouts are easier to track and I never go to the gym without it”
- “Hands down the best bodybuilding app available, I Love It!”
*Note: To utilize the synchronization feature, a Account is required to back up your data and keep track of your statistics with the JEFIT Website. You can create a FREE JEFIT Account at
For more questions and answers, go to our FAQ and Support page on the JEFIT Website. For more information about the JEFIT Android Workout/Bodybuilding Application, view our Features page or download the Android User Manual.
The JEFIT Android Application is brought to you by JEFIT Inc, one of the fastest growing workout and bodybuilding application and website today. Give JEFIT a try and see why millions of users have chosen the JEFIT Workout Application to benefit their workouts and exercises.

Lataus tapahtuu vaikka täältä:
Itse väännän noita 5x5 ohjelmia joissa progressio on jonkin verran avainasemassa ja siksi hyvä olla ohjelma ylhäällä jossain.
Ohjelmaa pidän excel-taulukossa, jota pidän dropboxissa. Tästä sitten tulostan a4:lle treenit joita mahtuu noin kymmenen viikkoa yhdelle sivulle. Muistiinpanoja en kummemmin tee juuri muita kuin failuret salamalla ja lisäpainot leuoissa, dipeissä ja vastaavissa.
Dropbox-viritys mahdollistaa myös sen että voin android-läpyskällä avata sen myös salilta, jos olen modannut sitä ja unohtanut tulostella tuoreen version.
Paperinpala tosin tuntuu luontevammalta salilla, koska sitä ei tarvitse varoa, eikä vapisevin käsin ole aina helppo tökkiä puhelimen ruutua. Välillä en mavesarjan jälkeen tahdo saada edes lukituskuviota oikein :)
Joo, jos on vaan joku älypuhelin, niin niillä on pirun näppärää pitää treenipäiväkirjaa. Softia löytyy vaikka mitä, ja sitten voi tietty käyttää varmaan ihan jotain Exceliäkin. Ja ideana tietty pitää olla, että se tieto tallentuu serverille, että voitte sitten katella niitä tuloksia kotikoneella tai missä vaan jne (tai jos se puhelin katoaa, niin tiedot on tallessa (toisin kuin sillä kadonneella vihkolla)). Itse olen käyttänyt ihan vaan sellaista ohjelmaa kuin Evernote (saatavilla PC:lle, Androidille/iPhonelle, toimii myös selaimella jne). Se ei siis ole mikään treenipäivyri vaan ihan vaan softa, jolla voi tallettaa kaikki muistiinpanot/kuvat ja käytännössä ihan mitä vaan. Toki tuolla ei saa mitään käyriä (ala Excel), mutta en mä niitä tarviikaan, kun en ole niin tosissani - pääasia, että näkee yleisellä tasolla, että missä mennään ja millaisia sarjoja on tullut tehtyä.

Seuranta on erittäin hyvä juttu. Mäkään en aiemmin sitä tehnyt vaan vedin vaan perstuntumalla (tokihan ne edellisviikon treenit jne. muistaa). Nyt on kiva, kun näkee kehityksen pitemmältä ajalta. Laittelen muistiin myös vähän omia painoja/mittoja esim. kerran viikossa, niin näkee, että kehittyykö sitä ja mihin suuntaan. Se on kyllä jännä juttu, kun tuntuu, että haba olis kasvanut, mutta aikalailla samassa se on pysynyt. :( Tosin en mä habaliikkeitä ole tehnytkään...

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