Mielenkiintonen. Korkee eläin ja korkea kasvisproteiini vs vähemmän eläin ja kasvisproteiinin vertailu.
Insuliini resistenssiin, tulehdusarvot, rasvamassan, painon, verenpaineen jne vertailua. Mikä pisti silmään, oli eläinkorkee proteiini ei laskenu tulehdusarvoja
crp mutta verenpaine putos eläinproteiinilla vaan ei kasviproteiinilla.
In other studies, only with diets rich in animal protein it has been observed a decrease in the IS, response that can be modifed by diverse factors such as the presence of processed meat or the method of preparation of food of animal origin [35]. However, in our study, both vegetable and animal protein-rich diets improved IS, indicating that possibly other components of the protein sources are responsible for the decrease in IS. On the other
hand, the mechanism by which these high-protein hypocaloric diets can improve IS is not well established.
Furthermore, in our study, high-protein hypocaloric diets decreased blood pressure, and this efect was observed mainly in subjects consuming the Animal HP diet. In addition, subjects consuming Vegetable HP diets showed a decrease in circulating CRP levels. The efect on infammatory factors can be infuenced by several factors; although in recent years, it has been suggested that fber and gut microbiota may afect these levels through metabolic endotoxemia [37]. There is important evidence that the source and amount of protein can afect the gut microbiota [38, 39], which may infuence the concentration of CRP [40].
However, the biggest strength of our study was the very good compliance of the patients to the consumption of each of the dietary treatments, strengthening our conclusion. More studies are needed to test our recommendation in a diferent population. It is also necessary to study the efect of this type of diet on the gut microbiota and to determine the long-term efects of these diets.
Lyle mcdonald:
I daresay part of the effect is the fact that if you increase protein, you have to decrease something else. Probably carb.
Results Body weight, BMI and waist circumference decreased in all groups. Interestingly, the IS improved more in the Animal HP (Matsuda index; 1.39 vs 2.58, P=0.003) and in the Vegetable HP groups (Matsuda index; 1.44 vs 3.14, P<0.0001) after one month. The fat mass, triglyceride levels, C-reactive protein levels and the leptin/adiponectin index decreased; while, the skeletal muscle mass increased in the Animal and Vegetable HP groups. The BP decreased in all groups except the Animal NP group.
Conclusion Our study demonstrates that a high-protein hypocaloric diets improves IS by 60–90% after one month in subjects with obesity and IR, regardless of weight loss and the source of protein, either animal or vegetable.
Protein intake was 135 g vs. 85 g
Carbs were 225 g vs 256 g