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Herbal ephedra/caffeine for weight loss: a 6-month randomized safety and efficacy trial.
Boozer CN, Daly PA, Homel P, Solomon JL, Blanchard D, Nasser JA, Strauss R, Meredith T.
New York Obesity Research Center, St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University, New York 10025, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To examine long-term safety and efficacy for weight loss of an herbal Ma Huang and Kola nut supplement (90/192 mg/day ephedrine alkaloids/caffeine). DESIGN: Six-month randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial. SUBJECTS: A total of 167 subjects (body mass index (BMI) 31.8+/-4.1 kg/m(2)) randomized to placebo (n=84) or herbal treatment (n=83) at two outpatient weight control research units. MEASUREMENTS: Primary outcome measurements were changes in blood pressure, heart function and body weight. Secondary variables included body composition and metabolic changes. RESULTS: By last observation carried forward analysis, herbal vs placebo treatment decreased body weight (-5.3+/-5.0 vs. -2.6+/-3.2 kg, P<0.001), body fat (-4.3+/-3.3 vs. -2.7+/-2.8 kg, P=0.020) and LDL-cholesterol (-8+/-20 vs. 0+/-17 mg/dl, P=0.013), and increased HDL-cholesterol (+2.7+/-5.7 vs. -0.3+/-6.7 mg/dl, P=0.004). Herbal treatment produced small changes in blood pressure variables (+3 to -5 mm Hg, P< or =0.05), and increased heart rate (4+/-9 vs. -3+/-9 bpm, P<0.001), but cardiac arrhythmias were not increased (P>0.05). By self-report, dry mouth (P<0.01), heartburn (P<0.05), and insomnia (P<0.01) were increased and diarrhea decreased (P<0.05). Irritability, nausea, chest pain and palpitations did not differ, nor did numbers of subjects who withdrew. CONCLUSIONS: In this 6-month placebo-controlled trial, herbal ephedra/caffeine (90/192 mg/day) promoted body weight and body fat reduction and improved blood lipids without significant adverse events.
The safety and efficacy of a mixture of ephedrine (75-150mg), caffeine (150mg) and aspirin (330mg), in divided premeal doses, were investigated in 24 obese humans (mean BMI 37.0) in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled trial. Energy intake was not restricted. Overall weight loss over 8 weeks was 2.2kg for ECA vs. 0.7 kg for placebo (p < 0.05). 8 of 13 placebo subjects returned 5 months later and received ECA in an unblinded crossover. After 8 weeks, mean weight loss with ECA was 3.2 kg vs 1.3 kg for placebo (p = 0.036). 6 subjects continued on ECA for 7 to 26 months. After 5 months on ECA, average weight loss in 5 of these was 5.2 kg compared to 0.03 kg gained during 5 months between studies with no intervention (p = 0.03). The sixth subject lost 66 kg over 13 months by self-imposed caloric restriction. In all studies, no significant changes in heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, insulin, and cholesterol levels, and no differences in the frequency of side effects were found. ECA in these doses is thus well tolerated in otherwise healthy obese subjects, and supports modest, sustained weight loss even without prescribed caloric restriction, and may be more effective in conjunction with restriction of energy intake.
A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of a product containing ephedrine, caffeine, and other ingredients from herbal sources for treatment of overweight and obesity in the absence of lifestyle treatment.
Coffey CS, Steiner D, Baker BA, Allison DB.
1Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA.
OBJECTIVE:: To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of an herbal formulation to promote weight loss, as compared to placebo. DESIGN:: 12-week multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized parallel groups design. Study conducted at three clinical sites in New York State. Subjects were randomized to receive either the 'active' product or a 'placebo' supplement for 12 weeks. Minimal steps were taken to influence lifestyle changes with regard to diet or exercise. SUBJECTS:: 102 overweight/obese (30<BMI</=39.9 kg/m(2)) volunteers between the ages of 18 and 65 y. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:: Weight, percent body fat, fat mass, waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure, and pulse measured at 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks postrandomization. RESULTS:: Subjects receiving the 'active' treatment experienced, on average, an additional 1.5 kg of weight loss compared with subjects receiving the placebo. In addition, subjects receiving the 'active' treatment experienced greater reductions in BMI and waist circumference over the 12-week period. No differences were observed with respect to percent body fat, fat mass, diastolic or systolic blood pressure, pulse, the occurrence of any adverse event, or the occurrence of any presumed treatment-related adverse event. Testing of the study product by two independent laboratories indicated that it had only approximately half of the intended amount of ephedrine alkaloids and caffeine. CONCLUSIONS:: Over the 12-week trial, subjects on the active treatment experienced significantly greater weight loss than subjects on placebo, without an increase in blood pressure, pulse, or the rate of adverse events. These benefits were achieved in the absence of any lifestyle treatment to change dietary or exercise behavior and with lower doses of ephedrine alkaloids and caffeine than those commonly utilized.International Journal of Obesity advance online publication, 31 August 2004; doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802784
"In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study, 180 obese patients were treated by diet (4.2 MJ/day) and either an ephedrine/caffeine combination (20mg/200mg), ephedrine (20mg), caffeine (200mg) or placebo 3 times a day for 24 weeks. 141 patients completed this part of the study. All medication was stopped between week 24-26 in order to catch any withdrawal symptoms. From week 26 to 50, 99 patients completed treatment with the ephedrine/caffeine compound in an open trial design, resulting in a statistically significant (p = 0.02) weight loss of 1.1kg. In another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 8 week study on obese subjects we found the mentioned compound showed lean body mass conserving properties. We conclude that the ephedrine/caffeine combination is effective in improving and maintaining weight loss, further it has lean body mass saving properties. The side effects are minor and transient and no withdrawal symptoms have been found."
OBJECTIVE: To examine in overweight humans the short-term safety and efficacy for weight loss of an herbal supplement containing Ma Huang, Guarana and other ingredients. DESIGN: An 8 week randomized, double-blind placebo controlled study of a herbal dietary supplement (72 mg/day ephedrine alkaloids and 240 mg/day caffeine). SUBJECTS: Overweight men and women (body mass index, > or =29 and < or =35 kg/m2). MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome variable was body weight change. Secondary variables included anthropometric, metabolic and cardiovascular changes. RESULTS: Sixty-seven subjects were randomized to either placebo (n=32) or active Ma Huang/Guarana (n=35). Twenty-four subjects in each group completed the study. Active treatment produced significantly (P<0.006) greater loss of weight (X+/-s.d.,-4.0+/-3.4 kg) and fat (-2.1+/-3.0% fat) over the 8-week treatment period than did placebo (-0.8+/-2.4 kg and 0.2+/-2.3% fat). Active treatment also produced greater reductions in hip circumference and serum triglyceride levels. Eight of the 35 actively treated subjects (23%) and none of the 32 placebo-treated control subjects withdrew from the protocol because of potential treatment-related effects. Dry mouth, insomnia and headache were the adverse symptoms reported most frequently by the herbal vs placebo group at the final evaluation visit. CONCLUSIONS: This herbal mixture of Ma Huang and Guarana effectively promoted short-term weight and fat loss. Safety with long-term use requires further investigation.
Does ephedrine promote weight loss in low-energy-adapted obese women?
Pasquali R, Cesari MP, Melchionda N, Stefanini C, Raitano A, Labo G.
A double-blind cross-over randomized study was performed in 10 selected adult overweight and obese (body mass index greater than 27) women who had been adapted to low-energy intake for a long period of time and who had shown difficulty in losing weight with conventional hypocaloric treatment. Combined with diet therapy (1000-1400 kcal/day), l(-)ephedrine hydrochloride (50 mg three times a day per os) or placebo were administered daily before each meal, after a period of stabilization with diet only for 1 month. Each pharmacological treatment lasted for 2 months. Weight loss was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater during the ephedrine period (2.41 +/- 0.61 kg) than during the placebo period (0.64 +/- 0.50 kg). None of the patients presented clinically important side-effects. These preliminary results seem to suggest a possible role for a thermogenic compound such as ephedrine in promoting weight loss in low-energy-adapted obese women.
Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance: a meta-analysis.
Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, Maglione M, Mojica WA, Suttorp MJ, Rhodes SL, Jungvig L, Gagne J.
Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center-RAND, Santa Monica, Calif 90407-2138, USA.
CONTEXT: Ephedra and ephedrine sometimes are used for weight loss or enhanced athletic performance, but the efficacy and safety of these compounds are uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine used for weight loss and enhanced athletic performance. DATA SOURCES: We searched 9 databases using the terms ephedra, ephedrine, adverse effect, side effect, efficacy, effective, and toxic. We included unpublished trials and non-English-language documents. Adverse events reported to the US Food and Drug Administration MedWatch program were assessed. STUDY SELECTION: Eligible studies were controlled trials of ephedra or ephedrine used for weight loss or athletic performance and case reports of adverse events associated with such use. Eligible studies for weight loss were human studies with at least 8 weeks of follow-up; and for athletic performance, those having no minimum follow-up. Eligible case reports documented that ephedra or ephedrine was consumed within 24 hours prior to an adverse event or that ephedrine or an associated product was found in blood or urine, and that other potential causes had been excluded. Of the 530 articles screened, 52 controlled trials and 65 case reports were included in the adverse events analysis. Of more than 18 000 other case reports screened, 284 underwent detailed review. DATA EXTRACTION: Two reviewers independently identified trials of efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine on weight loss or athletic performance; disagreements were resolved by consensus. Case reports were reviewed with explicit and implicit methods. DATA SYNTHESIS: No weight loss trials assessed duration of treatment greater than 6 months. Pooled results for trials comparing placebo with ephedrine (n = 5), ephedrine and caffeine (n = 12), ephedra (n = 1), and ephedra and herbs containing caffeine (n = 4) yielded estimates of weight loss (more than placebo) of 0.6 (95% confidence interval, 0.2-1.0), 1.0 (0.7-1.3), 0.8 (0.4-1.2), and 1.0 (0.6-1.3) kg/mo, respectively. Sensitivity analyses did not substantially alter the latter 3 results. No trials of ephedra and athletic performance were found; 7 trials of ephedrine were too heterogeneous to synthesize. Safety data from 50 trials yielded estimates of 2.2- to 3.6-fold increases in odds of psychiatric, autonomic, or gastrointestinal symptoms, and heart palpitations. Data are insufficient to draw conclusions about adverse events occurring at a rate less than 1.0 per thousand. The majority of case reports are insufficiently documented to allow meaningful assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Ephedrine and ephedra promote modest short-term weight loss (approximately 0.9 kg/mo more than placebo) in clinical trials. There are no data regarding long-term weight loss, and evidence to support use of ephedra for athletic performance is insufficient. Use of ephedra or ephedrine and caffeine is associated with increased risk of psychiatric, autonomic, or gastrointestinal symptoms, and heart palpitations.
Comparison of the acute pharmacodynamic responses after single doses of ephedrine or sibutramine in healthy, overweight volunteers.
Persky AM, Ng C, Song MH, Lancaster ME, Balderson DE, Paulik MA, Brouwer KL.
Division of Drug Delivery and Disposition, School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7360, USA.
OBJECTIVE: With an increase in the incidence of obesity, tremendous effort has been devoted to the development of weight loss agents and the prospective surrogate markers of both a product's efficacy and safety. The objective of the present study was to compare the pharmacodynamic responses of ephedrine and sibutramine using surrogate markers of weight loss potential and potential adverse events. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: The study was designed as a 5-way, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial with 3 single doses of ephedrine sulfate (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg x kg(-1)) followed by an open-labeled sibutramine (10 mg) treatment. Healthy, mildly overweight (BMI = 25) subjects were administered the respective treatment and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic measurements (body surface temperature, resting metabolic rate, blood pressure, heart rate, glucose, glycerol, nonesterified fatty acids, triglycerides) were obtained for 8 hours post dose and for an additional 4 measurements during the sibutramine treatment period. RESULTS: Sibutramine treatment significantly increased resting metabolic rate compared to the placebo condition. Ephedrine significantly increased heart rate, systolic blood pressure and glucose but did not significantly affect other measurements. CONCLUSION: Both sibutramine and ephedrine have been shown to have weight loss potential, however, they elicit different metabolic and biochemical responses after a single dose. The nontherapeutic responses from these types of compounds may serve as a screening tool for the development of agents in the treatment of obesity.