Noita juttuja nyt on netti täysi. Yksijakoisesta löytyy vaikka kuinka jos vähänkään etsii. Tässä vaikka yksi pieni: Full-Body Workouts
by C.S. Sloan
In the era of go-for-the-pump bodybuilding we’ve forgotten one of the best methods for building bulk, power and strength – the three days a week full-body workout. There are those who say there’s no way you’ll grow by training a bodypart more than once a week. Well, I’m here to tell you that the three days a week method is still the best around for packing on power or busting out of a rut.
Not convinced? Take a look at these examples of bodybuilders and lifters who have periodically used three days a week full-body workout.
Marvin Eder – In my opinion, the greatest all-around bodybuilder, powerlifter and strength athlete ever to walk the planet. Eder had 19-inch arms at a bodyweight of 198. He could bench 510, squat 550 for 10 reps and do a barbell press with 365. He was reported to have achieved the amazing feat of cranking out 1,000 dips in only 17 minutes. Imagine doing a dip a second for 17 minutes. As Gene Mozee once put it, “Modern bodybuilders couldn’t carry his gym bag.” One of Eder’s favorite routines for adding bulk and power was a three days a week full body routine.
Steve Reeves – Steve Reeves was renowned for the beauty and proportion of his physique. It was quite possibly the most perfect structure that ever graced a bodybuilding stage. He always used a three days a week full-body routine.
Joseph Curtis Hise – In the 1930’s, J.C. Hise had been training for a number of years but weighed only 180 at a height of 5’9”. He was unsatisfied with his results until he took up a three days a week workout built around heavy, high-rep breathing squats. Hise then gained an unheard of 29 pounds in one month. His results were so amazing no one believed his progress.
Mike Bridges – Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. He bench pressed well over 400, squatter more than 700 and deadlifted close to that. Bridges trained all three of the power lifts in the same workout, three days a week.
George Oleson – Considered by some authorities to be the strongest man alive, Oleson holds 14 Guinness records. In addition to several amazing feats of strength, George bench pressed close to 600 pounds, squatted more than 900 and deadlifted more than 800. His favorite weight workout involved training all the major lifts in one session, doing 3 sets of 3 reps for each lift.
Still aren’t convinced? Just give the following routines a fair try and I guarantee you’ll be a believer in no time.
Kannattanee kehonrakentajat unohtaa hetkeksi myös ja keskittyä ajattelemaan miten voimannostajat treenaa. Näillä äijillä on huikeat voimatasot ja raudanlujat lihakset.
Kyllähän noita löytyy vaikka kuinka. Mä kyllä ymmärrän nelijakoisenkin hyödyt, mutta kyllä yksijakoisella on niin moni tehnyt niin huikeita tuloksia, että sitä on aivan turha lytätä. Ennen Arskan aikoja nostajat treenasi pääasiassa yksijakoisella ja samalla tyylillä Arskakin loi pohjat Reg Parkin opein joka oli myös vankkumaton yksijakoisen kannattaja. Ja edelleenkin powerflifting miehet pääasiassa treenaa yksijakoisella.