Critter sanoi:
Ja mitäköhän väliä sillä on, vaikka oliiviöljyn n-6/n-3 suhde on huono. Ei paskankaan väliä. :curs:
Ei sillä olisikaan, mikäli muista elintarvikkeista saatujen n-6/n-3 suhde olisi toisinpäin, mutta kun ei ole. Länsimaalaisessa ruokavaliossa vallitsee jo ilman oliiviöljyäkin turhan korkea n-6/n-3 suhde. Itseasiassa vain hyvin harvoissa öljyissä (mm. Camelina eli ruistankio) tuo suhde on n-3 rasvahappojen hyväksi.
n-6 ja n-3 rasvahappojen välisen suhteen vaikutuksista terveyteen on olemassa lukuisia tutkimuksia. Esim.
Wijendran V, Hayes KC
Dietary n-6 and n-3 fatty acid balance and cardiovascular health
Xia SH, Wang JD, Kang JX
Decreased n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio reduces the invasive potential of human lung cancer cells by downregulation of cell adhesion/invasion-related genes
CARCINOGENESIS 26 (4): 779-784 APR 2005
Kato M, Nagata Y, Tanabe A, et al.
Supplementary treatment of atopic dermatitis patients by choosing foods to lower the N-6/N-3 ratio of fatty acids
JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE 46 (4): 241-250 AUG 2000
Wainwright PE, Jalali E, Mutsaers LM, et al.
An imbalance of dietary essential fatty acids retards behavioral development in mice PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 66 (5): 833-839 JUL 1999
Okuyama H, Fujii Y, Ikemoto A
n-6/n-3 ratio of dietary fatty acids rather than hypercholesterolemia as the major risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE 46 (3): 157-177 JUN 2000
Simopoulos AP
Human requirement for n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
POULTRY SCIENCE 79 (7): 961-970 JUL 2000
"Instead, a high n-6/n-3 ratio of dietary fatty acids
was found to increase thrombotic tendency, decrease
peripheral blood flow and lead to persistent inflammation,
which was proposed to be the major risk factor for
atherosclerosis and related diseases. Based on animal
experiments and epidemiological studies, we recommend
a reduction in the intake of LA from a current value of
>6 en% to half, and a reduced n-6/n-3 ratio from
the current value of >4 to 2."
"A balanced n-6/n-3 ratio in the diet is essential for normal
growth and development and should lead to decreases in cardiovascular
disease and other chronic diseases and improve mental health. Although
a recommended dietary allowance for essential fatty acids does not exist,
an adequate intake (AI) has been estimated for n-6 and n-3 essential
fatty acids by an international scientific working group. For Western
societies, it will be necessary to decrease the intake of n-6 fatty
acids and increase the intake of n-3 fatty acids. The food industry
is already taking steps to return n-3 essential fatty acids to the
food supply by enriching various foods with n-3 fatty acids."
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