Liittyen alkuperäiseen kysymykseen, tässä mielenkiintoinen tutkimus, jonka mukaan rasvaa poltellessa kannattaa todellakin vähentää hiilihydraatteja ja lisätä proteiinia ja hyviä rasvoja.
"...To assure similar baseline measures, on the two days prior to all testing, subjects consumed the
HC (control) diet providing 50% of energy as complex carbohydrate, 10% as simple sugar, 15% as protein and 25% as fat. This diet was formulated based on the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and the U.S.D.A. Food Guide Pyramid..."
"...Two experimental diets were tested: the control HC diet described above and the
HP diet (30% of energy as complex carbohydrate, 10% as simple sugar, 30% as protein and 30% as fat). Only common foods and food combinations were used, and the diet plans reflected typical American meal patterns. In the HP diet, egg whites, cottage cheese, turkey, and tuna were substituted for grains. The macronutrient compositions of the test meals are shown in Table 3. Test meals were prepared using scales and liquid measures at the test site immediately prior to their consumption. Water and an artificially sweetened beverage (Crystal Light®) were allowed freely during the feeding period. Subjects were provided a small evening snack to consume after testing was completed but prior to 2000 hours. Subjects
consumed self-selected diets for the 25 days between feeding periods..."
These data demonstrate that meal-induced thermogenesis at 2.5 hours post-meal averages about twofold higher on a HP, low fat diet versus a HC, low-fat diet. Generally, postprandial thermogenesis has been associated with the protein content of a meal [9,10,17–19], and our data confirm this relationship. However, the difference in the energy cost of HP versus HC diets, particularly in the context of weight loss promotion, has not been addressed by healthcare professionals. Increased diet-induced thermogenesis, in association with the preservation of REE [3,8], may contribute to the reported weight loss success of diets high in protein with moderate levels of carbohydrate and lends credence to the observation that weight loss on HP diets is predominately body fat, not body water [2,3]..."
"...The popularity of HP diets for weight loss is unquestionable.
Although this research did not assess weight loss or the long-term effects of a HP diet, results indicated that the increased thermogenesis of a HP diet may contribute to its efficacy. The recent literature suggests that diets high in protein, but with a moderate carbohydrate and low fat content, do promote a greater degree of weight loss compared to the currently recommended high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets. When considering other health issues, HP diets should be low in saturated fat and rely on low-fat milk products, egg whites, poultry and fish as protein sources. Changes in postprandial
thermogenesis induced by HP diets based on non-animal products versus HC diets awaits investigation...."