Mauricio "Shogun" Rua

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Shogun Rua robbed at gunpoint by four men with rifles in Brazil - MMA Fighting

Shogun Rua robbed at gunpoint by four men with rifles in Brazil

Mauricio Rua won’t forget his last trip to Rio de Janeiro.
The former UFC light heavyweight was at the "Marvelous City" with his sponsors earlier this month and decided to have dinner with his manager Eduardo Alonso and fellow UFC fighter Demian Maia at Barra da Tijuca. Driving back to his hotel in Niteroi, city located 25 miles away from Barra da Tijuca, "Shogun" was robbed by a four armed men.

"We were in Rio de Janeiro with Demain and we went to dinner with Mauricio at a restaurant," Alonso told PVT. "At the end of the night, he left us at the hotel at Barra da Tijuca and drove back to Niteroi, where he was staying. He was driving a friend’s car at Linha Vermelha and he was forced to stop by another guy with four men armed with rifles.
"They took his clothes, money and his friend’s car. They said ‘I know who you are, you’re a fighter. Don’t try anything.' It was a sad situation."

Rua had to walk at Linha Vermelha, one of the most dangerous expressways of the city, during the night.
"They took everything, even his shirt," he continued. "He was shoeless and shirtless. Imagine a guy at his size asking for a ride in the middle of the night. Nobody stopped to help him. He had to walk one mile to get to the police station. It was tense, but it’s all good now."

Nothing worse happened to "Shogun," as he asked for help as soon as he got to the police station.
The UFC light heavyweight, who recently undergone surgery for a broken nose, has no timetable for his return to the Octagon.

"We’re not sure when Mauricio will be cleared to fight," Alonso said, "so we will wait and see if anything interesting happens.
"I really wanted to watch a fight between Shogun and Rogerio ‘Minotouro’ (Nogueira). There are cards in Japan and in Brazil in September and that would make sense, but now that they matched Rogerio against Anthony Johnson, I don’t know what’s going to happen."
Pitäiskö tämän muka näyttää Shogunilta? :face:

Eivät kyllä yhtään ole saaneet Mauria oikean näköiseksi, mellevyydestä puhumattakaan.

Jos Bigfoot Silva ja Mauri sais lapsen, se näyttäis tolta.
Niii-i, valitettavasti Mauri on kaukana siitä, mitä se joskus oli. :itku: Mun uneducated guess on et oisko Mauril ne polvet palautunut ikinä tarpeeksi? Mauri kait haluaa säästää itseään, ja keskittyy enemmän nyrkkeilyn reenaamiseen jne.. Ramon Dekkerssilläkihän oli polvet sökönä loppuvaiheessa uraa, tosin se silti potki menemään vaikkei sen ois pitänyt enää ku oli nii sököt, ja aina ku potki, niin potkut lähti niin, kuin se haluais lävistää vastustajan koivet. :D todellinen soturi!

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

Millonkahan Mauri on on viimeksi käyttänyt thai clinchiä tai polvia ottelussa? Muuttunut kyllä niin paljon yksipuolisemmaksi vuosien varrella.

Kaikki ne polvileikkaukset, ikä ja käydyt ottelut ei voi mitenkään olla näkymättä. Ihme että se edes vielä tolla tasolla matsaa.
Maurin debyytti! :haart:

jatkoa! Mistään ei näytä löytyvän tätä Maurin toista ammattilaisottelua kokonaisena, niin päätin upata!

Mauri hakkaa paskat pihalle, kehästä! Kirjaimellisesti! ja on mellevänä heti voitostaan! :haart:
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Sit Maurin uran kolmas ottelu, ja kolmas myös Meca World Vale Tudossa, se oli myös viimeinen kyseisessä organisaatiossa.

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:

Shogun Rua ‏@ShogunRua 9 t

Very happy! Just signed a new multi-fight deal with the @UFC ! Proud to be a partner! Tks @danawhite @lorenzofertitta

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