Mauricio "Shogun" Rua

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Maurin ja Eduardon mietteitä somesta ja sherdogista....

In English, already posted in Portuguese below in the page (Em Inglês, já postado em Português abaixo na página):

I want to have my thanks registered here for all the support on my fight Saturday Night. I want to also thank you guys for all the showings of care and support after the fight.
Losing is always very bad, hurts a lot, but what's hurting more is to lose without being able to show what I trained, and what I know. Fighting is fighting, and I know very well that in this weight class any punch that connects early on can cost a huge price. For many times in my career I was in the happy side and unfortunately this time I faced the sad side of this story.

I know a lot of people will unload harsh words, some will make constructive criticism and others will take the chance to throw all sorts of jokes and offensive words as possible. Unfortunately this is all part of being in the spotlights, and it's something that we as professional athletes, and mostly in Brazil, have to be always used to deal with.
As much as some will doubt it, I prepared myself a lot for this fight and was well trained, and this is what hurts the most about losing this way, without being able to show what I trained. Those who followed it, trained with me, or saw some of my training knows this. When you lose fighting some rounds, or even some minutes, in some ways it's less of a suffering cause you were able to show what you got and what you prepared, and it wasn't enough. But losing this way it's certainly very frustrating.

I made a techincal mistake, maybe due to anxiety and a big will to get this win in Brazil in such an important moment of my career, and I paid the price. Props to St. Preux, It's part of the game and he deserved the win.

Now I will rest, enjoy my family and then think about my next steps, TUF Brazil, maybe a weight class change, but I'll keep on going cause winning is easy, but keep on battling and overcome the obstacles is what makes a true fighter. Thank you all for the support.

UFC Bad Boy Bad Boy Brasil Vila da Luta

Before I get to read or answer any of the questions that might be in this page, as it's really a sad proccess now and I rather just rest a bit, I'll make a quick statement that might be an answer to most questions in general terms.

Believe it or not, and I know a lot of people won't believe by any means, he trained hard and was well trained for this fight. Truly. At least in better fighting condition than in many recent fights, and in many recent years. His gas tank was better, his Muay Thai was more fluid again and he was kicking a lot in training camp, he was stronger and he was also with better and more fluid BJJ again, without the recent mistakes, etc.
Was he the Shogun of 2005? no, of course not. almost 10 years have gone by and he has changed, and the sport has changed. Was he in better condition than his last fights? Yes, certainly.
Could he do more in training camp? Yes, of course he could as well. There's always more that can be done, and Shogun still has some little things (that I won't mention here for obvious reasons) that IMO (and that's only my opinion) he can try, and should do which would make him better and are necessary in this day and age.
But I guarantee you that he didn't lack any effort on training sessions, didn't avoid hard training or anything like that.
Despite the fact that some will never be pleased with the training partners he had, unless they are famous names or in a camp like AKA, Kings, etc, he did have a lot of good training partners, heavy and experienced, like current and former UFC fighters, former Brazilian Olympic Boxing team members, former BJJ World champions, current Muay Thai Brazilian champions, etc, and was pushed.
I could also rumble about the problems we had, such as small injuries here and there, opponent change, etc, but reality is that he was well prepared under his current state and we really believed he could implement the strategy we had for the fight even with the short time available, as he was showing in training that he could.
In the end, St. Preux was the better man and Mauricio wasn't "There" in the fight, meaning he couldn't really do what he trained for, threw strategy out for some reason and ended up paying a big price.

Like he said today, it's very frustrating when you lose like this cause you can't really show anything, and people will speculate all they want about how bad he is, or imagine he didn't prepare, etc.

In all honesty I never expected this scenario, and I could fear him losing by Lay n Pray or Sub, like I believe many of you might have feared as well. But I would never expect him to be KO´d without even being able to fight.

Does that raises questions? Of course it does. I can't and won't tell you guys what crossed my mind right after the stoppage, but we all think about the same things as we all care for him.
The difference is that, we are seeing him making the effort and work hard in training and know he could and can show much more. Maybe not the same as in the past, who knows? but certainly more and this time he couldn't fight. Tell us little. Only he can find the answer to those questions by making the small changes he still has to make (IMO) and giving it a try to make a conclusion.

I personally think, as I shared the hotel room with him, he was much more nervous for this fight than I ever recall seeing him. I think the whole TUF Brazil thing with the change of opponent got him too pressure to deliver, and concerned about "having to win big" this fight. Strategy was to start cautiously, with lots of feints and set ups, and work trough Leg and Rib kicks first, before trying to unload punches, etc. He seemed to want to rush things, and to me it's a result of all that pressure he was feeling and it's totally understandable.
Props to St. Preux again, he sized the opportunity and took great advantage of it.
some people also asked why we accepted the change, but we would never step away from a main event and leave the fans and the UFC in such a bad spot, so close to the show. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. Those things just happens sometimes.

A lot of fighters, including Shogun and others, happen to lose fights quickly sometimes even in famous camps, and rebound later. Wanderlei x Leben comes to mind, as well as other fights. So people sometimes think in a very romantic way, but we got to face reality.

Reality is that it's up to Shogun to find motivation and see what he wants to do, make some changes that are needed if he wants them, and prove to himself (not anyone else) if he still can do it or not.
If he does wants to try, I want him to fight at catchweight and then move to MW. This should give him, and many, any final answers and could force him (in a good way) to make some changes as well that might help. LHW guys have gotten too big, and at 32 and if his heart is still into fighting he deserves that attempt, to at least get peace of mind.

I like him a lot, and he is one of the most talented guys I ever saw training. It breaks my heart to see how much he trained this time, and how nervous he was and how he couldn't perform and show it. I think, besides the natural problems that mileage and age brings, he is the one that sets his own limits.
Moving down in weight could bring some bright times, or definitive answers to him and regardless of what he chosed to do, he doesn't owe anything to anyone as he had a great career and deserves everybody's respect. People have to remember that sometimes you do get caught, and it happen to a lot of fighters, some of them who even moved up in the rankings again after it.

Let's see what the future brings and if he fights under my wing again, won't be at LHW so a lot of questions can be answered, more importantly to him. This was a very frustrating experience, and now it's the time where we have to show what we are made of, as honestly it's the most bitter lost I have ever lived in my career.
(sorry for the mixed thoughts and long rumbling, it has been some tough days)

Best regards,

Eduardo Alonso.

Maurin Instagramissa oli kuvassa jotain tällaista vielä:

"The coward never starts, the loser never ends, the winner never quits"

On kyllä huikea soturi, ei voi kuin ihailla ja kunnioittaa, ja rakastaa! :haart: :love:

Toivon kuitenkin, että Mauri palaisi Cordeiron luokse, mihin hänet toivotettiin jo tervetulleeksi, Cordeiro sanoi että ovet ovat aina auki hänelle. Maurilla on mennyt aina hyvin, kun on hyppinyt Cordeiron pillin mukaan, kun on ollut pois mukavuusalueelta ja paiskinut töitä koutsin tahtiin, eikä oman mielen mukaan. Mauri sortui tässä ottelussa nyt aika pahaan virheeseen, KINGS MMA:lla kyllä tuollaiset saataisiin suljettua pois, hyvää sparria on, missä varmasti muistutetaan virheistä kun niitä tapahtuu, ja Cordeiro on kova koutsi vieläkin ja on saanut paljon aikaan, ja saa edelleen. Werdum, RDA, Machida jne. Varmasti ottelusta saisi vielä sellaista, että näin suuret virheet voitaisiin sulkea pois, ja meno olisi tarkempaa. Arveluttaa hieman, että onko Maurilla ollut liian hyvä fiilis Sao Paulossa, mut on sil kuitenki ollut nyrkkeily ja muay thai mestareita sparrikavereina Alonson mukaan. Mene ja tiedä.

Seuraavaan matsiin toivon kyllä täyttä camppia tiettyä vastustajaa vastaan valmistuen, turhan monesti on ollut Maurilla valmistautumisessa ylimääräisiä tekijöitä. Evans matsiin vaihtui Jones, Lil Nog 2 matsiin vaihtui Shale, Manuwaman matsiin vaihtui OSP. Ja nyt on vielä nettikiusaus tullut uutena ilmiönä. :itku: :david:

Haluaisin nyt seuraavaksi nähdä sen Lil Nog revanssin. Siitä näkisi paremmin miltä molemmat näyttää, ja se olisi hieno legendojen kohtaaminen, ja häviön tullessa ei tulisi rumasti syötetyksi jollekkin nuorelle urokselle. Sen jälkeen uutta "checkiä" molempien tilasta. 185:ssa olis kyllä pikkusen vikkelämpiä kavereita vastassa. Mut olis sielä ihan kiinnostavia matsuppejakin Maurille.

#WARMAURI :haart:
Huomasinpa tuossa just, että Veraakaan vastaan ei alkujaan pitänyt otella, vaan mies tuli paikkaamaan Thiago Silvaa. Lol, jotenki epätavallisen tavallinen ilmiö kyseessä Maurin kohdalla. Tuossa nyt kuitenkin edes vastustaja pysyi suht samanlaisena (vrt Lil Nog & Shale) niin tuskinpa nyt mitään haitannut edes. Onhan se varmaan tietenkin ylimääräistä prosessointia mielelle kun vastustaja vaihdetaan aina kun camppi on jo melkein loppunut ja ottelu on jo nurkan takana. :/ Näitä sattuu nyt vähänväliä muillekkin, se ei ole mikään selitys, mutta silti tuntuu, et ihan ku koko universumi olis Mauria vastaan välissä. LEAVE MAURI ALONE! :itku: :david: Silti mies on taplannut eteenpäin niinku oikea soturi, eikä ole koskaan selittänyt mitään, hespekt!
Voi prkl.. Pelkään pahoin uusia Crocoppeja Shogunilta. Taistelutahto ei helpolla lähde miehestä. Ei voi muuta kuin arvostaa ja harmitella samaan aikaan. Ehkä liian sisukas omaksi parhaakseen?
Toivottavasti jotain mystistä tapahtuisi MW:ssä. Machidalle se toimi todella hyvin, mutta Shogunilla noita kilsoja alkaa olemaan paljon enemmän.

Karua luettavaa Jack Slackilta
It is time for Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua to hang up his gloves, but I can almost guarantee you that he won't. It's going to get a lot sadder and a lot uglier before it's over.
Cordeiron opeissa, itsekuritettu, metodillinen, tarkkaavainen ja vastustajaa varten räätälöidyn täydellisen gameplanin päättäväinen seuraaja, sitämukaa rentoutuva ja tilanteista nauttiva onnistuja voidaan Shogunista varmasti leipoa vielä. Eli uskon ettei tuollaisia Sonnen/OSP virheitä tapahtuisi enää, ja Shogunin otteisiin voitaisiin saada tarkkuutta ja juonikkuutta. Kuitenkaan mitään menestystä ei kannata odottaa kun prime on sen verran kaukana, mutta koska Shogun on soturi, niin tuo on minun veikkaukseni, millä voitaisiin adjustaa ja samalla optimoida nykytilannetta käytettävissä olevilla työkaluilla.

Maurilla on nyt paljon mietittävää, ollakko lähellä perhettään ja nauttia Brasiliasta, vai mennä Cordeiron luo ja antautua sataprosenttisesti loppu-uralle. Edestakaisin reissailu ei myöskään varmaan kovin edesauta "fokusta." Uskon, että päätös on tehtävä näiden kahden välillä ja siinä pysyttävä, ja katsoa mihin se johtaa. Sellaista nettininjamutuilua tällä kertaa... :)
Tuo Slackin käyttämä gif Shogun vs. Liddell matsista on kyllä uskomattoman kaunista katsottavaa. Paras Shogun, joka on UFC:ssa nähty ja mielestäni Shogun teknisimmillään ikinä.

Maurin amatöörimatsi.

Mauri from the ages he wasnt mellevä yet... sparringsesssio jonku kotona, lopuksi halit ja party jatkuu.

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Mauri Praidon MW raanpriissa, osa 1!

Siitä se mellevyys sitten lähti ihan uusille leveleille!
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Mauri Praidon MW raanpriissa, osa 1!

Siitä se mellevyys sitten lähti ihan uusille leveleille!

Mitä vittua :lol2: Matkalla melleväksi... Mellevä Productions :D Onko vielä perunalla kuvattu? :)
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
osa 3! Nyt on muuten parempi laatu.

Aronamatsin yritin myös uppia, mutta Dana tais jo soittaa jewtubeen, että "STOP THAT FUCKING GOOF IMMEDIATELY!" Nimittäin tuli 95% upin kohalla viesti että invalid.... ja jotain worldwide block lukee myös tuola mun kannulla. Dana meinaa sensuroida mut. :itku:

Onpa muuten hienoja noi Overeemin ja Maurin entrancet tossa semifinaalissa. Mauri mellevänä tuulettelee, ja Overeemilla on hevosentappoleka mukana. :hyper:
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
No mitä helvettiä? Miten VIACOM voi omistaa Maurin ja Overeemin ottelun (korealaisen tv lähetyksen) oikeudet? "This video contains content from Viacom, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

Tälle on vain yksiselitys, Fertittan mafiaperhe ja Dana on lyöty lujille kun haastettiin oikeuteen, ja he haluavat vain pessä kätensä koko sotkusta, ja möivät Viacomille UFC:n. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS!
No mitä helvettiä? Miten VIACOM voi omistaa Maurin ja Overeemin ottelun (korealaisen tv lähetyksen) oikeudet? "This video contains content from Viacom, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

Tälle on vain yksiselitys, Fertittan mafiaperhe ja Dana on lyöty lujille kun haastettiin oikeuteen, ja he haluavat vain pessä kätensä koko sotkusta, ja möivät Viacomille UFC:n. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS!

Mä odotin oikeesti, että noissa videoissa ois ollu matsit sun kommentaarilla jossainpäissään :(
^Viacom on niin iso yhtiö, että se vois omistaa halutessaan vaikka MMAutistin...

Wikipediasta: Viacomin omistuksessa ovat muun muassa Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks, Nickelodeon, Music Television ja Comedy Central. Kyllä yks PRIDE menee siinä sivussa. ;)

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