Mauricio "Shogun" Rua

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Happiness level decrease report


Rafael Cordeirokin on huomannut, että Maurilta puuttuu mellevyyttä otteluista. Absolute Happiness is going away. :itku:


I would really like Shogun to get back to training with me. I like him a lot, and that's why I want to train him. I can't say I'm gonna be the saviour, but I know his fighting style very well and I'm very fond of him. He likes to be in Brazil, near his family. He has a need to be close to his mother, wife, friends and, sometimes, I can't see myself in a camp in Brasil because of all the things I have to do in my gym. But I sure want to get back to training Shogun one day and help him to get back to the top, where he belongs. He's a young guy, age is not a problem. I see Werdum, who's 37 and riding the best moment in his carrer. Belfort, at 38, is also at his peak. We have enough time to get him ready. Anytime he wants, he will be welcomed here like it was his home, like a father opening the doors to his son, without a problem. That's the message I want to give him

On what Shogun is lacking in his game

It's hard to say because I don't watch him on a daily basis, but I can tell what's missing: motivation. Getting him a motivation injection, and that's all. Shogun is ready. The most important thing is that he has heart. This kid is not afraid of anybody. If you match Shogun against anyone, he will fight. He never steps back, he walks towards everyone, against anyone. That the Shogun who have been prepared to get where he is. He only lacks a little motivation to see that "I'm good" smile inside the octagon


Niin, kukapa ei haluaisi nähdä Mauria mellevänä. :haart: Cordeiron piiskan alla olisi ainakin varmasti Trainy, Eaty, Sleepy - siis pyhä kolminaisuus kunnossa. Nyt vaan se ruiske, niin nähdään Mauri Mellevä.

Mitähän tuosta Maurin ja Silvan The Ultimate Fighter Brazil kaudesta tulee? Onkohan sekin sellanen talli vs talli, kun koutsitkaan eivät ottele toisiaan vastaan.

UDL vs Team Nogueira, uudenajan Chute Boxe vs BTT melkein haha.
MAURI MELLEVÄ palaa Cordeiron luo!!!!


Rafael Cordeiro confirma que voltará a treinar Shogun | UFC &reg - News


What was a great chance will finally become reality. Former light heavyweight champion, Mauricio Shogun will return to train with Rafael Cordeiro - Fighter former coach in Chuteboxe and current leader of the Kings MMA - to combat Rogerio Nogueira on August 1 at UFC 190. The information was given by own coach in an interview with program In The Cage With Bards. - Shogun and Rafael Cordeiro together again? Fighter Manager approves partnership

"will happen and I really want to happen. He will move to California now in the middle of April. We still have to resolve some things for him there, how to get a house, a car, but that's it. He will move there and we will make the camp for his next fight "

Shogun and Rafael live opposite phases. While the fighter accumulates five defeats in the last seven fights, the coach is seen as largely responsible for the evolution of Rafael dos Anjos and Fabricio Werdum , lightweight champion and interim heavyweight champion. Despite the bad phase of the athlete, the coach ensures that it is a matter of time for Shogun again be one of the best fighters in the world.

"I've known him since he started training and I believe that if you motivate him, he will go back to being the best. That's what I try to do: motivate you as much as possible to bring back the old Shogun. He's only 33 years old, has a great future. I will do my best to bring it back. "

Hieno kahden legendan kohtaaminen! :haart:
Helvetin hieno juttu, että Mauri treenailee Cordeiron kanssa taas. :) Shogun oli mielestäni parhaassa ottelukuosissa tittelin voittamisen jälkeen, kun tyrmäsi Forestin Brasiliassa ja se oli myös edellinen kerta, kun oli täyden leirin Mestren valmennuksessa. Cordeiro on kuitenkin yksi parhaista koutseista ja on ansainnut sen tunnustuksen kahtena hyvin erilaisena aikakautena.

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

Vaikea sanoa miten pätevä tuo Shogunin S&C koutsi on, mutta harmittaa ettei Mauri mennyt Nick Cursonin valmennukseen kuten toinen Cordeiron oppipoika dos Anjos. Curson sai oppinsa Marinovichin veljeksiltä, jotka vastasivat BJ Pennin S&C treenistä silloin LW tittelijuoksun aikana.
Vaikea sanoa miten pätevä tuo Shogunin S&C koutsi on, mutta harmittaa ettei Mauri mennyt Nick Cursonin valmennukseen kuten toinen Cordeiron oppipoika dos Anjos. Curson sai oppinsa Marinovichin veljeksiltä, jotka vastasivat BJ Pennin S&C treenistä silloin LW tittelijuoksun aikana.

[voice=Anderson_Silva]Nick is the best![/voice]
Maurilla on asiaa

"It's the price you pay when the sport starts to grow. There's more criticism, more people bugging you. I'm going to give you a pornographic example. I don't want to generalize, because only a few fans do that. Some people feel good when they go on the internet to criticize. They are like a virgin guy who watches porn all his life and thinks he knows everything about boning, but never had sex. It's the same thing. Most fans support me. When someone is your fan, they like you as a person and an athlete. Brazilian are fans of results, though. This example goes to that small amount of fans. The virgin who thinks he knows how to bone. They are keyboard warriors."



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