kyllä mää nyt sen tiedän että selkä pidetään suorassa mutta kysymys onkin että onko tarpeellista pitää koko selkä suoranana vai ainoastaan alaselkä? Tossa rippetoen videossa sanotaan vaan että työnnä rinta ulos eli ilmeisesti koko selkä jännitetään.
Mikähän siinä nyt on niin vaikeaa :D Edellisellä sivulla pastesin juuri tuosta, laitetaan sitten joka sivulle, että kaikista uunoimmatkin osaa sen käsiinsä löytää...
Round the upper back or don’t round the upper back? The lower back is the biggest concern first and foremost. There must be an arch, and you must know how to use your abs to brace your low back to maintain that arch. Some people have more of an arch than others. That’s not the point though. The point is that the arch must be tight (for that person), and the abs must brace the lower back by pushing the diaphragm down. Rounding the upper back is an advantage for lifters who know how to use it because it shortens the stroke of the lift (it feels almost natural for those with a thoracic spine curve). To maximize this technique, just sink your ribs and round the shoulders forward when you grab the bar on the floor (being sure to keep a tight arch in the lower back). If you compete in powerlifting and pull with an upper back curve and feel comfortable with it, don’t change it. You will tend to pull in a meet the way that you practice. If you have ever seen Konstantin pull any of his 900 plus lbs deadlifts, you’ll see how exaggerated an upper back curve can be. He is also a master of the rib sink/shoulder rolled forward technique that I just described. Take a look!