- Liittynyt
- 17.8.2006
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- 15 465
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- 34
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Jumalauta ku maistu oreokeksit hyvältä.

e: Tai linkatkaa vaikka tutkimuksia, jotka osoittavat että keto ei: paranna motoriikkaa, kognitiivisa kykyjä, vähennä unen tarvetta ja nosta kehon lämpötilaa sekä paranna enrgiantuotantoa. Ne on ne syyt(makuelämysten ja masennuksenpoistollisten syiden lisäksi, e: ja eittämättömän edun painonpudotuksessa)pääosin miksi ketolla päätetään ajaa.
One study using 23 older adults with mild cognitive impairment measured cognitive improvements under ketosis by splitting group participants into two groups (high carbohydrate diet or very low carbohydrate diet). The study found that ketone levels were positively correlated with memory performance.
In fact, studies often state that the keto diet is not efficacious in regards to significant cognitive improvements, and that more research needs to be done before we can make such conclusions. For example, in one year-long randomized controlled study, they found no significant difference in cognitive functioning when measuring working memory and speed of processing between those on a low-carb, high-fat vs. participants on a high-carb, low-fat diet.
Kumman lie tuloksen noteeraat ja kumman olkia kohauttamatta jätät noteeraamatta.
In another study that evaluated the cognitive skills of low-carb dieters in comparison to reduced calorie diets, dieters who eliminated carbohydrates from their meals actually performed more poorly on memory-based tasks. In addition, a review of 15 studies looking at the role of the keto diet in mental health concluded its efficacy is unclear.
Thus, for otherwise healthy individuals, there is currently little evidence that following a keto diet will improve cognitive function or mental health in the long run.
Katherine Metzelaar, MSN, RDN, CD is a Seattle-based registered dietitian and nutrition therapist

The Current Status of the Ketogenic Diet in Psychiatry - PubMed
Despite its long history in neurology, the role of KD in mental disorders is unclear. Half of the published studies are based on animal models of mental disorders with limited generalizability to the analog conditions in humans. The review lists some major limitations including the lack of...

Conclusion: Despite its long history in neurology, the role of KD in mental disorders is unclear. Half of the published studies are based on animal models of mental disorders with limited generalizability to the analog conditions in humans. The review lists some major limitations including the lack of measuring ketone levels in four studies and the issue of compliance to the rigid diet in humans. Currently, there is insufficient evidence for the use of KD in mental disorders, and it is not a recommended treatment option. Future research should include long-term, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover dietary trials to examine the effect of KD in various mental disorders.
Mutta joo, tää menee vähän mollaamiseks nyt. Toki mulla on tiede takana. Anekdootit taas kumoaa nämä. Eiks jeba? ;)
e: ja eittämättömän edun painonpudotuksessa)pääosin miksi ketolla päätetään ajaa.
JA Tämä, haluatko todella lähtee vääntää tästä?

The Research So Far
The ketogenic diet has been shown to produce beneficial metabolic changes in the short-term. Along with weight loss, health parameters associated with carrying excess weight have improved, such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. [2,7] There is also growing interest in the use of low-carbohydrate diets, including the ketogenic diet, for type 2 diabetes. Several theories exist as to why the ketogenic diet promotes weight loss, though they have not been consistently shown in research: [2,8,9]
- A satiating effect with decreased food cravings due to the high-fat content of the diet.
- A decrease in appetite-stimulating hormones, such as insulin and ghrelin, when eating restricted amounts of carbohydrate.
- A direct hunger-reducing role of ketone bodies—the body’s main fuel source on the diet.
- Increased calorie expenditure due to the metabolic effects of converting fat and protein to glucose.
- Promotion of fat loss versus lean body mass, partly due to decreased insulin levels.

Diet Review: Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss - The Nutrition Source
Finding yourself confused by the seemingly endless promotion of weight-loss strategies and diet plans? In this series, we take a look at some popular

Bottom Line
Available research on the ketogenic diet for weight loss is still limited. Most of the studies so far have had a small number of participants, were short-term (12 weeks or less), and did not include control groups. A ketogenic diet has been shown to provide short-term benefits in some people including weight loss and improvements in total cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. However, these effects after one year when compared with the effects of conventional weight loss diets are not significantly different. [10]
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