BB PRO James Hollingshead

Its not done yet...
Great perspective and thoughts on competing in the 2024 Arnold Classic.
Parasta Jamesia taisi olla Arnold Classicissa! 💪


James Hollingshead shares a detailed look at the rigorous chest and triceps workout that propelled him to a 5th place finish at this year's #ArnoldClassic showcasing the dedication and hard work behind his achievement!

James Hollingshead has found that "locking in" a bit more for arm day has helped him stimulate and ultimately grow his arms. Some exercises get prioritized for their mechanics and others are placed later in the workout when steam is running lower.
Leverage is at a minimum here and stretches are always emphasized.
Here is joined by Garrett Danzey the wednesday before the Arnold Classic

Today video we are joined by Jr bodybuilding champion Connor Launder. Emphasis on upper body muscle groups including Chest shoulder and triceps.

TBJPXSHED to check it out

We decided to capture the workout from two perspectives.

James is currently training with a split that places emphasis on what he needs to improve.

Todays video I wanted to give those who haven't had a chance to visit the gym and full introduction to the place. Discuss immediate and future plans myself and Jordan Peters have in mind and give you a sneak peak of our expansion that is taking place over the coming months.

James Hollingshead emphasizes the importance of maintaining a laser focus on your goals, cultivating a positive mindset, and shielding yourself from negativity. He discusses how ambition evolves and the necessity of staying driven, no matter the external opinions.

James also breaks down the critical elements of consistent training, the right nutrition, mindset adjustments, and taking full responsibility for your actions to achieve personal growth.

Don't miss out on this treasure trove of #bodybuilding knowledge, perfect for #athletes at any level looking to enhance their training and nutritional strategies.

James and anth tear up spme back at the original hardcore gym. Metroflex. home of Ronnie Coleman and Branch warren.

Brian Dobson thr owner shares some wisdom.

James Hollingshead covers shoulder workouts, starting with an introduction and tips for effective execution. He highlights the best exercises for individual needs, focusing on the military press with setup instructions. The benefits of using a barbell over a Smith machine and the importance of free weight training are also discussed.

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Lähes joka pro ukko sulaa kymmeniä kiloja ja samalla löystyy vaikka treenejä jatkaa ja vielä treenivideoitaan kuvailee "eläkepäivillään".

Off-season training and updates. Around 6 weeks in to training together.

Hitting back at Tbjp x Shed

Looking back at Amsterdam with Team ESN

LATEST from myself and Jordan Chest and back.

The biggest session of the split!

LATEST from myself and Jordan


LATEST from myself and Jordan

Slapping some meat on the arms. 💪

Hitting chest with a little touch up on back at TBJPX SHED. 💪

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