As early as the summer of 1965, he occupied an undisputed first place in the list of Austrian weightlifters, thus outstripping all his former teachers and training companions, and at the age of hardly 18. In September Arnold passed his examinations in business school, and thus his commercial apprenticeship ended. On the first of October, he was drafted into the army, where he served as a tank driver. Everyone knows that basic training for military service involves, even for a highly trained athlete, great hardships and deprivations. And one is astonished to discover how, in spite of it all, Arnold still found time to prepare for the Best Built Athlete of 1965 in Stuttgart. Naturally he wasn't able to improve markedly; he was only able to stay in condition. Nevertheless, that didn't damage his unshakable optimism. And thus he appeared for the first time in an international competition and had to compete at the very outset with some of Europe's finest among the Juniors, such as Dischinger and Fluck. That he walked away with the victory here too, at his very first attempt, and that he was able to do so with the very highest number of points possible, proved even then his exceptional standing in weightlifting circles. The underdeveloped beginner had, in three short years, turned into an athletic young man of incomparable size and muscularity, as can be seen by his measurements, which were then:
Bodyweight 198; Height 6'1"; Upper arm 17¾; Chest 50; Waist 30; Thigh 24½; Calf 16¼.
He awakens admiration, however, not only by his measurements, but equally by virtue of his extraordinary harmonious total development and definition. His appearance in Stuttgart impressed the experts so much that he was signed up immediately for the next Mr. Germany contest, as a guest star, by the president of the DKV, Mr. Putziger. When his basic training was over, Arnold was able to devote himself increasingly to his training with barbells. In the barracks his experiences in the army were similar to those of Reinhard Lichtenberg. He was frequently asked by his buddies to remove his shirt and put his muscles on display. That there was also strength and endurance in those muscles (which was doubted by some of the skeptics) Arnold proved at the military meets held in Graz.
At those meets he took a distinguished third place, although he hadn't prepared himself for specifically these disciplines at all. For example, he did a shot putt of 13.85 metres, threw the baseball 95 metres, and broad jumped 6.10 metres.
Then on March 6, 1966, when Arnold appeared as a guest at the Mr. Germany contest, many of the experts were convinced that he had then reached his peak development, and from there on could only improve minimally. On the basis of his measurements, he could be numbered even then among the best of European bodybuilders. Since Arnold made such great progress in the last half of the year, he entered the Mr. Universe contest with the official association of the NABBA in London.
On August 1, Arnold moved to Munich where he took a job in a sporting goods store. His employer, himself a great sports enthusiast, left him enough time to prepare for the Mr. Universe contest.
Those who had thought earlier in the spring that Arnold had already attained his best possible form and peak development, were now forced to change their opinions. It is difficult to believe how, in the space of two short months, Arnold built up and increased in massiveness. It contradicts every traditional law and norm. In this short time he almost equaled his great ideal, Reg Park. It is hard to imagine where Arnold picked up the strength of will and found sufficient training energy to carry out his staggering program; for now he was training seven times (!) a week, in training sessions that lasted from five to six hours. During training he pays particular attention to his 'weak' spots. His thighs and calves he trains daily. He worked his upper arms three times a week for two to three hours, doing a total altogether of 60 sets. His preparation demanded not only great physical exertion, but also the most careful way of living. That means ten hours of sleep daily, no alcohol, and no nicotine.
Breaking through to international fame
The time had finally come. Arnold had done everything possible to make the best impression he could at his first participation in an international contest. Shortly before his flight to London, he had himself measured once more. It seems hardly possible, but the following measurements are strict fact:
Bodyweight 235; Height 6'1"; Upper arm 20½; Chest 54½; Waist 31; Thigh 26¼; Calf 17¾.
Although many of those who saw him only a short time before were convinced that he would be the new Mr. Universe, Arnold repeatedly pointed out the heavy competition, and said that if he placed somewhere among the first six, he would have achieved the ambition of his dreams. It was a 'youngster' of 19 who said that; a young man who, for his age, had the best measurements possible and had no need to fear any opponent of his age group in the world. Oscar Heidenstam, the organizer of the Mr. Universe contest, said later of Arnold that it was refreshing to see how little the young man realized how good he actually was. Oscar Heidenstam also mentioned that he had never seen a better built 19 year old-and Mr. Heidenstam has been organizing these international competitions for many years and has seen all the great figures in the iron game. This opinion carries great weight. Arnold Schwarzenegger, it can be said without exaggeration, was the sensation of the Mr. Universe contest of 1966. To be sure, he had to yield first place to the experienced and tremendously defined Chester Yorton, but he didn't consider that a defeat, for his second place was a triumphant success.
His measurements
Bodyweight 235 (formerly 154); Height 6'1"; Neck 18; Chest 55 (formerly 41¼); Waist 31; Upper arm 20½ (formerly 13); Thigh 26¼ (formerly 21); Calf 17¾. (measurements taken before training, cold.)
His best lifts:
Full squats 430
Bench press 410
Curl 285
Deadlift 605
Three Olympic Lifts total 805
Press 265
Snatch 242
Clean and Jerk 300