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Do you have trouble locking out the barbell behind your head during the
#splitjerk? If so, take a step back with a stick or barbell and master the
#China the push press is used to identify problems for the jerk as well as test your ability to transfer vertical force. Now you can use the following points to practice maximizing your vertical force at home:
When you rack the barbell, place it on the groove of deltoids and clavicle, lower your elbows, and push your chest out. This creates a wide base for you to press from and make it easier to hold the barbell with a full grip. Do not change this position during the jerk dip otherwise you will change the barbell's path.
Dip until your knees align with the end of your foot. This will help keep your balance over the ankle bone and dip in a straight line which will maximize your vertical force. If you pass this point, then you will often shift your balance forward and increase the distance you need to lockout the barbell.
This is the hardest part: extend through the ball of the foot and pull your heels down aggressively. This will keep you in the same location which shortens the distance from shoulders to overhead and maximizes your vertical force. Even professionals need to be reminded of this!
Push the base of your thumb towards the ceiling during the lockout. This will help keep the barbell aligned with the arm, torso, and ankle bone during the catch which provides stability and support overhead. You can also use wrist wraps to increase your overhead support.