Liika fruktoosi ei ole hyväksi. Kannattaakin suosia kaikkia hedelmiä, joissa on vähän fruktoosia ja enemmän muita sokereita. Usein hedelmät jotka ovat isoja kooltaan(joissa on paljon hedelmälihaa) sisältävät ehkä turhankin paljon sokeria jatkuvaan käyttöön. Suurissa määrissä fruktoosi myös lihottaa enemmän kuin esim. dextroosi joka on pelkkää glukoosia. Bodareille liika fruktoosi on huonoa etenkin, koska fruktoosi estää insuliinia toimimasta hyvin, "insulin insensitivity". Tässä pieni setti fruktoosista:
"Most modern fruits and vegetables have been bred to have much higher sugar content than the wild plants they are descended from."
"If you are wondering why most fruits can be so low GI and still cause so much damage is because fructose leaves the liver as fat and fat does not raise insulin levels. BUT we are supposed to use insulin, it’s a critical hormone, the body has mechanism, especially on the liver, to detect insulin activity and register how to metabolize sugar. When we eat carbohydrates, insulin spikes and the liver knows exactly how to regulate sugar metabolism. But when you eat fructose, you fool the liver, because fructose does not spike insulin."
"Every cell in your body, including your brain, utilizes glucose. Therefore, much of it is "burned up" immediately after you consume it. BUT After eating fructose, 100 percent of the metabolic burden rests on your liver - only your liver can break it down. This is much different than consuming glucose, in which your liver has to break down only 20 percent, and the remaining 80 percent is immediately metabolized / burnt for energy.
The liver can hold only about 100 grams of glycogen (the muscles, depending on how muscular you are, may store between 200-400 grams.). Meaning your liver glycogen stores are always almost full, especially if you are inactive.
Once liver has utilized the fructose (or once liver glycogen-reserves are full), and the insulin does not spike, there is accumulation of byproducts of sugar metabolism in the liver to the point that it causes insulin resistance in the liver itself. Liver starts to put out byproducts, the body shifts into state of insulin resistance, and the worst of it, these byproducts, desperately the body starts to convert them into triglycerides which are then shot back to the blood. So now the triglycerides get stored as body fat, you get insulin resistant, high lipids and hypertension. The coalition between fructose, heart disease, diabetes and obesity is clear and proven.
Because fructose gets converted FAR more easily into body fat than any other kind of sugar, we suggest that fruits are limited and even eliminated if on an aggressive fat loss diet. So if you are serious about losing weight, you have got to strictly limit the amount of fructose in your diet. Muscles reject fructose as an energy substrate and the liver has a limited capacity to utilize it; excess fructose is converted into triglycerides and body fat."
Ehkä hieman liioteltua settiä. Mutta ei kannata ainakaan syödä kilokaupalla omenoita, ostaa fruktoosilla makeutettuja limuja ym. tai makeuttaa agave-siirapilla ym. fruktoosituotteilla