Glutamiini aerobisen yhteydessä palautumisen näkökulmasta:
"No effect of glutamine in promotion of anabolism post-exercise
In this study, researchers examined the effects of two different post-exercise drinks. Drink one was a carbohydrate and amino acid drink. Drink two was the same drink with a big dose of added glutamine (0.3g/kg). Muscle glycogen resynthesis and protein metabolism was measured after 90 minutes of endurance exercise.
-During recovery, glycogen resynthesis was no different between the drinks.
-During recovery, protein synthesis was no different between the drinks.
The researchers concluded that no additional glutamine is necessary for improving protein synthesis or glycogen resynthesis in endurance athletes. However, other potential markers of recovery (immune function, markers of muscle damage) were not, however, measured."
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Glutamiini mm. immuunijärjestelmän kannalta:
"Glutamine has gained popularity as an ergogenic supplement for its anti-proteolytic effect (reduces protein breakdown) by offsetting the catabolic effects of hormones and providing fuel to the other tissues that use it (brain, liver, kidney, and gut), thereby sparing muscle protein. With exercise glutamine may act as an acid buffer with increasing lactate concentrations, a muscle cell volumizer, and a glucose regulator, improving insulin sensitivity. These reasons may be enough to encourage supplementation in those who want to gain lean mass, such as athletes or those with muscle atrophy. Glutamine also serves as fuel for immune cells, which is beneficial for those who chronically overtrain (or regularly use glucocorticoids for medicinal purposes) and are therefore immunosuppressed."
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Glutamiini protskudrinksuissa:
"Should I add glutamine and BCAAs to my protein drinks?
The Study: Subjects were weight trained for 10 weeks and ingested 2.1 g of protein/kg/day (That's about 190 grams per day for a 200 lb man). Group one took 40 grams of supplemental whey protein per day. Group two took 40 grams of whey, 5 grams of glutamine, and 3 grams of BCAA's.
The Results: Group two showed increases in bodyweight (2.6 lb), increases in strength, and decreases in post exercise lactic acid build up (a measure of exercise recovery) vs. group one. There was no difference in fat mass between the two groups."
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