Tänne sopii nyt laittaa Charles Poliquin kirjoitus etukyykystä:
"The front squat is one of your best tools for achieving new levels of athleticism, flexibility, and dynamic mobility. It trains you to produce high levels of force that translates to sports such as bobsledding, alpine skiing, speed skating, and rugby. Mastery of the front squat also helps you train vertical acceleration for Olympic lifts and sports that require jumping like basketball and volleyball.
A couple of new studies show how to get the best performance results from the front squat. First, the front squat requires you to have superior flexibility in the hip, ankle, shoulder, and wrist. If you don’t have the flexibility to perform the front squat, you will never reach your lower body strength potential.
Second, the front squat keeps you technically honest because if you cheat by shooting the hips back during the upward motion, you may drop the bar. The front squat also places less compressive force on the knee than the back squat, while still providing a comparable training stimulus to the muscles.
Third, electromyographic readings show that the front squat works the quadriceps, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae better than the back squat. This makes it an excellent exercise for the quads and trunk that applies to sprint speed and jumping ability for athletes because it allows you to train the body to transfer force through the kinetic chain, as seen in the German study mentioned in #3.
Take away: Get faster and jump higher with proper front squat form. Including front squats in your program provides an incentive for training flexibility, and for novice trainees, it can feel more comfortable than having a heavy bar on the back. It also activates the trunk musculature when heavy loads are used."
Poimittu täältä:
Ja tosiaan bodauksessa sillä nyt ei ole oikeastaan väliä teetkö takakyykkyä, etukyykkyä, hack-kyykkyä, prässiä, smith-kyykkyä jne. Kunhan ne reidet vaan kasvavat isoiksi. Tietenkin joillain liikkeillä voidaan saavuttaa etuja toisiin liikkeisiin nähden, kuten enemmän lihaksia työskentelee --> ei tarvitse välttämättä kuluttaa aikaa hinkkaamalla vatsoja tai gluteja erikseen treeneissä. Mutta periaatteessa ei mitään väliä.