Ville1Suuri sanoi:
Jos Uncle Samia kiinnostaa, annan linkin foorumiin, jossa on useampi sata sivua asiasta + linkit. Eli koluttu kaikki mahdollinen., haluatko, että annan tarkemman linkin?
EDIT: ajattelin, että ehkä pakkislaisia ei kiinnosta tuo foorumi, on meinaan tosi raskasta "tiedemiestä" suurin osa. Ja nussivat joka pilkkua.
En todellakaan jaksa alkaa kahlaamaan näitä salaliittothreadeja läpi, toistavat itseään. Jos sulla on suora linkki missä puhutaan Washington DC:n, Valkoisen talon, Arlingtonin ja/tai Pentagonin ilmapuolustuksesta niin laita tänne toki. Ja nimenomaan niistä maasta-ilmaan-ohjuksista on nyt kyse.
Joku John Judge niminen tyyppi toistelee netissä tämän tyylisiä väitteitä Pentagonin ilmapuolustuksesta. Ilman mitään linkkejä, kuvia tms. vaan väittää isänsä joskus sanoneen, että sellaisia on olemassa.
"In addition to that, my parents used to take me to lunch during the day in the center area of the Pentagon in the courtyard in the middle. And I remember asking my father when I was young what certain things were there. And there were surface-to-air missile batteries in that area that defend the building. It's also the case after the Piper Cub that flew into the Whitehouse hit that a surface-to-air missile battery was built on the Whitehouse lawn in order to protect that building."
Tämä riittää hänelle, ja näin ollen toistelee sitä joka puolella:
"Virtually no defense of any kind was made inside the most restricted air space in the US, the P-56 area around DC and the Pentagon despite the presence of combat ready aircraft at local bases. Nor were other defense measures, including surface-to-air missiles at the White House and Pentagon deployed. There was a stand-down on 9/11."
"I'm John Judge. I'm a resident of Washington, DC. I've been an independent investigator and researcher for many years. I'm one of the cofounders of the National Coalition on Political Assassinations which is a network of independent researchers and investigators into the John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King assassination." Jep. Luotettavan oloinen kaveri, varmasti objektiivinen asiassa.
"Surface-to-air missiles at the White House and Pentagon remained sheathed in their silos." "The Pentagon has had surface-to-air missile ports in the inner courtyard area since the 1950s."
Ai että oikein maanalaisista siiloista ammutaan nykyään ilmatorjuntaohjuksia? :D Patriot on ehkä ainoa niin iso jenkkien it-ohjus, että sille jonkinmoista siiloa voisi ajatella olevan. Silti, sehän pitäisi saada laukaistua sitä konetta kohti, ei pelkästään ilmaan. Ei se mikään mannertenvälinen ohjus ole.
Okei. Uskotaan nytten John Judgea ja ajatellaan, että siellä Pentagonissa nyt oikeasti olisi tuollainen Patriot IT-patteri vartiossa. Kun ajatellaan koko sitä sekaannusta mikä kyseisenä aamuna vallitsi, onko todennäköistä, että joku taho olisi suostunut pudottamaan matkustajakoneen, varsinkin kun lukuisia virheelliseksi osoittautuneita kaappausilmoituksia alkoi tulemaan heti kello 9. jälkeen? Jos ylipäätään olisivat joskus saaneet ilmoituksen siitä koneesta lähestymästä Pentagonia, koska lennonjohto oli hukannut sen tutkaruudultaan...
Tässä koko protokolla yhden Patriot-ohjuksen laukaisemiseksi:
Following is the process a PAC-2 firing battery uses to engage a single target (an aircraft) with a single missile:
1. A hostile aircraft is detected by the AN/MPQ-53 Radar. The radar examines the track's size, speed, altitude, and heading, and decides whether or not it is a legitimate track or "clutter" created by RF interference.
2. If the track is classified by the radar as an aircraft, in the AN/MSQ-104 Engagement Control Station, an unidentified track appears on the screen of the Patriot operators. The operators examine the speed, altitude and heading of the track. Additionally, the IFF subsystem "pings" the track to determine if it has any IFF response.
3. Based on many factors, including the track's speed, altitude, heading, IFF response, or its presence in "safe passage corridors" or "missile engagement zones", the ECS operator, the TCO (tactical control officer), makes an ID recommendation to the ICC operator, the TD (tactical director).
4. The TD examines the track and decides to certify that it is hostile. Typically, the engagement authority for Patriot units rests with the Regional or Sector Air Defense Commander (RADC/SADC), who will be located either on a US Navy guided missile cruiser or on a USAF AWACS aircraft. A Patriot operator (called the "ADAFCO" or Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Officer) is colocated with the RADC/SADC to facilitate communication to the Patriot battalions.
5. The TD contacts the ADAFCO and correlates the track, ensuring that it is not a friendly aircraft.
6. The ADAFCO obtains the engagement command from RADC/SADC, and delegates the engagement back down to the Patriot battalion.
7. Once the engagement command is received, the TD selets a firing battery to take the shot and orders them to engage.
8. The TCO instructs the TCA to engage the track. The TCA brings the system's launchers from "standby" into "operate".
9. The TCA presses the "engage" switch indicator. This sends a signal to the selected launcher and fires a missile selected automatically by the system.
10. The AN/MPQ-53 Radar, which has been continuously tracking the hostile aircraft, "acquires" the just-fired missile and begins feeding it interception data. The Radar also "illuminates" the target for the missile's semi-active radar seeker.
11. The monopulse receiver in the missile's nose receives the reflection of illumination energy from the target. The track via missile uplink sends this data through an antenna in the missile's tail back to the AN/MPQ-53 set. In the ECS, computers calculate the maneuvers that the missile should perform in order to maintain a trajectory to the target and the TVM uplink sends these to the missile.
12. Once in the vicinty of the target, the missile detonates its proximity fused warhead."
Tässä lisäksi kuva tuosta Pentagonista. Salaliittoteoreetikoiden mukaan tuolla sisäpihalla olisivat nämä ilmatorjuntaohjuksien siilot.
En oikein jaksa uskoa, että jokin noista puskista hyppäisi sivuun, ja alta paljastuisi ohjussiiloja?
"The Pentagon has had surface-to-air missile ports in the inner courtyard area since the 1950s."