Carnivore piirit pelkää fytiinihappoa niin kamalasti niin vaikka pääasiallisesti suositustenkin mukaan pohjana on vilja ja kasvikunnan tuotteet niin silti:
''Lisäksi suomalaiset saavat fytiinihappoa päivittäin niin vähän, ettei sillä ole juurikaan merkitystä.''
Fytiinihappo on myös antioksidantti, joka voi auttaa suojaamaan elimistöä esimerkiksi syövältä, sydän- ja verisuonitadeilta ja munuaiskiviltä.
Fytiinihappo saattaa jopa selittää, miksi täysviljan on havaittu alentavan suolistosyöpien riskiä.
Foods higher in phytic acid seem to enhance the activity of natural killer cells and inhibit tumor growth.
Those who consume more phytic acid are less likely to succumb to breast and prostate cancer. Exposing the colon to less iron seems to decrease the risk of colon cancer. And phytic acid might reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
Insulin resistance
Phytic acid plays a role in pancreatic function and insulin secretion. And it may reduce the glycemic response from meals, meaning you feel full for longer. (tää lienee
@Dona nkin mielestä hyvä? vai?
Is phytic acid worth worrying about? Maybe not, for most of us.
One study showed that subjects consuming a Mediterranean-style diet that included 1000-2000 mg of phytic acid per day did not suffer from reduced mineral bioavailability.
At the same time, certain people might have to be more wary.
In particular, iron intake and absorption can be critical for infants nearing six months of age. So when plants are added to infants’ diets, it may be important to adopt strategies to reduce phytic acid and enhance iron absorption.
Eli vauvojen kannattaa olla varovaisia( tai no, onko 6kk enää vauva, mene ja tiedä)
Luckily, it’s possible to overcome the anti-nutrient effects of phytic acid in our foods while still getting the benefits of a plant-rich diet. Here are a few strategies that my be more or less helpful depending on the specific situation:
Heating foods can destroy small amounts of phytic acid. (Note: heat can also destroy phytase and vitamin C.)
Pelottava prosessointikin hyväks fytiinihappo pelkoon:
Milling grains and removing the bran decreases phytic acid. Unfortunately, milling also tends to remove many of the minerals! Removing the bran and then enriching a food with minerals might allow for enhanced nutrient absorption in the body.
Summary and recommendations
In healthy people eating balanced diets, phytic acid’s effects on iron, zinc, and manganese status is minimal and it doesn’t seem to cause nutrient deficiencies.
To argue that some plant foods are “unhealthy” because of their phytic acid content seems mistaken, especially when phytic acid’s potential negative effects on mineral assimilation may be offset by its health benefits.
So we should aim to reduce phytic acid rather than eliminate it.
Phytic acid – the storage form of phosphorus – is often considered an anti-nutrient because it binds minerals in the digestive tract, making them less available to our bodies. Yet these same anti-nutrient properties can also help in the prevention of chronic disease.
Huikean kamalaa ainetta. VOI vähentää jonkun vitamiinin hivenaineen imeytymistä, kuten tekee moni muukin. Esim. Kahvi pienesti kalsiumia, mutta ei merkittävästi. Liikuntakin lisää tarvettä, lopetetaanko liikunta?
Eli fytiinihappo väite ei ole hyvä argumentti välttää kasvikunnantuotteita. Voi mahdollisesti olla muutamassakin syövässä hyväks, ja estää.
Joten lopettakaa nyt hyvän sään aikana tuosta höpöttäminen.