Näethän sinä miten asia on Suomessa nyt Natoon liittyessä. Ei tämä ole Naton laajenemista yms. vaan Suomi liittyy puolustusliittoon. Vai miten sinä tämän Suomen Natoon liittymisen näet?
Miten näet Kiinan ja Taiwanin konfliktin ja Kiinan toimet etelä-kiinan merellä? Kumpikaan ei ole taloudellista. Venäjä myös pyrkii laajenemaan aseellisesti kuten Ukrainassa nähtiin ja ollaan nähty myös Georgiassa, Moldovassa yms.
Ja kuka sieltä taustalta lähes aina löytyy, jos toisena osapuolena on Kiina tai Venäjä, USA tietysti, jos se ei ole aloittanut-luonut koko konfliktia, niin ainakin se yrittää pahentaa sitä/niitä lähes kaikin mahdollisin tavoin. Sijais-sota USA:lle tietysti aina se paras vaihtoehto. Esimerkin vuoksi mainitsemasi Taiwan:
"In the case of China, defined in the NDS as the principal threat to the US, the proxy of choice is clearly Taiwan. The strategy envisages:
• a world-wide media campaign (going on for several years already) to portray China as the aggressor;
• goading China into taking military action to prevent Taiwan’s secession;
• leaving Taiwan to conduct its own defence, with constant resupply of arms and equipment from the US, at great profit to the military/industrial complex;
• sustaining Taiwan sufficiently to keep China ‘bogged down’, thus hampering its economic development and its infrastructure cooperation with other countries;
avoiding direct military engagement, in order to maintain the full capacity of US forces, while China’s would be significantly depleted; Although Biden has publicly re-affirmed adherence to the ‘One China’ principle, the US has been goading China by;
• stationing the bulk its naval power off the coast of China;
• ‘freedom of navigation’ and combat exercises in the South China Sea and Taiwan Straits;
• visits by senior US officials using US military aircraft;
• creation of a putative ‘Air Defence Identification Zone’ (ADIZ) extending well over mainland territory and then alleging Chinese violation of it;
secretly providing military training personnel (whilst denying it);
• including Taiwan in the Summit for Democracy (9-10 December 2021), implying it is a separate country;
Many Australian politicians, (although not the present government), joined in goading China, by encouraging Taiwan to consider the possibility of declaring independence, which would trigger military action by China.
If Australia were to make good on its promise to ‘save Taiwan’, it would be devastated:
• The Australian navy would be obliterated, given the disparity between China’s and Australia’s forces;
* command/control centres (and possibly cities) in Australia could be wiped out by Chinese missiles. Australia has no anti-missile defence;
• To preserve its own assets, and to forestall the descent into nuclear conflict, the US would not
directly in defence of Australia;
• US ‘support’ would be through massive arms sales to replace our losses – just as in Ukraine – at further profit to the US military/industrial complex;"
Kuitenkin samaan aikaan Biden (valheellisesti) julistaa: "Biden has publicly re-affirmed adherence to the ‘One China’ principle,"